About Us

The InterAgency Board Structure

The IAB is organized into four Committees and five SubGroups that are chaired by a First Responder, supported by a Federal Co-Chair, and staffed with subject matter experts in that SubGroup's area of interest. Each SubGroup is responsible for maintaining its subsection of the Standardized Equipment List (SEL). The Federal Agency Coordinating Committee (FACC) is the exception as it is chaired with a Federal Chair and composed of supporting federal government representatives.

The InterAgency Board Leadership Team

The IAB Chair is selected from the ranks of the local and state membership. The Chair administers, organizes, and facilitates the actions of the IAB. The interim IAB Chair is Alan Vickery, Seattle (WA) Fire Department. The interim Deputies are Jay Hagen, Seattle (WA) Fire Department/Department of Homeland Security, Office of Grants and Training, Senior Fellow/Practitioner and David McBath, New York State Police.

IAB Committees

Federal Agency Coordinating Committee (FACC)
The FACC is a coordination committee that provides the interface between the IAB and sponsoring federal government agencies. More...

Standards Coordination Committee (SCC)
The SCC ensures that weapons of mass destruction (WMD) response equipment and technology are integrated in the existing standards boards and regulatory bodies. More...

Science and Technology (S&T) Committee
The S&T Committee is focused on advanced concepts entering development and newly emerging technologies that might be applied to crisis and consequence management. More...

Compatibility and Interoperability Committee (CIC)
The CIC serves as the focal point for the coordination of interoperability and compatibility issues identified by the IAB. The CIC consolidates and prioritizes equipment, standards, training and operational interoperability and compatibility concerns identified by the IAB SubGroups and Committees. More...

IAB SubGroups

Personal Protective and Operational Equipment (PP&OE) SubGroup
The PP&OE SubGroup addresses individual equipment, support systems, and area protection for WMD response. More...

Interoperable Communications and Information System (ICIS) SubGroup
The ICIS SubGroup deals with communications, information management, technical information support, and public awareness issues. More...

Detection and Decontamination (D&D) SubGroup
The D&D SubGroup concentrates on intrusive and nonintrusive detection; monitoring, sampling, and analysis of suspected toxins; and methods to mitigate or dissipate a contamination. More...

Medical SubGroup (MSG)
The MSG SubGroup engages the issues of casualty treatment for victims of a conventional or nonconventional WMD attack and also preventive measures to avert victimization. More...

Training SubGroup (TSG)
The Training SubGroup provides review and input on training doctrine and guidance developed for the first responder community. More...