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Sun's Soup (sunz soop)

 A mixture of vegetables and other edible plants that has been studied in the treatment of cancer. The vegetables include soybean, shiitake mushroom, mung bean, red date, scallion, garlic, leek, lentil, Hawthorn fruit, onion, ginseng, Angelica root, licorice, dandelion root, senega root, ginger, olive, sesame seed, and parsley. Sun’s Soup is available in the United States as a dietary supplement.

Previous Definitions:sulfa drug, sulfonamide, sulfuric acid, sulindac, sun protection factor
Next Definitions:sunitinib, sunitinib malate, sunscreen, superficial, superfractionated radiation therapy

A Service of the National Cancer Institute
Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health