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Child Survival and Health Grants Program (CSHGP)

 A doctor with a stethoscope listens to the heart of a small child while his mother looks on.

The Child Survival and Health Grants Program (CSHGP) promotes a unique and productive partnership with U.S. private voluntary and non-profit organizations and their in-country partners. The program supports effective community-based maternal and child health programs that contribute to reducing infant, child, maternal and infectious disease-related mortality and morbidity in developing countries. PVOs and their local partners provide high quality, sustainable child survival and health interventions in a variety of program settings, from the smallest, most remote communities to large, district- wide programs, partnering with community groups and district and national health authorities. Request for applications are usually posted in August with applications due in November. Organizations interested in competing for Child Survival and Health Grants should monitor For more information about the CSHGP and eligibility requirements, a program description is posted on the USAID website.

Learn more about the Child Survival & Health Grants Program.

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