(LAST REVISION 04/27/2009)

Note: The satellite moisture bogus was never included here.  Here are notes on its history:

The default (clear-air) bogus reports are no longer used by the GBL analysis.
Satellite moisture bogus are no longer processed by NESDIS.


     Form for eight-character "Station Identification" (BUFR Table B mnemonic SID with local descriptor 0-01-192) in NCEP PREPBUFR files:

     After 1200 UTC 29 March 2000 (RTOVS and ATOVS in "40-level format") ....

          Character 1    - Nadir proximity indicator (Range: 1-9, where 1 is at Nadir and 9 is at limb)
          Characters 2-6 - Unique report index count
          Character 7    - RTOVS/ATOVS indicator as follows:
               RTOVS .. R
               ATOVS .. A
          Character 8    - Satellite indicator as follows:
               Odd NOAA satellite with NESDIS number 3 or 7 or every fourth BUFR satellite identifier (code Table 0-01-007) 201, 205, 209 etc. :
                    Clear path (TOVS/RTOVS/ATOVS) .. A
                    N-Star path (TOVS/RTOVS) ....... B
                    Microwave path (TOVS) .......... C
                    Cloudy path (ATOVS/RTOVS) ...... C
                    Unknown path ................... D
               Odd NOAA satellite with NESDIS number 1 or 5 or every fourth BUFR satellite identifier (code Table 0-01-007) 203, 207, etc. :
                    Clear path (TOVS/RTOVS/ATOVS) .. E
                    N-Star path (TOVS/RTOVS) ....... F
                    Microwave path (TOVS) .......... G
                    Cloudy path (ATOVS/RTOVS) ...... G
                    Unknown path ................... H
               Even NOAA satellite with NESDIS number 2 or every fourth BUFR satellite identifier (code Table 0-01-007) 200, 204, etc. :
                    Clear path (TOVS/RTOVS/ATOVS) .. S
                    N-Star path (TOVS/RTOVS) ....... T
                    Microwave path (TOVS) .......... U
                    Cloudy path (ATOVS/RTOVS) ...... U
                    Unknown path ................... V
               Even NOAA satellite with NESDIS number 4 or 8 or every fourth BUFR satellite identifier (code Table 0-01-007) 202, 206, etc.; or METOP-2 [BUFR satellite identifier (code Table 0-01-007) 004] :
                    Clear path (TOVS/RTOVS/ATOVS) .. W
                    N-Star path (TOVS/RTOVS) ....... X
                    Microwave path (TOVS) .......... Y
                    Cloudy path (ATOVS/RTOVS) ...... Y
                    Unknown path ................... Z

     From 1200 UTC 09 February 1998 through 1200 UTC 29 March 2000 (RTOVS in "40-level" format) ....

          Character 1    - Nadir proximity indicator (Range: 1-9, where 1 is at Nadir and 9 is at limb)
          Characters 2-7 - Unique report index count
          Character 8    - Satellite indicator (see above)

     After 1200 UTC 09 February 1998 (RTOVS and ATOVS in "NMCEDS" format) ....

          Character 1    - Nadir proximity indicator (Range: 1-9, where 1 is at Nadir and 9 is at limb)
          Characters 2-5 - Unique report index count
          Character 6    - Satellite indicator (see above)
          Character 7    - RTOVS/ATOVS indicator as follows:
               RTOVS .. R
               ATOVS .. A
          Character 8 - Blank

     Prior to 1200 UTC 09 February 1998 (TOVS and RTOVS in "NMCEDS" format) ....

          Character 1    - Nadir proximity indicator (Range: 1-9, where 1 is at Nadir and 9 is at limb)
          Characters 2-5 - Unique report index count
          Character 6    - Satellite indicator (see above)
          Characters 7-8 - Blank

Satellite Number/Usage History:

