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Louisiana Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration News
December 2008, Number 39

House by house, road by road, parish by coastal parish
Do CWPPRA Projects Make a Difference?

For more information about Louisiana’s coastal wetlands and the efforts planned and under way to ensure their survival, check out these sites on the World Wide Web:


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WaterMarks is published three times a year by the Louisiana Coastal Wetlands Conservation and Restoration Task Force to communicate news and issues of interest related to the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act of 1990. This legislation funds wetlands restoration and enhancement projects nationwide, designating approximately $60 million annually for work in Louisiana. The state contributes 15 percent of total project costs.


WaterMarks Editor
Stuart Lee

3737 Government Street
Alexandria, LA 71302
(318) 473-7762

About This Issue’s Cover . . .

Early in the construction phase of CWPPRA’s West Lake Boudreaux Shoreline Protection and Marsh Creation project, rock dikes outline an area to be filled with material dredged from the lake bottom. Once stabilized and vegetated behind the protective rock, the marsh will repulse the advance of open water toward the nearby communities of Dulac and Boudreaux.
Photo: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service