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Superseded Remedy Guidance Documents

Below is a list of EPA guidance documents that have been partly, or completely replaced. The documents are categorized by subject area. Subject areas are listed alphabetically.

Assistance in answering questions concerning Potentially Responsible Parties (PRPs) and remediation enforcement is available through the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) Office of Site Remediation Enforcement (OSRE).

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Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements (ARARs)

"ARARs Q's and A's" (May 1989) EPA 9234.2-01/FS
Superseded by:
"ARARs Q's and A's : General Policy, RCRA, CWA, SDWA, Post-ROD Information and Contingent Waivers" (June 1991)
OSWER 9234.2-01FSA
PDF Searchable (53 K)

"Superfund LDR Guide #4: Complying With the Hammer Restrictions Under Land Disposal Restrictions (LDRs)" (July 1989)
OSWER 8347.3-04FS
This LDR guide is no longer in effect.

Community Involvement

"RCRA, Superfund and EPCRA Hotline Training Module. Introduction to - Superfund Community Involvement"(June 1997)
EPA/540/R-97/020, OSWER-9205.5-12
Superseded by:
"RCRA, Superfund and EPCRA Hotline Training Module. Introduction to - Superfund Community Involvement" (June 1998 - Updated February 1998)
EPA/540/R-98/027, OSWER-9205.5-12A

Documenting Superfund Decisions

"Guidance on Preparing Superfund Decision Documents: The Proposed Plan, The Records of Decision, Explanation of Significant Differences, The Record of Decision Amendment: Interim Final" (July 1989; October 1989) EPA/540/G-89/007
"A Guide to Developing Superfund Proposed Plans" (May 1990) OSWER 9335.3-02FS-2
"A Guide to Developing Superfund Records of Decision" (May 1990) OSWER 9335.3-02FS-1
"Guide to Developing Superfund No Action, Interim Action, and Contingency Remedy RODs" (April 1991) OSWER 9355.3-02FS-3
"Guide to Addressing Pre-ROD and Post-ROD Changes" (April 1991) OSWER 9355.3-02FS-4

Are All Superseded by:
"A Guide to Preparing Superfund Proposed Plans, Records of Decision, and Other Remedy Selection Decision Documents" (July 1999) EPA 540/R-98/031, OSWER 9200.1-23P

"Interim Guidance on Administrative Records for Selection of CERCLA Response Actions" (March 1989)
Superseded by:
"Final Guidance on Administrative Records for Selecting CERCLA Response Actions" (December 1990) OSWER 9833.3A-1

Lead (Pb) Guidance

"Interim Guidance on Establishing Soil Lead Cleanup Levels at Superfund Sites" (September 1989) OSWER 9355.4-02
"Supplement to Interim Guidance on Establishing Soil Land Cleanup Levels at Superfund Sites" (June 1990) OSWER 9355.4-02A
"The RCRA Corrective Action Program Guidance on Soil Lead Cleanup "(May 1990)

Are All Superseded by:
"Revised Interim Soil Lead Guidance for CERCLA Sites and RCRA Corrective Action Facilities" (August 1994) EPA/540/F-94/043, OSWER 9355.4-12
PDF Searchable (83 K)

Remedial Investigations/Feasibility Studies and Treatability Studies

"Guidance on Remedial Investigations Under CERCLA" (May 1985)
"Guidance on Feasibility Studies Under CERCLA" (June 1985)

Are Both Superseded by and Consolidated into:
"Guidance for Conducting Remedial Investigations and Feasibility Studies under CERCLA, Interim Final" (October 1988) EPA 540/G/89/004, OSWER 9355.3-01
PDF Searchable (2.54 MB)

"Remedial Action Costing Procedures Manual" (October 1988) (EPA/600/8-87/049)
Section of "Guidance for Conducting Remedial Investigations and Feasibility Studies under CERCLA-Interim Final" (October 1988) EPA/540/G-89/004

Are Both Superseded by:
"A Guide to Developing and Documenting Cost Estimates During the Feasibility Study" (July 2000) EPA 540-R-00-002, OSWER 9355.0-75
PDF Image (49 K) AND
"Scoper's Notes - An RI/FS Costing Guide. Bringing in a Quality RI/FS on Time and Within Budget" (February 1990) EPA/540/G-90/002
PDF Searchable (232 K)

Removal Procedures

"Guidance on Implementation of the Revised Statutory Limits on Removal Actions" (April 1987) OSWER 9360.0-12
Superseded by:
"Final Guidance on Implementation of the "Consistency" Exemption to the Statutory Limits on Removal Actions" (June 1989) OSWER 9360.0-12A
PDF Searchable (23 K)

"The Off-Site Policy"
"Procedures for Implementing Off-Site Response Actions" (November 1987) OSWER 9834.11

Are Both Superseded by:
The Off-Site Rule: "Procedures for Planning and Implementing Off-Site Response Actions" (September 1993) 40 C.F.R 300.440 (58 Fed. Reg. 49200)

"Removal Cost Management Manual" (January 1985)
Superseded by:
"Removal Cost Management Manual" (April 1988) OSWER Directive 9360.0-02B

"Superfund Removal Procedures Manual" (February 1988) OSWER 9360.0-3B
Superseded by:
A 10 Volume series entitled: "Superfund Removal Procedures". The series was written over a period of time and encompasses the following categories:

  1. Overview Volume
  2. The Removal Response Decision: Site Discovery to Response Decision
  3. Action Memorandum Guidance
  4. Response Management: Removal Action Start-up to Close-out
  5. Removal Enforcement Guidance for On-Scene Coordinators
  6. Public Participation Guidance for On-Scene Coordinators: Community Relations and the Administrative Record (July 1992)
  7. Removal Response Reporting: POLPREPs and OSC Reports (June 1994)
  8. Special Circumstances
  9. Guidance on the Consideration of ARARs During Removal Actions
  10. State Participation


"Fiscal Year 2001 Appropriations Conference Report Language on Contaminated Sediments" (March 2001) OSWER 9200.0-36
PDF Searchable (19 K)

Superseded by:
"Principles for Managing Contaminated Sediment Risks at Hazardous Waste Sites" (February 2002) OSWER 9285.6-08.
PDF Searchable (44 K)


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