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Information Technology (IT) Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC)

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Classification Code Date
Office of Primary Interest
1370.11A January 27 , 2006 HAIM-40


  1. What is the purpose of this directive?
  2. Does this directive revise an existing directive?
  3. What are the authorities for this directive?
  4. What is IT Capital Planning?
  5. What is FHWA's primary IT CPIC governance group?
  6. How does IT CPIC relate to Business Modernization Mapping (BMM)?
  7. Where can I get additional information concerning IT CPIC?


  1. What is the purpose of this directive? This directive provides a general overview on Information Technology (IT) Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) in the Federal Highway Administration. The detailed procedures and guidelines for the IT CPIC process are issued in the FHWA IT Capital Planning Guide.

  2. Does this directive revise an existing directive? Yes. This directive revises FHWA Order 1370.11, Information Technology (IT) Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) Process, dated June 19, 2003. This revision removes the membership of the Investment Review Board (IRB) from FHWA Order 1370.11 and places the revised IRB membership in the FHWA IT Capital Planning Guide.

  3. What are the authorities for this directive?

    1. The Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996

    2. Departmental Information Resource Management Manual (DIRMM), Department of Transportation (DOT) Order 1350.2.

    3. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-11, Preparation, Submission, and Execution of the Budget.

  4. What is IT Capital Planning? IT Capital Planning is a systematic approach to planning, selecting, controlling, and evaluating IT investments. It is a decisionmaking process that ensures IT investments align with the Agency's mission, strategic goals, objectives, and business needs. It includes the creation of FHWA's IT investment portfolio that is submitted annually to the OMB for approval.

  5. What is FHWA's primary IT CPIC governance group? The IRB is the primary group that is responsible for approving FHWA's IT investments. The IRB provides executive-level direction for and oversight on the Agency's IT investment portfolio. The IRB reviews investments and makes decisions regarding the continuation, modification, and termination of IT projects and investments. The IRB ensures that each IT investment directly contributes to the achievement of the FHWA's strategic goals and business needs. In addition, the IRB interacts with the DOT's IRB on "cross-cutting" IT CPIC initiatives that impact multiple operating administrations. The FHWA Administrator exercises final approval authority over all actions and recommendations of the FHWA IRB. For IRB membership and responsibilities, see the FHWA IT Capital Planning Guide.

  6. How does IT CPIC relate to Business Modernization Mapping (BMM)? The FHWA's CPIC and system life cycle activities must ensure that IT investments are consistent with the Agency's BMM transition and sequencing plan and that they move the Agency toward its target environment. The BMM is a management discipline that ensures a systematic, efficient, and effective approach for meeting FHWA's business and technology needs. Within FHWA, BMM is a term that is synonymous with and used as a substitute for the term "enterprise architecture" (EA). The BMM is a key source of performance, business, data, applications, and technology information that is used to (1) describe FHWA’s baseline and target business and technology environments, (2) identify the gaps between the baseline and target environments, and (3) develop a transition and sequencing plan for establishing the target environment.

  7. Where can I get additional information concerning IT CPIC? If you have questions, you may contact the Office of Information and Management Services, Information Technology Division (HAIM-40).


Signature: J. Richard Capka

J. Richard Capka
Acting Administrator


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