    From BUFR Code Figure 0-01-007 (Satellite Identifier):
          NOAA-06 - 706 (NESDIS satellite number 2)
          NOAA-07 - 707 (NESDIS satellite number 4)
          NOAA-08 - 200 (NESDIS satellite number 6)
          NOAA-09 - 201 (NESDIS satellite number 7)
          NOAA-10 - 202 (NESDIS satellite number 8)
          NOAA-11 - 203 (NESDIS satellite number 1)
          NOAA-12 - 204 (NESDIS satellite number 2)
          NOAA-14 - 205 (NESDIS satellite number 3)
          NOAA-15 - 206 (NESDIS satellite number 4)
          NOAA-16 - 207 (NESDIS satellite number 5)
          NOAA-17 - 208 (NESDIS satellite number 6)
          NOAA-18 - 209 (NESDIS satellite number 7)
          METOP-2 - 004 (satellite number 8) (METOP-2 BUFR satellite identifier was mislabeled as 003 until 


           NOAA-6 and NOAA-7(?)(NESDIS satellite number 4) TOVS temperature retrievals operational in all networks.
           NOAA-6 and NOAA-9 TOVS temperature retrievals operational in all networks (NOAA-6 microwave path only).
           NOAA-6 TOVS microwave temperature retrievals turned off in all networks (no operational retrievals produced).
           NOAA-6 TOVS microwave temperature retrievals turned back on in all networks (excluding tropics).
           NOAA-6 and NOAA-9 TOVS temperature retrievals north of 20S latitude turned off operationally in all networks.
           NOAA-9 TOVS temperature retrievals turned back on over entire globe in all networks.
           NOAA-10 TOVS temperature retrievals replace NOAA-6 operationally in all networks.
           NOAA-10 TOVS microwave temperature retrievals turned off operationally in all networks.
           NOAA-10 TOVS microwave temperature retrievals turned back on operationally in all networks (excluding tropics).
           NOAA-9 TOVS temperature retrievals (all paths) turned off operationally in all networks.
           NOAA-10 TOVS temperature retrieval method now physical (replaces statistical) in all networks.
           NOAA-11 TOVS temperature retrievals become operational in all networks.
           NOAA-12 TOVS temperature retrievals replace NOAA-10 operationally in all networks.
           AVN and FNL PREPDA files now contain input from 40-level TOVS temperature retrievals rather than from 15-layer NMCEDS format.
           Interactive TOVS temperature retrievals implemented in N. Hemisphere in AVN and FNL networks.
           NOAA-11 TOVS temperature retrievals (all paths) turned off operationally in all networks.
           NOAA-14 TOVS temperature retrievals become operational in EDAS/ETA (not yet in other networks).
           NOAA-12 TOVS temperature retrievals replaced by NESDIS TOVS radiances in AVN and FNL networks (NOAA-12 NESDIS TOVS radiances not yet operational).
           NOAA-12 NESDIS TOVS radiances operational in AVN and FNL networks.
           NOAA-14 NESDIS TOVS radiances operational in AVN and FNL networks.
           NOAA-12 TOVS temperature retrievals (all paths) turned off operationally in all non-Global networks.
           NOAA-11 TOVS temperature retrievals/radiances replace NOAA-12 TOVS operationally.  For the first time, two odd-numbered satellites are operational.
     FALL 1997:
           NESDIS deems “RTOVS” to be operational (we still use TOVS temperature retrievals in non-Global networks and TOVS radiances in AVN and FNL networks).
           New Eta/EDAS 3DVAR uses 40-level TOVS temperature retrievals at full 80 km resolution (old OI had used 15-layer NMCEDS format temperature retrievals at 250 km resolution).
           NOAA-15 launched into morning orbit.

