Invasive Species
Alaska Region   



Invading species do not recognize political boundaries and often spread very rapidly across jurisdictional lines. This means that responsive partnerships are the only realistic hope for progress. State agencies and citizen organizations are among our most important and effective partners. The links below will take you to the websites of some of our leading partners.

Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game
Invasive Species in Alaska

Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council
Citizens promoting environmentally safe operation of the Alyeska terminal and associated tankers.

Cook Inlet Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council
Citizens promoting environmentally safe marine transportation and oil facility operations in Cook Inlet.

Alaska Invasive Species Working Group
A new partnership whose mission is to minimize the impacts of invasive species in Alaska (all taxa -- from fungus to foxes) by facilitating collaboration, cooperation and communication among AISWG members and the people of Alaska.

Alaska Committee for Noxious and Invasive Plant Management
Its’ goal is to heighten the awareness of the problems associated with non-native invasive plants and to bring about greater statewide coordination, cooperation and action to halt the introduction and spread of undesirable plants.

Last updated: July 1, 2008
Invasive Species
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