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 1.  Delaware Department of Agriculture - Pesticide Compliance Section
The mission of the Delaware Department of Agriculture Pesticides Section is to provide the State of Delaware with an exceptional pesticide regulatory program which is educationally based, equitably enforced, and protective of the environment, crops, properties, and the health and welfare of all citizens of the State.
URL:  http://www.state.de.us/deptagri/pesticides/
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 2.  Arizona Department of Agriculture
Pesticide and Worker Protection. ACT personnel provide on-site compliance assistance to Arizona's agricultural employers and members of the regulated community in regard to the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Worker Protection Standard (WPS).
URL:  http://www.azda.gov/ACT/wps.htm
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 3.  Nevada Department of Agriculture - Pest Control Licensing Section
Laws and Regulations. It is the Nevada Department of Agriculture's intent to provide up to date information regarding any recent or pending changes to our laws and regulations dealing with the pest control industry.
URL:  http://agri.state.nv.us/PCO_laws.htm
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 4.  Nebraska Department of Agriculture - Pesticide Regulations
Chapter 2 Pesticide Regulations. The purpose of these regulations is to aid in the administration of the Pesticide Act, Neb. Rev. Stat. ??2-2622 to 2-2655.
URL:  http://www.agr.state.ne.us/regulate/bpi/pes/tilw.htm
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 5.  Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship - Pesticide Bureau
The Pesticide Bureau administers and enforces provisions of the Pesticide Act, Chapter 206 Iowa Code and the administrative rules contained in 21 Iowa Administrative Code Chapters 44 & 45, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship.
URL:  http://www.agriculture.state.ia.us/pesticidebureau.htm
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 6.  South Dakota Department of Agriculture - Handling and Transportation
Pesticide Handling and Discharge Response Plan in Compliance
URL:  http://www.state.sd.us/doa/das/Comp/handling_and_discharge.htm
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 7.  Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources - Massachusetts Pesticide Bureau
The Pesticide Bureau, in the Division of Regulatory and Consumer Services of the Department of Agricultural Resources, carries out the day to day responsibilities of regulating pesticides in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Pesticide Bureau also acts as support staff for the Pesticide Board and Subcommittee. The major functions of the Bureau are broken down into specific programs.
URL:  http://www.mass.gov/agr/pesticides/
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 8.  State of Florida - Compliance Monitoring
The Bureau of Compliance Monitoring registers feed, seed, and fertilizer products sold in Florida and licenses organic food certifying agents. The Bureau is charged with ensuring that these commodities meet guarantees and standards with licensing restricted-use pesticide applications, and is responsible for ensuring that pesticides are legally distributed and used.
URL:  http://www.doacs.state.fl.us/onestop/aes/feed.html
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 9.  Idaho Department of Agriculture - Pesticide Information
Pesticide Information - Table of Contents listing everything from A-Z
URL:  http://www.agri.idaho.gov/Categories/Pesticides/indexPesticides.php
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 10.  North Carolina Department of Agriculture
Compliance Assistance The Compliance Monitoring and Field Operations Unit will conduct compliance assistance inspections upon request during normal business hours. All inspections include information specific to your operation on how to comply with the applicable parts of pesticide laws and regulations
URL:  http://www.ncagr.com/fooddrug/pesticid/services.htm
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URL: http://cfpub.epa.gov/clearinghouse/index.cfm?TopicID=C:10:700:PESTICIDES:
Last Updated: Friday, November 07, 2008