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Case Documents
Case: Montrose/PV Shelf, CA

The records listed below constitute a subset of the complete Montrose Settlements Restoration Program (MSRP) Administrative Record (AR) that in the Trustees' judgement are of greatest interest to the public. A list of all documents in the AR is available in the MSRP Administrative Record Index. The full record may be viewed by contacting the MSRP Long Beach Office.

Administrative Record Index

MSRP Administrative Record Index

Laws and Regulations/Legal Documents

Federal Register Notices

Environmental Impact Statements; Notice of Availability, 70 Federal Register 67, 17995 (April 8, 2005).

Notice of Intent To Prepare a Restoration Plan and Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report, Request for Comments, 66 Federal Register 195, 51391 (October 9, 2001).

Consent Decrees/Related Documents

Consent Decree with Montrose Chemical Corportation of California et al., United States and State of California v. Montrose Chemical Corporation, No. CV 90-3122-R (C.D. Western Div. Calif., March 15, 2001). File 1, File 2, File 3.

Consent Decree with CBS Corporation (formerly Westinghouse), United States and State of California v. Montrose Chemical Corporation of California et al., No. CV 90-3122-AAH (C.D. Western Div. Calif., August 24, 1999). File 1, File 2, File 3.

Amended Consent Decree with Potlatch/Simpson, United States and State of California v. Montrose Chemical Corporation of California et al. Amended from May 19, 1992 , No.CV 90-3122-AAH (C.D. Western Div. Calif., August 24, 1999). File 1, File 2, File 3.

Amended Consent Decree (settlment with local government entities), United States and State of California v. Montrose Chemical Corporation et al., No.CV 90-3122-AAH (C.D. Western Div. Calif., August 24, 1999). File 1, File 2, File 3, File 4.

Trustee Coordination and Management

Memoranda of Understanding/Memoranda of Agreement

Memorandum of Understanding Relating to the Montrose Settlements Restoration Program between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the California Department of Fish and Game, Office of Spill Prevention and Response, the California Department of Parks and Recreation, the California State Lands Commission, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and the National Park Service, January 2, 2007.

First Modification to the 1990 Memorandum of Agreement Among the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the State of California, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and the National Park Service, October 14, 1991.

Memorandum of Agreement Among the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the State of California, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS), and the National Park Service, May 14, 1990.

Meeting Summaries

October 29, 2008, phase II discussion meeting summary.

October 28, 2008, trustee council meeting summary.

June 20, 2008, trustee council meeting summary.

November 28, 2007, trustee council meeting summary.

July 19-20, 2007, trustee council meeting summary.

May 22-23, 2007, trustee council meeting summary.

November 14, 2006, trustee council meeting summary.

September 20, 2006, trustee council meeting summary.

July 11, 2006, trustee council meeting summary.

June 27, 2006, trustee council meeting summary.

March 23, 2006, trustee council meeting summary.

January 25, 2006, trustee council meeting summary.

June 7, 2005, trustee council meeting summary.

January 25, 2005, trustee council meeting summary.

October 19, 2004, trustee council meeting summary.

July 13, 2004, trustee council meeting summary.

May 5, 2004, trustee council meeting summary.

January 15, 2004, trustee council meeting summary.

October 22, 2003, trustee council meeting summary.

July 2, 2003, trustee council meeting summary.

April 23, 2003, trustee council meeting summary.

October 9-10, 2002, trustee council meeting summary.

April 16, 2002, trustee council meeting summary.

June 11, 2002, trustee council meeting summary.

January 29, 2002, trustee council meeting summary.

November 8, 2001, trustee council meeting summary.

August 21, 2001, trustee council meeting summary.

May 23, 2001, trustee council meeting summary.

March 21, 2001, trustee council meeting summary.

Trustee Council Resolutions

December 9, 2008, Calendar year 2009, budget part 2.

December 9, 2008, Calendar year 2009, budget part 1.

October 29, 2008, Repayment of NOAA Past Restoration Costs.

April 21, 2008, Amendment to calendar year 2008 budget.

January 15, 2008, Calendar year 2008, budget part 1.

January 15, 2008, Calendar year 2008, budget part 2.

October 18, 2007, Query Manager Database for the fish survey.

