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The U.S. Department of Education hosts over 1,000 visitors annually from other countries. Foreign visitors are interested in learning about various aspects of U.S. educational policy, and often request a general explanation of the administration, funding, structure, and functioning of the U.S. educational system.

For a synopsis of some important features of our educational system, see our Overview of the U.S. Education System.

The International Affairs staff coordinates meetings between foreign visitors and appropriate officials at the Department. These visits are funded by the Department of State's Office of International Visitors, by the visitors' governments, or by other public or private sources.

Past visitors have included individuals working in foreign governments, such as ministers of education, Cabinet officials, and members of national legislatures; superintendents, principals, and teachers; social service workers, religious leaders, representatives of non-governmental organizations, members of the press, business persons and other members of the community.

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this page was last updated at 05/01/02 (jer)