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You are here: Methods > Field methods > Field sampling
Capturing (animals)
Collecting individual animals in the field by various methods in order to obtain information about the species or population and its ecology. Capturing methods are adapted to the habits and habitats of the target species and include both live trapping and kill trapping methods.
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The challenges of capturing and tagging manatees along west coastal Florida [New Window]
Description of method of capturing and tagging manatees in western Florida for tracking by satellite telemetry. Presented at a forum on telemetry.
Apoidea -- Bees and Sphecid Wasps [New Window]
Guide to the identification, biology, and ecology of bees and sphecid wasps, mostly in eastern North America.
Avian Influenza: Information and on-going research at the USGS Alaska Science Center [New Window]
Maps and information about potential spread of avian influenza in migratory birds in Alaska. Includes descriptions and photos of the waterfowl that are being monitored.
Bat research in California [New Window]
Brief review of bat research in the San Francisco Bay area and southern California providing land managers with information on the occurrence and status of bat species with links to bat inventories for California and related material.
PDF Buck Island Reef National Monument Sea Turtle Research Program: Sea turtle nesting research & monitoring protocols manual [New Window]
Manual for research program on the nesting habits of sea turtles of the Virgin Islands, with descriptions of species, nesting behavior, observation methods, record keeping, tagging, and tissue sample collection. (PDF file, 121 pp.)
Discovery for Recovery: an International Pintail Recovery Initiative (Pinsat) [New Window]
Using satellite telemetry and field studies to track pintail ducks during spring migration north from California's Central Valley plus pintails in New Mexico and Texas. Includes links to migration maps, journal, duck calls, and field methods.
Field manual of wildlife diseases: general field procedures and diseases of birds [New Window]
Manual listing field procedures for bird specimen collecting, bacterial, fungal, parasitic, and viral diseases, biotoxins, chemical toxins, common and scientific names of birds, and glossary. Manual can be downloaded or viewed in PDF format.
Field methods: capture and marking of pintails [New Window]
Method of tracking pintail ducks by capturing with rocket nets or swim-in traps and attaching telemetry devices that allow satellite tracking. Includes video of rocket nets.
Lake Clark sockeye salmon research projects [New Window]
Summary of research on salmon fish resources in the Lake Clark area in Alaska with links to scientific projects, Native Alaskan intern program, lake core analysis, radio telemetry, genetics, subsistence fishing, and research staff.
Nonindigenous aquatic species alert system [New Window]
Reports indicating locations where non-indigenous aquatic organisms have been collected. Includes RSS feed you can subscribe to.
North Dakota furtakers: educational manual [New Window]
Trapping education manual for the beginning or inexperienced trapper intended to provide information on North Dakota's predators and furbearing animals and the basics on how to trap them using good trapping skills and sound fur management.
PDF Surveillance for asian H5N1 avian influenza in the United States [New Window]
General description of US government efforts to monitor the occurrence of highly pathogenic avian influenza in wild migratory birds.

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