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US Fish & Wildlife Service - Journal Entry
Tishomingo NFH
Region 2, May 31, 2006

The first alligator snapping turtle nest, which contained 40 eggs, was discovered on May 30. This is approximately 2 weeks earlier than last year due to warmer than normal temperatures in the area. The eggs are being incubated at a constant temperature of

28° centigrade. Daily searches are underway for more nests as increased activity among the adult turtles is observed.

While touring the facility, the Oklahoma Water Resources Board assigned GPS coordinates for use in a statewide database. The hatchery was also visited by an ABC affiliate from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. They were filming a special segment for "Is This a Great State?"

On May 11, 2006, the official Memorandum of Understanding was signed establishing the Friends Group for Tishomingo NFH. Under the umbrella of the Tishomingo Refuge Ecology and Education Society, the hatchery’s Friends Group will have separate accounting records and goals.

Contact Info: Martin Valdez, 505-248-6599, martin_valdez@fws.gov