[Deschler's Precedents] [From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access] [DOCID:52093c18_txt-1] [Page 3205-3206] CHAPTER 18 Discharging Matters From Committees [[Page 3205]] Sec. 1. In General; Motion to Discharge Sec. 2. Discharging Particular Committees Sec. 3. Calling Up Motion; Debate Sec. 4. Consideration of Discharged Measures Sec. 5. Discharge of Vetoed Bills, Other Questions Privileged Under the Constitution, Resolutions of Inquiry, and Reorganization Plans Appendix-Recent History of Discharge Motions INDEX TO PRECEDENTS Business preceding introduction of discharge motions Sec. 3.8 Calling up motion to discharge after seven legislative days, Sec. 3.1 by signatory, Sec. 3.6 during the last six days of a session, Sec. 3.3 on second and fourth Mondays, Sec. 3.2 Committee of the Whole, consideration of discharged measure in, Sec. Sec. 4.4, 4.5 Committee on Rules, consideration of resolutions discharged from, Sec. Sec. 4.1, 4.2 Committees, consideration of bills and resolutions discharged from, Sec. 4.3 Committees, discharge of Committee on Agriculture, Sec. 2.1 Committee on Banking and Currency, Sec. 2.2 Committee on the Judiciary, Sec. 2.3 Committee on Rules, Sec. Sec. 2.4-2.6 Committee on Ways and Means, Sec. 2.7 Debate on discharged bills, Sec. 4.5 Discharge rule, 21-day rule distinguished from, Sec. 1.12 Discharged bills motion to consider, Sec. 4.3 referral of, Sec. 4.7 Discharged resolutions consideration of, Sec. 4.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentary and editing by John Graham, J.D. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [[Page 3206]] motions to table, Sec. 4.2 Extensions of remarks during consideration of discharge motions, Sec. 3.16 Motion to consider discharged bills, Sec. 4.3 Motion to discharge committee adoption of, Sec. Sec. 2.1-2.4, 2.7 announcing filing of, Sec. 1.1 application of, to reported bills, Sec. 1.11 effect of inter-session adjournment on, Sec. 1.10 intervening motions during debate on, Sec. Sec. 3.14, 3.15 names on petition, revealing, Sec. 1.7 placement of, on calendar, Sec. 1.9 precedence of, over unfinished business, Sec. 3.4 quorum call preceding call of, Sec. 3.7 rejection of, Sec. 2.5 report, committee, as affecting disposition of motion, Sec. 1.13 report, committee, question as to validity of Sec. 1.13 signatures on, Sec. Sec. 1.2-1.6 withdrawal of, after filing, Sec. 1.8 Motion to discharge resolutions disapproving reorganization plans debate on, Sec. Sec. 5.6, 5.7 offering of, Sec. 5.5 unanimous-consent agreement to. Sec. 5.8 Motion to discharge resolutions of inquiry, privilege of, Sec. Sec. 5.2, 5.3 Motion to discharge vetoed bills, privilege of, Sec. 5.1 Motion to postpone consideration of discharge motions, Sec. 3.14 Motion to table discharge motions, Sec. 3.15 Motion to table discharged resolutions, Sec. 4.2 Reorganization plans debate incident to discharge of, Sec. Sec. 5.6, 5.7 discharge of, by unanimous consent, Sec. 5.8 moving the discharge of, Sec. 5.5 Resolutions of inquiry debate on, following discharge, Sec. 5.4 discharge of, Sec. Sec. 5.2, 5.3 Vetoed bills, discharge of, Sec. 5.1 [[Page 3207]]