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NOAA Photo Library Image - figb0627

Pl. L. 183. Notacanthus nasus, Bloch. From Cuvier and Valenciennes, "Histoire Naturelle des Poissons...." 184. Notacanthus analis, Gill. At N. Lat. 32.65, W. Lon. 76.8, in 478 fathoms. 185. Notacanthus Bonapartii, Risso. From Vaillant, " Exped. Scient. du Travailleur et du Talisman." 189. Notacanthus phasganorus, Goode. From the stomach of a ground-shark on the Grand Banks of Newfoundland.

Image ID: figb0627, NOAA's Historic Fisheries Collection
Credit: NOAA NMFS Santa Cruz Laboratory Library

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April 23, 2007