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The Department of the Interior’s National Business Center Enhances their Portfolio of Services by Acquiring Treasury’s Federal Consulting Group
NBC Acquires U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Federal Consulting Group Franchise

The Department of the Interior’s (DOI) National Business Center (NBC) is pleased to announce they have become the organizational parent to the Federal Consulting Group (FCG) Franchise.  On November 1, 2008, FCG became the NBC’s eighth Federal service offering, joining their Acquisition, Administrative Operations, Aviation Management, Appraisal, Financial Management and Budget, Human Resource and Payroll and Information Technology lines of business. To view the full news release visit our Press Room at http://www.nbc.gov/press/.
(November 2008)

The Department of the Interior’s National Business Center Becomes the Only Federal Shared Service Provider to Receive ISO 9001-2000 Certification
NBC Strengthens Its Commitment To Quality and Service Excellence For Customers

NBC Director Douglas Bourgeois receives the ISO 9001:2000 Certificate from BSI MS America Vice President for Corporate Development and Regulatory Affairs, Reg Blake at NBC Ceremonies October 22, 2008

NBC Director Douglas Bourgeois receives the ISO 9001:2000 Certificate from BSI MS America Vice President for Corporate Development and Regulatory Affairs, Reg Blake at NBC Ceremonies October 22, 2008

The Department of the Interior’s (DOI) National Business Center is delighted to announce that their Acquisitions Services Directorate (AQD), Aviation Management Directorate (AMD) and the Integrated Payroll Service of the Human Resource Directorate (HRD) Lines of Business (LoBs) have received their certificate of registration for the International Standard ISO 9001. 

" NBC's achievement of the ISO-9001 certification provides assurance to our customers that we will continue our long tradition of providing products, services and support of the highest quality. I am extremely proud of the dedicated NBC employees and contractors who made this outstanding achievement possible".

Douglas J. Bourgeois
National Business Center

The ISO 9001 quality standard is the most widely recognized and established quality framework in the world.  Achievement of this certification demonstrates the NBC's commitment to the use of competitive best-practices to ensure customers receive quality products and services that meet their business needs.  NBC continually strives to meet their customer expectations for the highest level of quality and service. Receiving the ISO-9001 certification validates the NBC’s unwavering commitment to deliver the highest quality service and satisfaction that their customers have come to expect, and confirms that NBC has set solid defined and documented standards, as well as deployed a formal Quality Management System (QMS)… To view the full news release visit our Press Room at http://www.nbc.gov/press/.
(October 2008)

NBC’s AMD employees receiving the CFIT Avoidance Star Award, from left to right Howard Penland, Harry Kieling, and Dick Harding.
NBC’s AMD employees receiving the CFIT Avoidance Star Award, from left to right Howard Penland, Harry Kieling, and Dick Harding.

The National Business Center’s Aviation Management Directorate Earns Their First "Star" in the Medallion Foundation’s Five Star Shield Program

The Department of the Interior’s (DOI) National Business Center’s (NBC)

"I am proud of the NBC/AMD and the DOI Aviation Programs for receiving the CFIT Avoidance Star Award. It recognizes our commitment to excellence for government aircraft management and training. It is an honor to be the first government agency to achieve this success."

Douglas J. Bourgeois
National Business Center
Aviation Management Directorate (AMD) is breaking new ground by being the first government entity to achieve the Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) Avoidance Star Award in the Medallion Foundation’s Five Star Shield Program. The achievement was recognized by Medallion Foundation presenting NBC’s AMD Alaska Region the CFIT Avoidance Star Award to in August 2008. To view the full news release visit our Press Room at http://www.nbc.gov/press/.
  (October 2008)

The Department of the Interior’s National Business Center Passes ISO 9001 Certification Audit

"I am delighted that a government entity can achieve a milestone that many of the most competitive private industry businesses have received. It confirms my belief that the NBC is competitive in the Federal Shared Services environment and provides outstanding, customer-centric services"

Nina Rose Hatfield
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Business Management & Wildland Fire

Washington DC – The Department of the Interior’s (DOI) National Business Center is pleased to announce that their Acquisitions Services Directorate (AQD), Aviation Management Directorate (AMD) and the Integrated Payroll Service of the Human Resource Directorate (HRD) Lines of Business (LoBs) have all passed the “ISO 9001 Certification Audit” and will be recommended for ISO 9001 Certification from the BSI Management Systems.

The NBC Quality Management Team has worked over the past three years to prepare to receive this high standard of achievement and pass the BSI third party compliance audit.

"The ISO 9001 quality standard is the most widely recognized and established quality framework in the world. Achievement of this certification demonstrates the NBC's commitment to the use of competitive best-practices to ensure our customers receive quality products and services that meet their business needs. I am extremely proud of the dedicated NBC employees and contractors who made this outstanding achievement possible."

