Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Alaska Region   

Icon of Blue Goose Compass. 
      Click compass to view Refuge map.

Biological Reports

Information gathered in the 1980s from biological, seismic and geological studies of the Arctic Refuge coastal plain was used to produce the Coastal Plain Resource Assessment and Legislative Environmental Impact Statement (LEIS), which described potential impacts of oil and gas development. This LEIS was submitted to Congress in 1987. (This file is in PDF format (27 meg file). (PDF information.)

Follow-up studies continue to assess the potential impacts of development on the Refuge coastal plain. The Fish and Wildlife Service cooperated with the U.S. Geological Survey to produce an update of such research titled "Arctic Refuge Coastal Plain Terrestrial Wildlife Research Summaries" in 2002. (There are no links from the USGS pages back to this web site. Use your browser's BACK button to return to the Arctic Refuge, or set a bookmark for the Refuge before you leave.)

Partial bibliography of scientific research conducted on the Refuge by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologists and others.

September 12, 2008