October 18, 2007, Restore seabirds to San Nicolas Island.

July 19, 2007, peregrine falcon monitoring on the Channel Islands.

July 19, 2007, restore seabirds to San Nicolas Island.

March 15, 2007, amended funds to augment implentation of Marine Protected Areas.

January 24, 2007, funds to augment implementation of Marine Protected Areas.

January 8, 2007, Calendar Year 2007 Budget, Part 2.

January 8, 2007, Calendar Year 2007 Budget, Part 1.

January 4, 2007, Repayment of NOAA Past Restoration Costs.

November 14, 2006, 2006 Fishing Outreach Mini-Grants.

November 14, 2006, Restoration of Full Tidal Exchange Wetlands.

November 14, 2006, Repayment of NOAA Past Damage Assessment Costs and Transfer of Funds from Court Registry Accounts to Department of Interior Damage Assessment and Restoration Fund.

September 20, 2006, Peregrine Falcon 2007 Survey.

August 30, 2006, amended Restore Seabirds to San Miguel Island.

August 7, 2006, Reimbursement for the Montrose Settlements Restoration Program Expenditures: October 2000 through December 2002 time period.

April 24, 2006, Restore Seabirds to San Miguel Island.

April 24, 2006, Restore Seabirds to Scorpion and Orizaba Rocks.

April 24, 2006, Restore Seabirds to San Nicolas Island.

April 24, 2006, National Park Service Term Seabird Biologist.

April 10, 2006, amended Calendar Year 2006 Budget.

March 1, 2006, Calendar Year 2006 Budget.

January 30, 2006, Further Clarification of Resolution of Past Damage Assessment Costs for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

December 19, 2005, Transfer of funds from Court Registry Accounts to Department of Interior Damage Assessment and Restoration Fund

November 30, 2005, Modifications to the 2005 MSRP Budget.

June 7, 2005, Review and Reconciliation of Restoration Funds Accounts.

January 31, 2005, amended Calendar Year 2005 Budget.

December 16, 2004, Calendar Year 2005 Budget.

October 20, 2004, Review and Reconciliation of Restoration Funds Accounts.

July 13, 2004, amended Supplemental Stable Isotope Work.

May 6, 2004,Review and Reconciliation of Restoration Funds Accounts.

May 6, 2004, Supplemental Stable Isotope Work.

January 15, 2004, Year 2004.

August 25, 2003, approval of funding for a full-time marine biologist.

July 2, 2003, reimbursement of administrative costs to the California Department of Fish and Game.

July 2, 2003, analysis of bald eagle samples.

July 1, 2003, reimbursement of final damage assessment costs. 

January 28, 2003, reimbursement of administrative costs to the California Department of Fish and Game.

December 26, 2002, 2003 budget.

August 21, 2002, reimbursement of restoration costs to NOAA.

June 11, 2002, reimbursement of administrative costs to the California Department of Fish and Game.

June 11, 2002, reimbursement of past costs to the California State Lands Commission.

August 21, 2002, partial reimbursement of past costs to the California Department of Fish and Game.

April 16, 2002, partial reimbursement of past costs to the U.S. Department of the Interior.

June 6, 2002, disbursement for Year 1 of the feasibility study for reestablishing bald eagles on the northern Channel Islands.

January 28, 2002, reimbursement of restoration costs to NOAA.

August 21, 2001, disposal and samples of specimens.

August 1, 2001, advance funding to begin restoration activities for the National Park Service and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.

May 23, 2001, reimbursement of past damage costs to NOAA.

April 18, 2001, funding for record management support and restoration planning.

December 21, 2000, bald eagles on the Channel Islands .

November 9, 1994, reimbursement of past damage assessment costs.


Restoration Planning/Restoration Plan

Final Environmental Assessment for Restoration of San Nicolas Island's Seabirds and Protection of Other Native Fauna by Removing Feral Cats, April 2009

MSRP Final Restoration Plan and Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Environmental Impact Report (EIR), November 18, 2005.

MSRP Final Restoration Plan and Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Environmental Impact Report (EIR), Executive Summary, November 18, 2005.

Public Comments on the MSRP Draft Restoration Plan and Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Environmental Impact Report (EIR).

