Fax & Email Guidelines

Whenever possible, FVAP recommends that you reach voters directly by fax or email:

General instructions when faxing or emailing directly to a voter:

  • Include all appropriate absentee balloting materials (e.g. affirmation/signature form, voted ballot return instructions, etc.).
  • Include contact information for your office: email address, phone/fax numbers and mailing address.

Additional Fax Instructions:

  • Provide the voter a return fax transmittal sheet.

Additional Email Instructions:

  • Ensure that the file name of the attached ballot does not contain any spaces or special characters except hyphen (-) and underscore (_).
  • Note: The most commonly available file format for email attachments is Portable Document Format (PDF).

Or, you may use the Electronic Transmission Service

Our Electronic Transmission Service (ETS) enables local election officials to transmit and receive election materials via toll-free fax to/from Uniformed Services members and overseas citizens. ETS also provides a fax to email conversion when the voter has only has email.

ETS Transmittal Sheet

Use the ETS transmittal sheet as a cover sheet when faxing or emailing election materials.

ETS Instruction Manual

A complete ETS Instruction Manual for Local Election Officials is available in Acrobat and Rich Text Format. The manual has been updated as of January 15, 2009.

Last updated: 01.15.09