Make Sure that Your Vote is Counted!

Register to vote and request your ballot early.

If you've moved recently, submit a new Voter Registration/Absentee Ballot Request form with your new mailing address.

Sign and date all election materials as directed.

Fulfill your state's witness/notary requirements (if required).

Make sure that your Registration/Absentee Ballot Request and voted ballots are postmarked.

Return your voted ballot as soon as you receive it.

Use the Back-up Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot if your requested state absentee ballot has not arrived in time to ensure delivery by your state's deadline.

If your state allows you to submit voter registration, ballot requests and/or voted ballots (including the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot) via fax or email, be sure to also sign and mail them.

Still need help? Contact your Unit/Embassy/Organization Voting Assistance Officer for assistance

Last updated: 11.21.2008