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Restoration Plan / EIS / EIR
Case: Montrose/PV Shelf, CA

The final Restoration Plan / Environmental Impact Statement / Environmental Impact Report was released by the Montrose Settlements Restoration Program on November 18, 2005. The document describes in detail the damage assessment, litigation, and restoration planning process, and presents the Trustees' preferred alternative for restoring natural resources injured by past releases of DDTs and PCBs into the southern California marine environment.

Executive Summary
Executive Summary

Section 1: Purpose and Need for Proposed Action
Section 2: Summary of Natural Resource Damage Assessment, Litigation, and Montrose Settlements
Section 3: Affected Environment
Section 4: Restoration Goals and Plan Development
Section 5: Tier 1 and Tier 2 Evaluation of Restoration Ideas
Section 6: Restoration Alternatives
Section 7: Environmental Consequences
Section 8: Applicable Laws and Regulations
Section 9: Responses to Public Comments

Appendix A
Appendix A1: Construct artificial reefs and fishing access improvements
Appendix A2: Provide public information to restore lost fishing services
Appendix A3: Restore full tidal exchange wetlands
Appendix A4: Augument funds for implementing Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in California

Appendix B
Restore Bald Eagles to the Channel Islands

Appendix C
Appendix C1: Restore peregrine falcons to the Channel Islands
Appendix C2: Monitor the recovery of peregrine falcons on the Channel Islands
Appendix C3: Restore peregrine falcons to the Baja California Pacific Islands

Appendix D
Appendix D1: Restore seabirds to San Miguel Island
Appendix D2: Restore alcids to Santa Barbara Island
Appendix D3: Restore seabirds to San Nicolas Island
Appendix D4: Restore seabirds to Scorpion and Orizaba Rocks
Appendix D5: Restore seabirds to Baja California Pacific Islands
Appendix D6: Create/Enhance/Protect California brown pelican roost habitat
Appendix D7: Implement an entanglement reducation and outreach program to protect seabird populations
Appendix D8: Restore ashy storm-petrels to Anacapa Island

Appendix E
Montrose Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Litigation Timeline

Appendix F
Summary of Montrose Settlements



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