Douglas J. Bourgeois
Director, National Business Center
In passing the audit, it is confirmed that the NBC has defined, documented, and deployed a formal Quality Management System (QMS) that is: Based on the “process approach”, designed to enhance customer satisfaction through the fulfillment of customer requirements, focused on continual improvement, and, conforms to the requirements of ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9001:2000… To view the full news release visit our Press Room at http://www.nbc.gov/press/.
(September 2008)

National Business Center’s Human Resource Directorate Welcomes the Institute of Museum and Library Services as Its Newest Customer

The Department of the Interior’s National Business Center’s (NBC) Human Resource Directorate (HRD) is pleased to announce its newest customer, the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).

“NBC’s vision is to be the preferred Shared Services Provider for business management services. We take pride in providing outstanding services and support to our clients and are pleased to have been selected by IMLS."

Douglas J. Bourgeois,
National Business Center

IMLS is the primary source of Federal support for the nation’s 122,000 libraries and 17,500 museums. The Institute's mission is to create strong libraries and museums that connect people to information and ideas. The Institute works at the national level and in coordination with state and local organizations to sustain heritage, culture, and knowledge; enhance learning and innovation; and support professional development… To view the full news release visit our Press Room at http://www.nbc.gov/press/. (July 2008)

National Business Center’s Aviation Management Directorate is a Committed Partner in the Anchorage, Alaska Aviation Safety Community

AMD Staff exhibiting at The Tenth Annual Alaska State Aviation conference in Anchorage, Alaska.  Photographed are: from left to right: John Pibbenow, Daryl Carson, Bud Walters, and Patrick Clark.

AMD Staff exhibiting at The Tenth Annual Alaska State Aviation conference in Anchorage, Alaska. Photographed are: from left to right: John Pibbenow, Daryl Carson, Bud Walters, and Patrick Clark.

The Department of the Interior’s National Business Center’s (NBC) Aviation Management Directorate (AMD) is a pillar in Alaskan communities with their aviation safety awareness outreach program. Recently, the AMD has participated in multiple community outreach events in Anchorage, Alaska, to advocate aviation safety and bring awareness to the surrounding communities. Aviation safety awareness is vital to the Anchorage community since there are more pilots and planes per capita in Alaska than in any other state in the union. It is an integral part of the NBC’s mission to serve the communities in which they have stewardship responsibilities. To view the full news release visit our Press Room at http://www.nbc.gov/press/.
(May 2008)

Interior’s National Business Center awarded
the Interagency Committee for Aviation
Policy “Gold Standard” Certification

The National Business Center’s Aviation Management Directorate (AMD) received the Interagency Committee for Aviation Policy’s (ICAP) Gold Standard Certification for the Federal Aviation Administration’s Aviation System Standards on April 11, 2008. Attainment of this coveted certification signifies that our agency is committed to achieving excellence in aviation safety as a result of the adoption of aviation industry “best practices.”

The Gold Standard Certificate Program goes beyond the requirements of the Federal Aviation Regulations for Part 91 and Part 135 operations by establishing a safety and operational benchmark for Federal agencies that is based on Federal Management Regulations written specifically for Federal agency aviation operations… To view the full news release visit our Press Room at http://www.nbc.gov/press/.
(April 2008)

“I am proud of the NBC/AMD and the DOI Aviation Program for receiving the Aviation Gold Standard Certification. It recognizes our commitment to management excellence of government aircraft. It is an honor to be recognized as a leading aviation shared services provider within the Federal Government.”

Douglas J. Bourgeois
National Business Center

Interior's Annual Rachel Carson Lecture features workshop on youth gardening

The National Business Center's Cultural Resources and Events Division of the Department of the Interior University will host a workshop on engaging young people in outdoor spaces such as gardens and parks with Professor Marcia Eames-Sheavly from Cornell University. This workshop is free and open to the public, and will provide educators, parents, childcare providers, and park and garden professionals with ideas and concepts to help them get kids outside and keep them engaged in the natural world. Due to limited space reservations are required and may be made by calling 202/208-5805..… To view the full news release visit our Press Room at http://www.nbc.gov/press/.
(April 2008)

Interior's National Business Center Provides Oracle Federal Financials Implementation for Federal Delinquent Debt Collection

The Department of the Interior's National Business Center (NBC) announced today that it has entered into an interagency agreement with the U.S. Department of Treasury, Financial Management Service (FMS) to implement and host Oracle Federal Financials for its Debt Management Services (DMS) division. Based in Washington DC, the FMS is responsible for providing central payment services to Federal agencies, operating the Federal government's collections and deposit systems, providing government-wide accounting and reporting services, and managing the collection of delinquent debt owed to the government. DMS is responsible for improving the quality of the Federal government's financial management by increasing the collection of delinquent debt owed to the government...… To view the full news release visit our Press Room at http://www.nbc.gov/press/.
To view additional Press on this story click here.
(April 2008)

The National Business Center’s Acquisition Services Directorate, Awarded Full Authority to Provide Assisted Acquisition Services to the Department of Defense

National Business Center Director, Doug Bourgeois, presenting Acquisition Services Associate Director, John Nyce with the Herculean award to commemorate this success.

