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NBC 2007 Customer Survey
The Results Are In

The NBC contracted with an independent marketing research firm to conduct an enterprise-wide customer satisfaction survey of customers nationwide.   The results provided assessments on the level of satisfaction of NBC customers and overall quality of service provided, as well as opportunities for improvements.

Customer Satisfaction & Quality of Service is High

As illustrated below, 85% of survey respondents reported that overall, they were “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with the level of service provided by the NBC.

NBC Overall Customer Satisfaction

NBC Overall Customer Satisfaction

84% of respondents rated NBC’s overall quality of service as good or very good.

Overall Quality of Service

Overall Quality of Service

“Overall the results of the survey are positive and exceeded industry averages.  As with any business, customers also indicated areas where we could improve our performance. We will use this feedback to focus on improvement throughout the NBC, “said Dawn McGowan, NBC, Deputy Program Manager Outreach and Business Initiatives. 

NBC is currently completing in-depth analysis of the responses and results of the survey.  Next steps will include:

  • Developing appropriate action plans to address customer expectations brought out in the survey findings;
  • Allocating appropriate resources where possible and prudent based on customer priorities; and,
  • Providing clear and frequent internal and external communication of what is being done and there results.

Action plans will be developed with full involvement of management and employees at all levels, and will include detailed deadlines and benchmarks for customer satisfaction.

 Thank you to all of our customers who responded to the 2006 NBC Customer Service Survey.  Your participation and valuable feedback is appreciated and will be used to enhance the quality of service provided by the NBC.  For additional information regarding the survey, contact Dawn McGowan at 202-208-7247 or dawn_mcgowan@nbc.gov.

U.S. Department of the Interior
National Business Center
Last Updated on 03/22/07