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Editors' Notes

The Madoff AffairComing Attractions

The Madoff Affair

So you'd really like to know just how he pulled off his multibillion-dollar Ponzi scheme? Well, here's a clip from an exclusive interview with a fellow who's pretty key to understanding everything that happened...MORE »
Virtual TrainingVideo

Virtual Training

The U.S. Marines have gone digital in preparing recruits for combat -- some neat video from our team's recent visit...MORE »
Where Women Are Flogged...In the News

Where Women Are Flogged...

The Taliban imposed Sharia law in Pakistan's Swat Valley -- and then, alarmingly, pushed into new areas of the country. View video of our correspondent's dangerous journey through the area they now control ...MORE »
Hey! Should We Blame This Guy?Flashback

Hey! Should We Blame This Guy?

He's the consultant whose ingenious innovations years ago helped launch Americans on their credit card binge... MORE »


The Madoff Affair
May. 12, 2009 (Check local listings)

FRONTLINE unravels the story behind the world's first truly global Ponzi scheme, interviewing former investors and colleagues. Who saw the warning signs? Why were they ignored for so long?
Sex Slaves
May. 5, 2009 (Check local listings)

An undercover journey deep into the world of sex trafficking, following one man determined to rescue his wife -- kidnapped and sold into the global sex trade.
The Released
Apr. 28, 2009

An intimate look at the lives of prisoners with serious mental illnesses. What happens to them after they leave prison or jail? Why do they return at such alarming rates?
Poisoned Waters
Apr. 21, 2009

FRONTLINE correspondent Hedrick Smith examines the rising hazards to human health and the ecosystem, and why it's so hard to keep our waters clean.
Children of the Taliban
Apr. 14, 2009

The riveting story of our correspondent's dangerous journey along Pakistan's fault lines, encountering young people who are caught between a brutal Taliban insurgency and a state struggling to preserve itself.
Black Money
Apr. 7, 2009

Slush funds, front companies and billions in secret payments. Correspondent Lowell Bergman follows a tale of international bribery that leads to some of the world's most powerful companies and governments.
Sick Around America
Mar. 31, 2009

FRONTLINE travels the country examining the nation's broken health care system and exploring the need for a fundamental overhaul.
Ten Trillion and Counting
Mar. 24, 2009

FRONTLINE investigates the causes and potential outcomes of -- and possible solutions to -- America's $10 trillion debt.
Living Old
Mar. 17, 2009

A powerful and intimate look at the new realities of aging in America and the burgeoning 85+ population. Are we prepared?
The Soldier's Heart
Feb. 24, 2009

Coming home from war, each brings his own stories of survival and battle. For many, their battle is still not over.
Inside the Meltdown
Feb. 17, 2009

How the economy went so bad so fast, and what Paulson and Bernanke didn’t see, couldn’t stop and haven’t been able to fix.
FRONTLINE has 81 full programs online. MOST POPULAR VIDEOS THIS WEEK
Poisoned Waters Investigating the dangerous new wave of pollutants entering our waterways and drinking water - and who's responsible.
Black Money Lowell Bergman tracks a tale of international bribery that leads to some of the world's most powerful companies and governments.
Inside the Meltdown Investigating the dramatic story of how, in just six months, America's financial system unravelled....
Ten Trillion and Counting Tracing the politics behind America's huge mountain of debt, the threat it presents, and how we get out of it...
Is Wal-Mart Good for America? An eye-opening look at the power and influence of the world's largest company.


“I continue to be astounded by the lack of concern by the public and our public/elected officials to make the changes necessary to stop the recividism. In New York State the main prison population has gone down by 12%. At the same time, the incarceration of the mentally ill has gone up 17%...”New York, N.Y. on The ReleasedREAD MORE »
“I've been an arm-chair environmentalist , but now I'm inspired to take action. I wish the disgruntled homeowners had .... the chance to answer this question: Even if you don't give a hoot about the whales, don't you want your son and his children to be able to swim and drink clean water?”Jackson Heights, N.Y. on Poisoned WatersREAD MORE »
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