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Industry and Economic Analysis
          Industry and Trade Summaries

How are international trade issues affecting a specific U.S. industry?

Focused on only one industry, commodity, or service sector, each Industry and Trade Summary details the U.S. and foreign suppliers, customs treatment, production, and markets for a specific product or service, as well as its competitiveness in the U.S. and global markets. The Office of Industries produces and distributes Summaries on a periodic basis.

The reports provide a snapshot of the industry at the time the report is prepared; these are one-time reports and are not updated.

Below are all recent Summaries, available for the public:

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Sub-Saharan Africa: Effects of Infrastructure Conditions on Export Competitiveness, Third Annual Report
Pub. 4071; April 2009

Advice Concerning Possible Modifications to the U.S. Generalized System of Preferences, 2008 Review of Competitive Need Limit Waivers
Pub. 4074; April 2009

Property and Casualty Insurance Services: Competitive Conditions in Foreign Markets
Pub. 4068; March 2009

Advice Concerning Possible Modifications to the U.S. Generalized System of Preferences, 2008 Review of Additions and Removals
Pub. 4057; January 2009

Archive 2008
Archive 2007
Archive 2006
Archive 2005
Archive 2004
United States International Trade Commission
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Telephone: 202-205-2000
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