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Big Stone
Wetland Management District
Hen duck on nest with downy feathers around her.
44843 County Road 19
Odessa, MN   56276
E-mail: bigstone@fws.gov
Phone Number: 320-273-2191
Visit the Refuge's Web Site:
Waterfowl Production Areas provide habitat for nesting ducks and other wildlife.
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Big Stone Wetland Management District
The purpose of Big Stone Wetland Management District (WMD) is to acquire and manage Waterfowl Production Areas (WPAs) in Lincoln and Lyon counties. District staff also serve private land resource interests by providing technical assistance for Department of Agriculture programs and restoring wetlands on private lands.

Currently there are eight WPAs, two FmHA conservation easements and six wetland or habitat protection easements in the district, totaling approximately 3,000 acres. The area remains a critical waterfowl breeding and migration area and offers great potential for a large number of resource protection/enhancement projects within several watersheds that empty into the Minnesota River.

Getting There . . .
The district office is co-located with the Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge office, approximately eight miles east of Ortonville, MN, and one-half mile west of Odessa, MN. From Highway 7/75, take Big Stone County Road #19 south approximately three-quarters of a mile.

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Wildlife and Habitat
Lands within the Big Stone WMD contain numerous wetlands and northern tallgrass prairie habitats.

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Big Stone WMD was established in 1996 to acquire and manage lands within Lincoln and Lyon counties, Minnesota, through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Small Wetlands Acquisition Program.

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    Recreation and Education Opportunities
Environmental Education
Wildlife Observation
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Managment Activities

As WPAs are acquired, historical wetlands are restored within these areas. All uplands that were previously in crop production or consist of exotic plants are restored to native northern tallgrass prairie habitats.

Prescribed burning is used to maintain these restored grasslands, as well as any native prairie that is acquired. Where practical, grazing is also utilized as a management tool to maintain the health and vigor of these habitats. Chemical, mechanical, and biological control of noxious weeds is accomplished each year.

Some farming may be implemented if management plans for specific units identify the need and suitability for food plots. Otherwise, farming is used as a short-term practice to prepare land for the planting of native seed mixtures for the establishment of nesting cover for grassland birds.