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Lava Beds National MonumentSage Lizard
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Lava Beds National Monument
Your Safety
A western diamondback rattlesnake

There are some very important things you can do to stay safe during your visit:

  • Caving: Long pants, long sleeves, and closed-toed shoes or boots are a must for all caves. Temperatures in the caves average 55 degrees Farenheit all year. Three flashlights per group is a bare minimum, in case of dead bulbs or batteries, and everyone in your group needs their own. Flashlights can be borrowed from the Visitor Center, but must be returned each afternoon.

Always let someone know where you are going and when you will return when caving. We highly recommend a helmet to protect your head; bicycle helmets work fine, and we sell inexpensive "bumphats" in the Visitor Center. We also recommend sturdy gloves and kneepads if you plan to visit more difficult caves, as you can expect to crawl on jagged lava. Maps of the inside of the developed caves are also available for sale in the Visitor Center, and are highly recommended for the more difficult, more complicated caves.

  • Summer Weather: Intense sunlight and warm temperatures require plenty of sunscreen, brimmed hats, and a lot of water to drink. In fact, we recommend consuming up to a gallon of water per person, per day! And remember, sweet sports drinks and sodas can do more harm than good in hot weather, they can actually cause cramping and serious medical problems. It's safer to drink water, or water mixed with a small amount of a sports drink for flavor.                                           
  • Rattlesnakes: One poisonous snake, the western diamondback rattlesnake, finds valuable habitat in the park. While exploring the lava beds, never place a hand where you can't see it. If you do encounter a rattler, heed it's warning buzz and back away calmly.
  • Mountain Lions: Stealthy and elusive, this is mountain lion territory. Always accompany small children and avoid traveling alone in the backcountry, especially if you are of small stature. Be especially wary at dawn and dusk, when lions are most active. If you do encounter a lion that seems curious about you, shout, throw rocks, and make yourself look as big and mean as possible. Do not run away, and contact help if the lion is not scared off.     
  • Winter Weather: During cooler months, be sure to bring gloves, a warm hat, and be prepared for sudden shifts in the weather. What might seem like a pleasant fall day can quickly become a blizzard, so be prepared for the worst just in case. Waterproof boots are a must for navigating through snow at cave entrances.
Pikas live in crevices in lava flows.
  • Diseases: There are several rare but serious infections that can be transmitted by the wild animals who make Lava Beds their homes. If you follow park policy of keeping your distance from wild animals and their homes, you will not only ensure they stay wild, but you will protect yourself from disease and injury.

    Though no known cases of bubonic plague have been recorded at Lava Beds, it is usually transmitted when a human is bitten by a flea that has previously bitten an infected rodent.

    Hanta virus is transmitted by breathing in aerosolized particles of urine, feces, and saliva left behind by rodents. When caving, try to keep your face away from rodent droppings.

    Histoplasmosis is also transmitted by breathing in particles of infected bat guano. At Lava Beds, caves with significant guano deposits are closed in summer to protect maternal colonies.

    If you have any questions about diseases, symptoms you may be experiencing, or any other safety issue at Lava Beds, please contact a ranger. Have a safe and enjoyable visit!






California Poppy  

Did You Know?
The California poppy (Eschscholzia californica), our state flower, is a problematic invasive weed in Australia. It is a common perennial on sunny slopes in the monument, blooming most of the summer.

Last Updated: May 11, 2008 at 17:21 EST