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Landscape Condition Assessments

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Landscape condition assessments identify green infrastructure that provides important ecosystem services such as natural flood storage, pollutant filtering, fish & wildlife habitat, and carbon storage.

Green Infrastructure Network Design, Source:  Maryland Department of Natural Resources

The Nature Conservancy’s Active River Area (PDF) (64 pp, 4.49 MB, About PDF) Exit EPA Disclaimer
The active river area framework offers a more holistic vision of a river than solely considering the river channel as it exists in one place at one particular point in time. The Active River Area represents the lands that contain both aquatic and riparian habitats and those that contain processes that interact with and contribute to a stream or river channel over time. Mapping the active river area, including intact headwaters and largest intact riparian area (e.g. the Connecticut River), provides a way to assess the aquatic component of green infrastructure.

Southeastern Ecological Framework Project Exit EPA Disclaimer
The EPA Southeastern U.S. Ecological Framework Project uses landscape ecology principles and GIS technology to identify a network of green infrastructure connecting primary ecological areas. The approach is intended to be used by states and local communities as a decision-making tool.

Chesapeake Bay Resource Lands Assessment Exit EPA Disclaimer
The Resource Lands Assessment provides a regional multi-state look at the most important remaining resource lands in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The RLA uses Geographic Information Systems (GIS) models and expert knowledge to assess the value of resource lands within the watershed.

image of map: natural connections: green infrastruture in wisconsin, illinois, and indiana

Natural Connections: Green Infrastructure in Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana Exit EPA Disclaimer
This website provides maps and GIS data layers for users to make their own explorations of Green Infrastructure in the 4 county region.

Maryland Green Infrastructure Assessment
Maryland's Green Infrastructure Assessment is a tool developed to help identify and prioritize those areas of greatest statewide ecological importance, as well as those at greatest risk of loss to development.

Massachusetts BioMap Program
The BioMap program identifies the areas of Massachusetts most in need of protection to preserve biodiversity. The program focuses on exemplary natural communities and listed species, termed Core Habitat areas and the large, minimally fragmented, Supporting Natural Landscapes that safeguard the Core Habitat.

Virginia Conservation Lands Needs Assessment
The VCLNA is a flexible, widely applicable tool for integrating and coordinating the needs and strategies of different conservation interests, using GIS to model and map land conservation priorities and actions in Virginia.

Cecil County, Maryland Green Infrastructure Plan (PDF) (51 pp, 3.88MB, About PDF) Exit EPA Disclaimer
The Conservation Fund completed a Green Infrastructure Plan for Cecil County, Maryland, which includes four key components: 1) a green infrastructure network design, 2) water quality maintenance and environmental analysis, 3) ecosystem services assessment, 4) implementation quilt analysis. Taken together, this set of products outlines a comprehensive approach to green infrastructure protection in Cecil County.

Green Infrastructure Planning in the Kansas City Region Exit EPA Disclaimer
The Kansas City regional natural resource inventory is a community-based initiative to map and ultimately conserve natural resources throughout the metropolitan area.

beaver creek green infrastructure plan cover

Beaver Creek Green Infrastructure Plan (PDF) (39 pp, 3.9 MB, About PDF) Exit EPA Disclaimer
The plan is a visioning exercise intended to create a reference document that can be used by a variety of individuals and institutions to guide decision-making about preservation, conservation, and development patterns in the valley.

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