           ETA and RGL networks switch from TOVS temperature retrievals to RTOVS temperature retrievals operationally.  (NOAA-11 and NOAA-14 operational.)
     1998 (??):
             NOAA-11, NOAA-12 and NOAA-14 HIRS2 and MSU 1B data processing initiated in Global SSI (AVN and FNL) (data in IEEE format in /dcom database).
           NESDIS discontinues TOVS processing.  AVN and FNL networks discontinue assimilation of TOVS ozone for their 1b processing.  They do not switch to RTOVS ozone due to imminent upgrade of 1B which will no longer need ozone. 
           NOAA-15 1B HIRS and AMSU-A data now processed in AVN and FNL data IEEE dumps.
           NOAA-12 MSU 1B data no longer produced by NESDIS.  Replaced by NOAA-15 MSU 1B data. (All NOAA-12 1B data processing discontinued by NESDIS.)  Data are in IEEE format in /dcom database.
           NOAA-11 RTOVS temperature retrievals (all paths) turned off operationally in non-Global networks.
           NOAA-15 1B HIRS and AMSU-A data (from IEEE dumps) now assimilated by SSI. 
           NOAA-15 AMSU-B 1B data now dumped from IEEE (SSI doesn’t use it however).
           Removed the ingest of NOAA-11 HIRS1B in /dcom database (IEEE) (no longer processed by NESDIS).
           NOAA-14 and NOAA-15 HIRS2, NOAA-14 MSU, NOAA-15 AMSU-A, and NOAA-15 AMSU-B data now dumped from IEEE in EDAS and Eta networks (not yet assimilated).
           NOAA-14 HIRS2 and MSU, and NOAA-15 and NOAA-16 AMSU-A, AMSU-B and HIRS3 1B data now ingested in BUFR in /dcom database (none are dumped or assimilated - IEEE 1B data still dumped and assimilated).
           NOAA-16 launched into afternoon orbit.

           The Eta/EDAS 3DVAR has switched from NOAA-14 RTOVS temperature retrievals to the 1B satellite radiances (NOAA-14 HIRS, NOAA-15 HIRS, NOAA-14 MSU, NOAA-15 AMSU-A) from IEEE dumps.  Only the CDAS network now uses RTOVS temperature retrievals from NOAA-14. 
           NOAA-15 HIRS 1B data no longer ingested into IEEE or dumped from IEEE (data went bad ~ 11/1/2000 - had not been assimilated in SSI/3DVAR since about that time).
           NOAA-16 HIRS, AMSU-A, AMSU-B data now ingested into /dcom database in IEEE format (not yet dumped or assimilated).  
           NOAA-16 HIRS, AMSU-A, AMSU-B data now dumped in EDAS, ETA, AVN, FNL and CDAS networks from IEEE (not yet assimilated).
           NOAA-16 AMSU-A and NOAA-15 and NOAA-16 AMSU-B data from IEEE dumps now assimilated by SSI (but not yet assimilated by 3DVAR). 
           NOAA-15 and NOAA-16 ATOVS temperature retrieval data now ingested into /dcom database in BUFR format (not yet dumped).
           NOAA-15 and NOAA-16 ATOVS temperature retrievals now dumped (BUFR) in FNL and CDAS networks (will eventually be assimilated by CDAS-SSI only). 
           CDAS network now assimilates NOAA-15 and NOAA-16 ATOVS temperature retrievals rather than NOAA-14 RTOVS temperature retrievals (still sampling data at approximately 250 km resolution).  NOAA-14 RTOVS temperature retrievals are no longer dumped in FNL or CDAS networks (these are about to be discontinued by NESDIS).
           NOAA-15 HIRS 1B data are again ingested into /dcom BUFR and IEEE database (not yet dumped or assimilated).
           NOAA-15 HIRS 1B data now dumped from IEEE in EDAS, ETA, AVN, FNL and CDAS networks (not assimilated).
           NOAA-16 AMSU-A and NOAA-15 and NOAA-16 AMSU-B data from IEEE dumps now assimilated by 3DVAR.
           NOAA-17 launched into mid-morning orbit.

