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AEHS's 2003 Survey of States' Soil and Groundwater Cleanup Standards

Welcome to the Association for Environmental Health and Sciences (AEHS') 13th survey of states' cleanup standards for hydrocarbon-contaminated soils and groundwater.  We began the survey in 1990 in response to the EPA's final rules for regulating underground storage tanks.  The survey was conducted on an annual basis from 1990 until 2001 and will continue every two years as we found that the standards are not changing that frequently.  We hope this survey to continues to be a meaningful tool for environmental professionals concerned with hydrocarbon contaminated groundwater and soils.

Regulators from each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia contributed their most recent cleanup standards for soil and groundwater.  The programs of each state tend to differ and therefore the format of each set of information can be different.  It should also be noted that the survey was done in September of 2003 and standards could change as early as the beginning of 2004.  Because of this we recommend contacting the state before citing this information. In fact, some states, such as Connecticut and Indiana, have standards that cannot be put into this simple table form. We have included contact information for these states to contact them directly.  Also, for the first time, Puerto Rico has been contacted to provide their cleanup standards, but they do not have any official information to report at this time.  They, however, hope to provide this information in the near future.

AEHS would like to thank all of the state contacts for their time and effort in helping to complete this survey.  We would like to also thank the American Petroleum Institute for their support.

For more information contact AEHS by phone at 413-549-5170, by mail at 150 Fearing Street, Suite 21, Amherst, MA 01002, by FAX at 413-549-0579 or visit our Web Site at: http://www.aehs.com.

Click on the map's state abbreviations to view Cleanup Standards.
Individual state cleanup standards are reported yearly. To view selected report, please click on a state from the U.S. map below or by using the provided drop down menu. Cleanup standards are available for the years 1998 - 2001.

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