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DOI University

» » » http://www.doiu.nbc.gov/ « « «

DOI UniversityThrough the Department of the Interior University (DOIU), the National Business Center offers educational and training services, many prepaid for Interior employees, but some on a fee-for-service basis. On a fee-for-service basis, DOIU will provide these services to other Federal agencies.DOIU is headquartered in Washington, D.C. and provides customer services through its functional units:the Leadership and PerformanceDivision, the Online Learning Division, and the Cultural Resources and Events Division.

Leadership and Performance Division

The Leadership and Performance Division is tasked with developing the Department's leaders for today and tomorrow. This challenge is met through several ongoing programs that are run in partnership with the Office of the Secretary, Office of Human Resources: the Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program (SESCDP), the Advanced Leadership Program (ALP), the Presidential Management Fellows Program (PMF), and the Office of the Secretary Management Intern Program. In addition to these programs, the Leadership and Performance Division also provides the Governmentwide Acquisition Management Intern Program and the Financial Management Career Intern Program. These programs provide participants with intensive training, developmental challenges, and experiential learning opportunities to develop both their technical and their leadership competencies.

The Division’s Leadership and Performance Centers form the foundation for nationwide delivery of instructor-led training courses. The Centers are strategically located in Anchorage, Alaska; Denver, Colorado; Albuquerque, New Mexico; and Washington, DC. These cities represent large populations of Department of the Interior employees.

Our training and education programs are competency-based and align with the Department’s Strategic Human Capital Plan and the Agency’s mission and strategic goals. We strive to embrace the diversity of our employees across the country by designing and delivering specialized courses to meet their individual needs. Each Center offers customer-driven products and services linking learning and performance to support the unique and diverse missions of our customers. In addition to instructor-led training, we are expanding our use of technology supported learning to reach a wider audience of DOI employees.

The Learning and Performance Centers now offer an innovative and more strategic approach to determine organizational and employee development needs. As performance consultants, we help managers determine the business needs, performance needs, and the capabilities required for specific jobs. We can, then, recommend a training program, or in some cases, a different type of performance solution or intervention. Special learning events can be designed to meet a single or recurring need. For example, our Anchorage Learning and Performance Center designs and presents award winning seminars on the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation ACT (ANILCA) and Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) that have helped DOI and other federal land managers understand the new Alaska Federal land use legislation. We also offer Workforce Planning courses for managers and supervisors who are responsible for developing workforce plans in their organizations.

The DOIU Leadership and Performance Centers are introducing academic and nonacademic certificate programs to enhance employee performance. Professors from our partnering colleges and universities will conduct for credit courses on site or, in some instances, on-line. We offer the Executive Assistant Certificate Program, a nonacademic certificate program that awards continuing education units, twice a year in different locations. Please don’t hesitate to contact any of our Leadership and Performance Center staff with questions or comments. Our goal is to remain on the forefront of innovative and customer-focused learning solutions.

For more information, contact Lynn_A_McPheeters@nbc.gov

DOIU Online Learning Division

DOI University's Online Learning Team provides a variety of online learning solutions, primarily for use by Department of the Interior employees and managers. We welcome suggestions for providing additional online learning services or for enhancing our existing online resources. Our services include, but are not limited to:

  • Customized Online Course Development: DOIU will convert existing classroom courses or create new courses for online delivery, helping to replace or enhance more expensive traditional classroom training with cost-effective online training solutions. Depending on the circumstances, online training can be more effective in meeting just-in-time training needs while reducing costs. (Available Governmentwide.)
  • Online Course Libraries: DOIU provides over 1,700 courses from NETg, Karta Technologies and SkillSoft, covering computer skills, such as word processing, computer programming, web site development, LAN management, Information Technology Security, and other computer technologies, as well as general skills, such as communications, interviewing, preventing sexual harassment, diversity, team skills, managing work and employees, and many other topics relevant to improving the way we work together. Courses are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week from any location with Internet access. Certificates are available online for successfully completed courses. See http://www.doiu.nbc.gov for more information and to sign up for online licenses. (Available to Interior employees only.)
  • Surveys: DOIU will assist you in designing and developing survey and assessment tools for your use in gathering information from your employees or customers. (Available Governmentwide.)

For more information, contact Robert_J_Veltkamp@nbc.gov

Cultural Resources and Events Division

The Cultural Resources and Events (CRE) Division combines Department of Interior (DOI) mandated programs with book forums that are designed for both DOI specific, government-wide, and general audiences. CRE's goal is to expose the Federal community and the general public to ideas, cultural programs, and strategies that enrich their work and personal lives. The division consists of four program areas:

  • Book Forums: A series of training programs for Interior and Federal government-wide audiences that explore work and home life issues for employees and policy issues for senior managers.
    • Career, Balance, and Diversity Forums (Washington, DC). An annual series of forums for government employees of all levels that is designed to provide strategies and skills to balance career, family, and work life. Participation is by agency subscription.
    • Career, Quality of Life, and Leadership Forums (Denver, CO). An annual series of forums for government employees of all levels that is designed to provide strategies and skills to balance career, family, and work life. Participation is by agency subscription.
    • DOI Executive Forums. An annual series for DOI Senior Executives as well as Interior employees at the GS 14 and 15 level.
    • Senior Executive Service Forums. An annual series of forums that facilitates dialogue between experts and senior executives from across the Federal government. Participation is by agency subscription.
  • Educational Partnerships: A DOI mandated program that provides students the opportunity to explore the work and mission of the Department through interaction with employees and bureaus.
  • Interior Library: A DOI mandated program that provides the full range of professional library and information services to support the goals, policies, programs, and mandated responsibilities of the Department of the Interior.
  • Interior Museum: A DOI mandated program that provides stewardship of the collections of the Office of the Secretary and provides educational services to the general public and DOI staff.

While mandated programs (i.e., Educational Partnerships, Library, and Museum) have broader missions than employee recruitment, retention, and development, all of CRE’s programs support NBC’s strategic goal of developing and sustaining a world class organization by:

  • investing in human capital through programs and resources that educate the public on the work of the Federal government,
  • developing employee understanding of how his/her work relates to Departmental and Federal goals, and
  • providing the research and information resources required to successfully conduct the business of the Federal government.

For more information, contact David_D_McKinney@nbc.gov

U.S. Department of the Interior
National Business Center
Last Updated on 03/27/07