Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Alaska Region   

Icon of Blue Goose Compass. 
      Click compass to view Refuge map.

A print version of this information, displayed on a map, is avaialble in PDF format (1.3 meg file). (PDF information.)

Which Arctic Refuge birds travel to or through your area?

Each summer, birds use the Arctic Refuge to nest, raise young, feed, or rest. They then migrate to destinations in the States and beyond. This list shows some birds that may visit your area.

Alabama - Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Arizona - Fox Sparrow
California - Snow Goose
Connecticut - Greater Scaup
Florida - Peregrine Falcon
Hawaii - Wandering Tattler
Illinois - Northern Flicker
Iowa - Sharp-shinned Hawk
Kentucky - Merlin
Maine - Least Sandpiper
Massachusetts - Golden Plover
Minnesota - Red-throated Loon
Missouri - American Pipit
Nebraska - Wilson's Warbler
New Hampshire - Dunlin
New Mexico - Sandhill Crane
North Carolina - Semipalmated Plover
Ohio - American Tree Sparrow
Oregon - Brant
Rhode Island - Horned Grebe
South Dakota - Northern Shrike
Texas - White-fronted Goose
Vermont - Snow Bunting
Washington - Varied Thrush
Wisconsin - Snipe
Alaska - Redpoll
Arkansas - Mallard
Colorado - Bohemian Waxwing
Delaware - Black-bellied Plover
Georgia - Gray-checked Thrush
Idaho - Short-eared Owl
Indiana - Dark-eyed Junco
Kansas - Smith's Longspur
Louisiana - Long-billed Dowitcher
Maryland - Tundra Swan
Michigan - Long-tail Duck
Mississippi - Norther Waterthrush
Montana - Golden Eagle
Nevada - Green-winged Teal
New Jersey - Canvasback
New York - Semipalmated Sandpiper
North Dakota - Rough-legged Hawk
Oklahoma - Savanah Sparrow
Pennsylvania - Lapland Longspur
South Carolina - Ruddy Turnstone
Tennessee - Yellow-rumped Warbler
Utah - White-crowned Sparrow
Virginia - Lesser Scaup
West Virginia - Rusty Blackbird
Wyoming - Townsend's Solitaire

September 12, 2008