MSRP Record of Initial Restoration Ideas and Tier 1 (Screening) Evaluation, August 25, 2004. File 1, File 2, File 3, File 4.

Data Gap Studies

Monitoring and Restoration of Ashy Storm-Petrels at Santa Cruz Island, California, 2007.

2002-2004 Southern California Coastal Marine Fish Contaminants Survey

Full Report
Attachment 1-Sampling and Analysis Plan
Attachment 2-Laboratory Quality Assurance Project Plan
Attachment 3-Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
Attachment 4-Field SOPs and Audit Reports
Attachment 5-Data Quality Assurance-Organochlorines
Attachment 6-Data Quality Assurance-Mercury

Concurrence by USFWS Endangered Species Office that the MSRP Restoration Plan is not likely to adversely affect the Catalina Island fox, October, 2005.

A Survey on Recreational and Subsistence Fishing in Southern California Coastal Waters, June, 2004.

2004 Santa Catalina Island Peregrine Falcon Survey, 2004.

Restoration and Management of Bald Eagles on Santa Catalina Island, California, 2003, December, 2003.

Bald Eagle Restoration on the Northern Channel Islands, California May 2002 - April 2003, 1st Annual Report, September, 2003.

MSRP Fish Sampling and Analysis Plan, October, 2002.

Feasibility Study for Reestablishment of Bald Eagles on the Northern Channel Islands, California, May, 2002.

Report to the Feasibility Study Scientific Review Board: DDE/DDT Trends in Potential Bald Eagle Prey Species, A Possible Role for the Introduction of Ospreys to Northern Channel Islands, and Bald Eagle Releases to Historic Sites in Mexico, August 17, 2001.

Report to the Feasibility Study Scientific Review Board: Using Blood Samples to Monitor Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Exposure of Bald Eagles on the Northern Channel Islands of California, n.d.

Report to the Feasibility Study Scientific Review Board: Collection of Food Habits Data of Bald Eagles to be Released on the Northern Channel Islands, n.d.

Report to the Feasibility Study Scientific Review Board: Application of stable-isotope methods to monitoring Bald Eagle restoration and management on Santa Catalina Island, California, n.d.

Public Outreach and Involvement

Public Outreach

MSRP 2008 Fall Update.

MSRP 2007 Fall Update.

MSRP 2006 Update.

Notice of Availability in the Federal Register and Notice of California Coastal Commission consistency determination hearing, October 28, 2005.

MSRP Restoration Plan, Section 9: Responses to Public Comments, November 15, 2005.

MSRP Draft Restoration Plan and Programmatic EIS/EIR, Executive Summary, April 8, 2005.

MSRP 2004 Update.

Announcement soliciting restoration ideas, March 17, 2003.

Public workshop slides, January 27, 2003.

Agenda: MSRP Restoration Planning Workshop, January 27, 2003.

Notice of public workshop, January 27, 2003.

Public workshop invitation letter, November 22, 2002.

Scoping Announcement To Solicit Public Involvement in Plans To Study the Feasibility of Reintroducing Bald Eagles to the Northern Channel Islands, June 1, 2002.

Transmittal of Feasibility Study and Environmental Assessment for Reestablishment of Bald Eagles to the Northern Channel Islands, announcement of availability of the study for public review, February 26, 2002.

Request for Comments on a Proposal to Study the Feasability of Reintroducing Bald Eagles to the Northern Channel Islands, June 1, 2001.

Public Scoping Document for the Preparation of a Restoration Plan and Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report, August 24, 2001.

Public meeting transcripts from the MSRP Draft Restoration Plan public comment period.

Channel Islands National Park Visitor Center, Ventura, CA. May 9, 2001.
Long Beach Federal Building, Long Beach, CA. April 28, 2001.
Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific, Long Beach, CA. April 24, 2001.
Cabrillo Marine Aquarium, San Pedro, CA. April 23, 2001.

Frequently Asked Questions About Fish Contamination Survey in Southern California, n.d.

Litigation Ends, Restoration Begins, fact sheet describing opportunities for public involvement, n.d.

Public Involvement

MSRP Fish Identification Card.

MSRP Fish Identification Card (Spanish).

"What's the Catch"

"What's the Catch" (Spanish)

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