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U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual: Search Tips

Sample Searches | Identification Codes

Sample Searches (6)

The following sample searches are provided as guides to general types of searches in the U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual. They are performed in the 29th Edition of the U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual 2003. For the sake of space, only the top three hits in each results list are included with each example below.

Subject | Chapter | Page Number | Internet Terms | Numerals | Symbols

1. Search by Subject

This type of search returns documents that are related to a specific subject. The word(s) that you enter as your search term(s) may appear anywhere within the document.

Query: "proper names"
Results: [Style Manual] 3. CAPITALIZATION RULES
[Style Manual] INDEX

2. Search by Chapter

This type of search returns documents with information located in a specific chapter within the U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual.

Query: "chapter 2"
Results: [Style Manual] ABOUT THIS MANUAL
  [Style Manual] 12. NUMERALS

3. Search by Page Number

This type of search returns documents with information located on a specific page of the U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual. The word "page" must appear before the actual page number in a search for a more specific result.

Query: "page 225"
Results: [Style Manual] 17. USEFUL TABLES

4. Search by Internet Terms

This type of search returns documents pertaining to proper use of terms relating to the Internet.

Query: "Web site"
Results: [Style Manual] 7. COMPOUNDING EXAMPLES
[Style Manual] WHAT IS GPO ACCESS?

5. Search by Numerals

This type of search returns documents that pertain to rules for the proper usage of numerals.

Query: “0.25 inches”
Results: [Style Manual] 12. NUMERALS

6. Search by Symbols

This type of search returns documents that pertain to rules concerning the usage of symbols. Keywords pertaining to the usage of symbols or the actual symbols may be used to execute the search.

Query: price
Results: [Style Manual] 4. CAPITALIZATION EXAMPLES
  [Style Manual] 10. SIGNS AND SYMBOLS

Identification Codes

In the list that displays your query results, the title of each U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual document is preceded by an identification code. The identification code consists of two elements: the name of the application and the chapter number and title being referenced. For example, in the listing "[Style Manual] 6. COMPOUNDING RULES," "Style Manual" stands for, the U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual 2003 and "6. COMPOUNDING RULES" is the number and title of the chapter.