Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act of 1965
Archived Information


Public Hearing on Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act - March 7, 2003    

We are soliciting comments and recommendations from interested parties on proposals for amending and extending the Higher Education Act (HEA). To facilitate the receipt of these comments, the Department has established this web site from which users can transmit their comments, suggestions and ideas to the Department.

We request your comments on or before February 28, 2003. If possible, we will consider comments received after that date.

Please access the HEA Reauthorization Comment Web site to send us your comments and recommendations electronically. Note: this Web site is no longer active.

Interested persons wishing to submit comments by mail may address them to:

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy, Planning and Innovation
Office of Postsecondary Education
1990 K Street, NW, Room 8046
Washington, DC 20006
ATTENTION: HEA Reauthorization.

As we begin to consider proposals to reauthorize the HEA, we look to ensure that the significant amounts of funding for the programs authorized in the HEA are wisely spent. We also look to build upon successful program results in providing access to students and improving the quality of postsecondary education.

Questions for Public Comment

We are seeking comments and recommendations on the issues and ideas presented here, as well as the following questions, as we begin to consider proposals for the reauthorization of the HEA.

  1. How can we improve access and promote additional educational opportunity for all students, especially students with disabilities, within the framework of the HEA? How can the Federal Government encourage greater persistence and completion of students enrolled in postsecondary education?
  2. How can existing HEA programs be changed and made to work more efficiently and effectively? In what ways do they need to be adapted or modified to respond to changes in postsecondary education that have occurred since 1998?
  3. How can the HEA programs be changed to eliminate any unnecessary burdens on students, institutions, or the Federal Government, yet maintain accountability of Federal funds? How can program requirements be simplified, particularly for students?
  4. How can we best prioritize the use of funds provided for postsecondary education and the benefits provided under the HEA programs? How can the significant levels of Federal funding already provided for the HEA programs best help to further the goals of improving educational quality, expanding access, and ensuring affordability?
  5. Are there innovative and creative ways the Federal Government can integrate tax credits, deductions, and tax-free savings incentives with the Federal student aid programs in the HEA to improve access to and choice in postsecondary education?
  6. What results should be measured in each HEA program to determine the effectiveness of that program?
  7. Are there other ideas or initiatives that should be considered during reauthorization that would improve the framework in which the Federal Government promotes access to postsecondary education and ensures accountability of taxpayer funds?

Department of Education Staff Contacts

Jean-Didier Gaina
Office of Postsecondary Education
1990 K Street, NW, Room 8055
Washington, DC 20006
telephone: (202) 502-7705
David Bergeron
Office of Postsecondary Education
1990 K Street, NW, Room 8074
Washington, DC 20006
telephone: (202) 502-7815
Fax: 202-502-7873

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Last Modified: 03/01/2005