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Oregon Water Science Center

Bibliographies of Publications Relating to the Upper Klamath Basin, Oregon

OFR 95-285. A Selected Bibliography of Water-Related Research in the Upper Klamath Basin, Oregon, through 1994, by Dorie L. Brownell and Mia R. Rinallo. Released in 1994, this bibliography contains 165 citations.

Bibliography of the Upper Klamath Basin Ground-Water Study, an extensive bibliography of publications relating primarily to the geology and hydrogeology of the Upper Klamath Lake Basin and secondarily to other topics, such as water quality. This bibliography contains more than 900 citations and is updated periodically. Includes links to many online USGS publications.

Here are links to other extensive bibliographies pertaining to the Klamath Basin, southern Oregon, or northern California (note that most documents are available on-line):

The Klamath Waters Digital Library:
The Oregon Institute of Technology & Shaw Historical Libraries maintains a centralized clearinghouse for information on water issues in the Klamath Watershed.      

The Southern Oregon Digital Archives (SODA):
The Southern Oregon University Library is concentrating its efforts on two collections of regional materials pertaining to the Southern Oregon Bioregion and the First Nations/ Tribal Collection.

The Klamath Resource Information System (KRIS):
KRIS was initiated in the Klamath and Trinity river basins to track fishery and water quality and restoration trends by the Institute for Fisheries Resources (a non-profit organization dedicated to the study, protection and enhancement of both marine and anadromous biological resources on the Pacific coast of the United States and Canada).

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