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Restoration Activities
Case: Montrose/PV Shelf, CA

The trustees are embarking on an effort to restore many of the natural resources harmed by the release of DDTs and PCBs into Southern California ocean waters. Restoration activities include projects to benefit and monitor injured natural resources such as seabirds, bald eagles and peregrine falcons, and to create improved recreational and subsistence fishing opportunities that offset the impairment of fishing due to contamination in sports fish caught off the coast of Southern California.

Focus of Natural Resource Restoration

As required by Superfund law, the trustees must use the settlement moneys to restore natural resources harmed by the DDTs and PCBs at issue in the settlement agreements. In allocating these funds, the highest priority will go to projects that most directly and effectively restore the natural resources harmed by the DDTs and PCBs.

Initial Activities

Initially, the Trustees undertook two types of activities: data studies to gather additional information that would be used in restoration planning, and public outreach to solicit restoration ideas.

Comprehensive Restoration Plan

Close to 100 restoration ideas were put forth at the public meetings by outside organizations and individuals. These ideas were organized and evaluated according to specific criteria. A more detailed description of the initial evaluations can be found in the Montrose Settlements Restoration Program (MSRP) 2004 Update.

In 2005, the Trustees released a Restoration Plan and Programmatic EIS/EIR, detailing 11 restoration projects that address fishing and fish habitat, bald eagles, peregrine falcons, and seabirds. These projects include:

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