Minnesota Braille and Talking Book LibraryLearning Support : Minnesota Department of Education

Minnesota Braille and Talking Book Library

Minnesota Braille and Talking Book Library

The Minnesota Braille and Talking Book Library (formerly the Minnesota Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped) provides direct library service to eligible Minnesotans who are legally blind or visually impaired (with visual acuity 20/200 or less in the better eye with corrective lenses), physically disabled (unable to use standard printed material as a result of physical limitations), or reading disabled. For more information on eligibility requirements visit the website of the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped.

The Advisory Committee for the Minnesota Braille and Talking Book Library (MBTBL) will hold its next meeting Monday, May 11, 2009 from 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. at the Minnesota Department of Education in Roseville. The Advisory Committee advises the Library regarding the library service for blind and disabled persons in Minnesota, service concerns and discusses possible changes to library policies, programs and priorities. For more information about this committee, please contact Catherine A. Durivage, Library Program Director, at 1-800-722-0550 or email mn.btbl@state.mn.us.

The NLS Bard: Braille and Audio Reading Download - The National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS) recently expanded its digital book download project so more library patrons may participate. To participate individuals must:

  • Be an active patron of a cooperative network library (MBTBL)
  • Have equipment capable of playing NLS-produced digital talking books (currently only the Victor Reader Stream from Humanware, the Levelstar Icon from LevelStar, Inc. and the American Printing House for the Blind, Inc.'s Braille Plus Mobile Manager all are capable of playing NLS-produced digital talking books)
  • Have a high-speed Internet service such as DSL or cable
  • Have a computer connected to the Internet to download and zip books and/or magazines
  • Have an active e-mail address

Eligible patrons who wish to participate must complete the online application available at the digital download website. This page provides information about the download project and a link to the application form. It is very important that the contact information you provide on this application form matches the information on file at the Minnesota Braille and Talking Book Library. If not, your application will not be approved. If this happens, contact this library so that the library’s information is corrected. You can then re-apply online.

After your application is approved you will receive several emails from NLS confirming your acceptance and providing you with your username and password. NLS will also contact the equipment manufacturer authorizing them to enable your player. The equipment manufacturer will provide you with an authorization key to allow your player to download NLS digital talking books.

For additional assistance visit the digital download project support page for more information.

NLS plans to release the new digital talking book players later this year. You can find more information about the transition to digital on their website.

Playaway Digital Books - The Library has purchased some commercially-produced digital books called Playaways. Playaways are self-playing digital books and do not require a separate player. You simply plug in headphones and listen. More information about the Playaway collection is located in the Books section under the What is Available tab.

Web Catalog - You can search and order materials through our online catalog. To request materials online you must know your eight-character Library patron ID code. The patron ID code is found to the left of the punch hole on a Library mailing label. It is based on your name. Enter this code when prompted for your username. Library staff will also give the code to you. The default password is the last four digits of your telephone number. You can change your password at anytime. For information on using the web catalog, visit the Help screens located on every page. Contact the Library if you experience difficulty accessing the catalog.