           NOAA-14 HIRS2 and MSU, and NOAA-15 and NOAA-16 ATOVS AMSU-A, AMSU-B and HIRS3 1B data now dumped in BUFR in EDAS, Eta, AVN, FNL and CDAS networks (SSI and 3DVAR still assimilate from IEEE dumps).
           NOAA-17 NCEP-processed AMSU-A and AMSU-B brightness temperatures are now included in the various network "1bamua" and "1bamub" dump files (they are not yet assimilated by any analyses).  The NOAA-17 data will NOT be included in the operational IEEE dumps. 
           IEEE dumps are no longer generated in AVN or FNL networks.    
           GFS/GDAS SSI analysis now assimilates NOAA-17 HIRS, AMSU-A and AMSU-B NCEP-processed brightness temperatures (from BUFR dumps).
           NOAA-16 AMSU-A channel 9 turned off in all analyses (went bad).
           EDAS/ETA 3DVAR analysis now assimilates all NCEP-processed brightness temperatures from BUFR dumps (no longer uses IEEE dumps).  NOAA-17 HIRS (channel 2-15), AMSU-A (channel 1-6, 8-13, 15) and AMSU-B (all channels) now assimilated (from BUFR dumps) by EDAS/ETA 3DVAR analysis.  NOAA-16 HIRS (channel 2-5) now used by EDAS/ETA 3DVAR analysis.  NOAA-14 MSU channel 1, NOAA-15 AMSU-A channel 12-13 and NOAA-16 AMSU-A channels 10-13  all now turned on in EDAS/ETA 3DVAR analysis.
           NOAA-17 AMSU-A data turned off in GFS/GDAS SSI and in EDAS/ETA 3DVAR analysis because instrument is producing bad data due to an antenna anomaly.
           NOAA-16 HIRS data turned off in GFS/GDAS SSI and in EDAS/ETA 3DVAR analysis due to increase in noisiness in the data.
           NOAA-11 decommissioned.
           NOAA-16 AMSU-A channels 10-11 turned off in all analyses (went bad).
           NOAA-16 AMSU-A channels 12-13 turned off in all analyses (went bad).
           NOAA-15 HIRS data went bad (no longer produced by NESDIS).

           NOAA-18 launched into afternoon orbit.  NOAA-15 HIRS data again being produced by NESDIS (data are ok).
           NOAA-15, -16 uncorrected AMSU-A antenna temperatures ingested into /dcom database (not dumped or assimilated).
           NOAA-18 HIRS-4, AMSU-A and MHS data are now ingested into /dcom database (AMSU-A is now included in the existing "1bamua" dump file in the GFS, GDAS, CDAS, NAM and NDAS networks, no other types are yet dumped and none of the types are yet monitored or assimilated)     

           NOAA-18 HIRS-4 and MHS data now are now dumped ("1bhrs4" and
"1bmhs", resp.) in the GFS, GDAS, CDAS, NAM and NDAS networks. These are not yet monitored nor assimilated by any network.
           NOAA-18 AMSU-A data
now assimilated by GFS/GDAS SSI.  NOAA-18 HIRS-4 and MHS data are now monitored (but not assimilated) by the GFS/GDAS SSI.
           NOAA-15 AMSU-B channel 4 turned off in all analyses (went bad per UK Met Office).
           NOAA-18 AMSU-A, MHS and HIRS-4 data now assimilated by NAM/NDAS GSI.
           NOAA-14 HIRS-2 and MSU data no longer available from NESDIS.  NOAA-14 HIRS-2 and MSU data no longer ingested into /dcom database. Dump files "1bmsu" and "1bhrs2" no longer produced in NAM/NDAS or GFS/GDAS networks.  These data are no longer assimilated by the GFS/GDAS SSI or NAM/NDAS GSI.
           METOP-2 launched into morning orbit.  Was mislabeled as satellite id 3 instead of the correct value of 4 until
           METOP-2 AMSU-A, MHS and HIRS-4 data now ingested into /dcom BUFR database and dumped in NAM, NDAS, GFS and GDAS networks (not yet assimilated).

