Funding Comp Tables FY2006 - FY2008 (Coming soon)

The Division of Budget is responsible for the formulation, justification, coordination, and execution of the budget for the Service. The Division directs and manages the budget formulation process by prescribing policies, procedures, and controls while ensuring compliance with the Administration's objectives and conformance to statutory authority. The Division of Budget also reviews proposed changes in appropriation structure and language, participates in and coordinates budgetary determinations, and reviews proposals for supplementary budget requests and reprogramming of funds. The Division reviews the status of obligations and expenditures to evaluate program progress and recommends adjustments for conformance to policy and economical use of financial resources. In essence, the Division of Budget provides support to all Fish and Wildlife Service programs each step of the way in the budgetary process.

The Fish and Wildlife Service manages funding from 27 distinct Treasury appropriations that total $3.4 billion.  This funding is divided between three types of funding: discretionary, permanent and allocations from other agencies. 

Discretionary funding is provided by Congress through the appropriation process on an annual basis.  In FY 2008 this type of funding represented approximately 59% of all Service funding. 

Permanent budgetary authority is available as the result of previously enacted legislation and is available without further legislative action.  In FY 2008 this type of funding represented approximately 36% of all Service funding.

Allocations from other agencies are the transfers of funds from other agencies for work being performed by the Service.  In FY 2008 this type of funding represented approximately 5% of all Service funding.


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FWS Legislation

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DOI Budget Office

Office of Management and Budget

House Natural Resources Committee

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee


Service operating budgets over time (Coming soon)


Last updated: March 2, 2009