National Business Center Director, Doug Bourgeois, presenting Acquisition Services Associate Director, John Nyce with the Herculean award to commemorate this success.

“We have always been committed to providing the highest quality, comprehensive acquisition services to DoD and all Federal agencies, while complying with statute, regulation, and policy.”

“We are thrilled with the results of the latest audit and look forward to continuing our long history of supporting DoD and all Federal customers’ acquisition needs.”

John W. Nyce,
Associate Director,
Acquisition Services Directorate.

The National Business Center’s (NBC) Herndon, VA Acquisition Services Directorate (AQD) office (formerly GovWorks) and the Department of Defense (DoD) have reaffirmed their partnership regarding acquisition services. The announcement comes after the DoD Inspector General’s office (IG) for the DoD performed a comprehensive audit, finding that NBC’s AQD Herndon, VA office successfully complied with all 2007 DoD appropriations policies and enhanced contracting and business processes… To view the full news release visit our Press Room at http://www.nbc.gov/press/.
(April 2008)

The Department of the Interior’s National Business Center Announces Arrival of New Chief Appraiser

The Department of the Interior’s (DOI) National Business Center is pleased to announce the addition of Ms. Georgia Kay Martin, as the Chief Appraiser and Associate Director (AD) of the Appraisal Services Directorate (ASD) within the National Business Center (NBC). As Chief Appraiser for the ASD, Ms. Martin is responsible for the NBC’s professional appraisal services, which employees more than 130 individuals and assists eight DOI agencies in land transaction business decisions.… To view the full news release visit our Press Room at http://www.nbc.gov/press/.
(April 2008)

“NBC could not be more pleased to have acquired such experience and expertise to lead our Appraisal Services Directorate. We are fortunate to have Ms. Martin on board to carry out our strategic vision for Appraisal Services in the Federal Shared Service environment.”

Douglas J. Bourgeois
National Business Center

NBC’s Information Technology Directorate wins the 2008 GITEC Project Management Excellence Award for Retooling the Infrastructure

Being recognized and receiving this year’s GITEC Project Management Excellence Award, is a huge win for NBC.  Receiving this honor enforces my belief that we are setting the benchmark for all other NBC Directorates and Federal agencies with our Project Management Methodologies. Doug Bourgeois, Director National Business Center
NBC’s Information Technology Directorate (ITD) was awarded the 2008 Government Information Technology Executive Council (GITEC) Project Management Excellence Award for “Retooling the Infrastructure” with their IBM 104 Mainframe Efficiency Improvement Project (The Project). The award was presented to Mr. Spencer Bessette of the NBC, today at this year's IPIC conference held in Orlando, FL. Mr. Bessette led the efficiency improvement effort. Congratulations go out to the entire project team for a task well done. The project was designed to improve the current NBC architecture which supported two National Business Center (NBC) Lines of Business (LoB) and more than eighteen Federal Government customers that depend on the NBC’s federalized financial and payroll systems. To view the full news release visit our Press Room at http://www.nbc.gov/press/.
(March 2008)

NBC Updates Strategic Plan for FY 2008 - FY 2012

NBC is pleased to announce the publication of the National Business Center Strategic Plan for FY 2008 – FY 2012.  The process of revising the NBC Strategic Plan required a broad range of collaboration, analysis, and feedback from sources both internal and external to the NBC.  Strategic accomplishments during the previous period were accounted for, results and performance analyzed against plan, and follow-on strategies and roadmaps created to capitalize on NBC’s significant momentum.

The NBC continues to link its strategic direction to both the Presidents Management Agenda, and the Department of the Interior Strategic Plan, by aligning its own mission, vision, and goals to their strategic direction.  NBC’s mission, To Provide Quality Services and Efficient Solutions to Meet Customer Business Needs, through it’s Most Important Asset – its People remains at the forefront of all that NBC strives to accomplish.

NBC encourages everyone to download and read the Plan which provides detail regarding the strategies developed and the actions necessary over the course of the next five years to achieve the roadmap activities that contribute to the NBC Mission, Vision, and Goals and benefit employees and customers alike.  NBC is committed to continuing its public service mission as a premier Shared Services Provider in the Federal Government.

Questions and comments related to this plan should be addressed to Mr. Joseph Nassar, at Joe_Nassar@nbc.gov.
(February 2008)

Interior’s Aviation Management Approved as a Federal Assets Sales Center

"By becoming a Federal Asset Sales Center, AMD will not only be supporting the President's Management Agenda but also aid Federal agencies by allowing them to sell surplus aircraft and parts, and reinvest proceeds in needed mission supporting aviation assets."  Doug Bourgeois, Director National Business CenterAviation Management Directorate (AMD) has received conditional approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to become one of the five approved eGov Federal Assets Sales Center (eFAS) in the Federal Government. Full certification is expected by June of 2008, which will provide AMD the authority to sell surplus aircraft and aircraft parts for all Federal Government entities. To view the full news release visit our Press Room at http://www.nbc.gov/press/.
(January 2008)


U.S. Department of the Interior
National Business Center
Last Updated on 04/13/09