Polar Bear Information
Office of External Affairs
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New Interior Department May 8, 2009 Announcement Retaining Special 4(d), Rule
News Release
Q and A's


Official announcement of the Polar Bear 4(d) from the Department of the Interior. 12/12/08
News Release
Special Rule
Questions and Answers

Remarks from Secretary Kempthorne announcing the polar bear decision. (Scroll down to watch a video from the press conference.) 05/07/08
Secretary's Remarks

Official notice from the Federal Register (5.6 MB PDF) 12/12/08
Federal Register Notice

Special Rule under section 4 D of the Endangered Species Act, as part of the final decision. 12/12/08
Special Rule

A timeline of events leading to the decision to declare the polar bear "threatened."

Guidelines we'll follow in consulting with other Federal agencies
Guidance to Service Employees

Memo from Mark Myers, Director of the U.S. Geological Survey to Dale Hall, Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 05/14/08
Challenges of Linking Carbon Emissions, Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas Concentrations, Global Warming, and Consequential Impacts

The polar bear, or “Nanuuq,” as the Eskimos call it, lives only in the NorthernHemisphere, on the arctic ice cap, and spends most of its time in coastal areas. Polar bears are widely dispersed in Canada, extending from the northern arctic islands south to the Hudson Bay area.
Fact Sheet

Marine Mammals Management Polar Bear Maps.

Region 7 Polar Bear Conservation Issues


Polar Bear Video Feature
Larger Version

Polar Bear and Sea Ice
Larger Version


Polar Bear Video Footage footage icon

Polar Bear Video. Credit: Doug Inkley / National Wildlife Federation
WM - 320x240Window Media Icon
Quicktime - 640x480 (39MB) (NOTE: Portions of this footage are copyrighted by National Geographic Digital Motion and may be used only by newsmedia only for polar bear listing stories and
only until August 14, 2008.)

Photosphoto icon

Thumbnail image of a polar bear yearing. Selection of Polar Bear images within our Digital Library System Polar Bear Photos

Interviewsaudio icon

Scott Schliebe. Credit: USFWS Addtional Interview with Scott Schliebe – "Working in the Arctic ”
MP3 icon for download
Full audio interview with FWS Scott Schliebe (To download, right click on mp3 icon and click "Save as Target")

Video from DOI Secretary Kempthorne's press conference May 14, 2008. (Approximately 20 minutes in duration.)

Last updated: May 8, 2009
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