Wildlife & Sport Fish Restoration Program
Alaska Region   


Grants Available

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number
FWS Contact
To support the Alaska Department of Fish and Game in increasing public understanding of the nation’s water resources and associated aquatic life forms.
Alan Havens
To support the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to construct, renovate or maintain tie-up facilities for transient, nontrailerable
recreational boats.
Alan Havens
To support the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to construct and/or renovate sewage pumpout and dump stations for recreational boats and to develop education programs.
Alan Havens
To support State of Alaska to plan, protect and restore coastal wetlands. Cliff Schleusner
Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund
(Endangered Species Act, Section 6 Grants)
Conserve endangered, threatened, proposed and candidate species, including land acquisition for listed species. Support development of and land acquisition for Habitat Conservation Plans Judy Jacobs
To support the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to educate hunters and archers in the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to be a responsible hunter or archer, including projects that develop shooting ranges.
Cliff Schleusner
To enhance existing the Alaska Department of Fish and Game hunter education programs.
Cliff Schleusner
To support sport fish and wildlife restoration projects identified by the International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.
John Stremple
To support the Alaska Department of Fish and Game restoration and management of sport fish populations to preserve and improve sport fishing. To construct and maintain, fishing, boating access and facilities.
Alan Havens
To support the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to develop and implement projects that benefit wildlife and their habitats, including species not hunted.  Priority is placed on projects that benefit species of greatest conservation concern. 
Judy Jacobs
To support the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to develop and implement projects that benefit fish and their habitats, including species not fished.  Priority is placed on projects that benefit species of greatest conservation concern.
Steve Klein
Tribal Wildlife Grants Program To develop and implement prorams for the benefit of wildlife and their habitat, including species that are not hunted or fished. Judy Jacobs
Wildlife Restoration (Federal Aid) To support the Alaska Department of Fish and Game in restoration and management of wildlife populations and provide public use opportunities. Cliff Schleusner
Other Links:

Current Grants and Accomplishments
Grants Guidance and Application Forms
Other FWS Grants


Last updated: April 27, 2009
Wildlife & Sport Fish Restoration Program
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