2006  | 2005  | 2004  | 2003  | 2002  | 2001  | 2000  | 1999  | 1998  | 1997

Conferences, Meetings, and Workshops (2000)

Advance Conference Notices of 2001
AMS Conferences, Meetings and Symposia
ICES Symposia 1995-2002

Beringia Days

October 11 - 12, 2000
Anchorage, Alaska

This conference will address a range of scientific and social aspects of the Russian and Alaskan landscape in the Beringia region. It will be held at the ANCHORAGE MUSEUM OF HISTORY & ART, 121 WEST 7TH AVENUE.
Read a tentative agenda.

Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council: 2001 Workshop has been Rescheduled

Please NOTE: 2001 workshop has been moved to an earlier time, therefore falling into THIS YEAR (2000).

October 10 - 12, 2000
Anchorage, Alaska

The workshop will focus on developing the review draft of the monitoring and research plan for the Gulf Ecosystem Monitoring (GEM) program. It will consist of short plenary sessions and work groups.

Eastern Pacific Ocean Conference 2000 (EPOC 2000)

Deadline for abstract and lodging reservation is July 27, 2000

September 27 - 30, 2000
Dunsmuir Lodge, Vancouver Island, Canada

This year's conference will feature four oral sessions and one poster session. The poster session will be an important part of the meeting and will occur on the evening of Thursday, September 27, 2000. The annual EPOC business meeting will be held on Saturday September 30

ASLO Aquatic Science Mtg -- Call for Papers

July 19, 2000
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA -

"Making Connections in the 21st Century" is the theme for next year's ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2001 at the Albuquerque Convention Center, February 12-16. The meeting is designed to forge connections among scientific disciplines and among scientists. It is structured to facilitate both professional and personal connections. The ASLO scientific program focuses explicitly on connections among environments, disciplines, scales, and between science and society. One of four planned plenary lectures will be held Monday through Thursday mornings and will be followed by a lengthy coffee break offering a prime chance to make connections.

Abstracts for technical papers are due October 1, 2000. For more information or to register and submit an abstract, go to http://aslo.org/albuquerque2001/. Abstracts of papers presented as part of the ASLO 2001 Aquatic Sciences scientific program will be archived on the ASLO web site following the meeting.

The environmental conditions and the prospects of a sustainable development of the northern pacific area at the turn of the millennium

March 21 - 24, 2000
Magadan, Russia:

Hosted by the North East Interdisciplinary Science Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Far East Branch, Magadan.

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[Last updated: 2007-07-03]