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The United States is the leading provider of bilateral economic and development assistance to the Palestinians, having programmed an estimated $2.2 billion through USAID since 1993.  Funding has supported programs in the areas of water and sanitation, infrastructure, education, health, economic growth, and democracy.  The United States also is committed to continuing assistance for basic human needs in both the West Bank and Gaza, including emergency food, health care, and access to safe water.  In Gaza, much of this is accomplished through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency and local and international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). 


Economic Growth
U.S. assistance promotes business and agricultural development, including increased Palestinian exports, through technical assistance and loan programs. With its border improvement projects, the United States is helping ease the movement of Palestinian people and goods, while improving Israel’s security.   

Democracy and Governance
USAID promotes moderation in the political arena. 

Water, Sanitation and Infrastructure
Road, water, and school construction projects all contribute to improvements in the infrastructure of the West Bank and Gaza.  

Youth and Education
USAID promotes education through developing model curriculum and teaching techniques in a number of private schools and aims to improve higher education through scholarships.

Health and Humanitarian assistance
Through its Mother and Child Health Care project, USAID works to improve the health of 60 percent of the most vulnerable Palestinian women of reproductive age and children under 5.  To respond to emergencies and reduce poverty, the United States provides emergency food and health care.




USAID, in collaboration with the State Department, produces several key materials to map development policy and track its progress. Although USAID and the State Department are separate organizations, both report to the Secretary of State. Therefore, a joint effort ensures that the two organizations focus on achieving common goals, finding economies of scale, and promoting new synergies. Once policy direction is established, funding resources are aligned to meet these objectives. Annual planning at the Mission and Bureau levels follow from this stage, as do budget submissions to Congress.

West Bank & Gaza Program Budget (1993-2008)

Following the signing of the Oslo Accords in September 1993, the U.S. government provided approximately $2.2 billion through USAID to implement a development program in the West Bank and Gaza.
To date, the U.S. government is the leading provider of bilateral economic and development aid to the Palestinians.
USAID has funded programs that support the 3.8 million Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza by creating jobs, strengthening the role of the private sector, providing technical assistance to PA ministries in various areas, and meeting basic human needs.

Budget Breakdown by Sector:


Obligations  1993-2008

Economic Growth


Democracy and Governance


Health and Humanitarian Assistance


Youth and Education


Water Sanitation and Infrastructure


Cash Transfer, Budget Support to PA


Other (UNRWA, Program Support)


Total for USAID West Bank and Gaza




Budget Pie Chart