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yttrium Y 90 DOTA-biotin (IH-tree-um ... BY-uh-tin)

 A compound that contains the radioisotope yttrium Y 90 linked to the chemical biotin. Biotin is a molecule that binds strongly to the chemical streptavidin. Yttrium Y 90 DOTA-biotin will find tumor cells in the body that have been targeted by an antibody linked to streptavidin and kill them. It is being studied together with CC49-streptavidin in the treatment of cancer. Also called 90Y-DOTA-biotin.

Previous Definitions:yttrium, yttrium Y 90, yttrium Y 90 DOTA anti-CEA monoclonal antibody M5A, yttrium Y 90 DOTA monoclonal antibody HuPAM4, yttrium Y 90 DOTA monoclonal antibody HuAFP31
Next Definitions:yttrium Y 90 DOTA-tyr3-octreotide, yttrium Y 90 edotreotide, yttrium Y 90 ibritumomab tiuxetan, yttrium Y 90 SMT 487, Zactima

A Service of the National Cancer Institute
Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health