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National College Week

In 1999, over five hundred colleges and universities across the country participated in National College Week. This year we hope to double that number. We know that many young people still believe that higher education is financially out of reach because they lack an understanding of the resources available to help cover college costs. We also know that many more young people would be better prepared to do college level work if they began preparing for college earlier in their high school careers. I encourage you to join your colleagues in activities promoting college opportunity during the week of October 16 - 23.
  • Personal Visits to High Schools and Middle Schools: Set aside some time from your own busy schedule to visit a high school or middle school of your choice and encourage young people to seek a college education. Having hundreds of college and university presidents visit schools during National College Week will underscore the message that college is possible for many more young people.

  • GEAR UP and TRIO Activities: Consider the opportunity National College Week provides for GEAR UP for College partnerships and TRIO programs to highlight the work they are doing to encourage and prepare disadvantaged middle and high school students to succeed in college. This year, all GEAR UP students are being recognized for their progress by receiving special 21st Century Scholar certificates. President Clinton and I have signed the certificates, and many partnerships are holding special ceremonies to award these certificates.

  • College Ambassadors: Consider sending teams of students from your institution to visit high schools and middle schools during National College Week. College students themselves are some of the most effective spokespersons for the importance of starting early to prepare for higher education.

Enclosed are a fact sheet on National College Week. Also enclosed is a registration form to let us know how you plan to participate. For more information on National College Week, please call the National College Week Hotline (202/401-4396) or e-mail

National College Week Resources

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This page last modified March 15, 2001 (mhm)