           NOAA-18 MHS data now assimilated by GFS/GDAS GSI (Global-GSI became operational today).
           METOP-2 replaces NOAA-17 as the primary morning satellite.  METOP-2 and NOAA-18 (primary afternoon satellite) now form the NESDIS POES constellation.  (NOAA-15, -17 and -16 provide backup support in that order - we still receive data from these satellites although it can be delayed).
           METOP-2 AMSU-A, MHS and HIRS-4 data now assimilated by GFS/GDAS GSI (not yet assimilated by NAM/NDAS GSI).
           NOAA-18 AMSU-A channel 9 is no longer assimilated by the NAM/NDAS or GFS/GDAS GSI.  A sudden increase in the noise for both space and warm counts for this channel has been observed.
          NOAA-16 AMSU-A channel 4 has gone bad.  As a result, NOAA-16 ATOVS sounding files are no longer being produced by NESDIS, thus they are no longer in the "atovs" dumps in the GDAS and CDAS networks and they (temperature retrievals) are no longer available for assimilation by the CDAS.  The "atovs" dumps now contain only NOAA-15 ATOVS soundings and only these temperature retrievals (cloudy only) are assimilated by the CDAS.  In addition, the failed channel 4 data has resulted in no NOAA-16 AMSU-A data being assimilated by the NAM/NDAS or GFS/GDAS GSI (even though these files are still being produced by NESDIS and NOAA-16 AMSU-A data continue to be dumped in the "1bamua" files in the CDAS, GDAS, GFS, NDAS and NAM networks).
          The "satinfo" files have been modified to no longer use (and to just monitor) NOAA-16 AMSU-A data in the NAM/NDAS and GFS/GDAS GSI (even though these files are still being produced by NESDIS and NOAA-16 AMSU-A data continue to be dumped in the "1bamua" files in the CDAS, GDAS, GFS, NDAS and NAM networks).  See 03/06/2008/1200UTC note above for more information.
          ATOVS soundings (retrievals) in /dcom database tank b003/xx104 and in "atovs" dump files in GDAS and CDAS networks now contain NOAA-18 and METOP-2 data [replacing NOAA-15 and the now-defunct NOAA-16 (see 03/06/2008/1200UTC entry above)].  The CDAS now assimilates NOAA-18 cloudy temperature retrievals in place of NOAA-15 cloudy temperature retrievals (PREPBUFR processing is not yet ready to handle data from the METOP-2 satellite).
          The CDAS now assimilates METOP-2 clear and cloudy soundings (in addition to existing NOAA-18 cloudy soundings) (PREPBUFR processing can now handle data from the METOP-2 satellite).
          ATOVS AMSU-A ("1bamua"), AMSU-B ("1bamub"), HIRS-3 ("1bhrs3"), MHS ("1bmhs") and HIRS-4 ("1bhrs4") data now dumped in RUC network.  These data are not assimilated by the RUC analysis.  They will be used by the future (2009) RapidRefresh system.

          METOP-2 AMSU-A, MHS and HIRS-4 data now assimilated by NAM/NDAS GSI.
          METOP-2 AMSU-A channel channel 7 is no longer assimilated by the NAM/NDAS or GFS/GDAS GSI.  A sudden increase in the noise-equivalent delta-t for this channel has been observed in the past week.
          NOAA-N-prime launched and now in afternoon orbit as NOAA-19.
          NOAA-16 AMSU-B brightness temperatures are no longer assimilated by the NAM/NDAS or GFS/GDAS GSI (but they are monitored by both). This is due to a degradation in the quality of channel 19.


     1998 (??):
           NOAA-09 SBUV-2 data processing initiated in Global SSI (AVN and FNL) (data in IEEE format in /dcom database).
           NESDIS discontinues TOVS processing.  AVN and FNL networks discontinue assimilation of TOVS ozone for their 1b processing.  They do not switch to RTOVS ozone due to imminent upgrade of 1B which will no longer need ozone.
           NOAA-14 SBUV-2 data from IEEE dumps now assimilated in Global SSI (AVN and FNL).
           Now dumping NOAA-11 SBUV-2 data from IEEE (not yet assimilated by SSI).
           NOAA-11 SBUV-2 data now dumped from IEEE (not sure if SSI uses it however).
           NOAA-11 and NOAA-14 SBUV-2 data now dumped from IEEE in EDAS and Eta networks (not yet assimilated).
           NOAA-11 SBUV-2 data from IEEE dumps now processed in SSI.
           NOAA-14 SBUV-2 data no longer dumped from IEEE or assimilated into SSI (still ingested into /dcom database).
           NOAA-11 SBUV-2 data no longer available (at least the part needed for assimilation).  It is still ingested in IEEE and dumped from IEEE, however.
           NOAA-16 SBUV-2 data now ingested into /dcom database in IEEE format (not yet dumped or assimilated).
           NOAA-11, NOAA-14 and NOAA-16 SBUV-2 data now ingested into /dcom database in BUFR format (not yet dumped or assimilated).
           NOAA-16 SBUV-2 data now dumped from IEEE in AVN, FNL, CDAS networks but not yet assimilated.  NOAA-11 SBUV-2 data no longer dumped from IEEE in FNL, AVN and CDAS networks.  NOAA-11, NOAA-14 and NOAA-16 SBUV-2 data now dumped in BUFR format in AVN, FNL and CDAS networks (SSI still assimilates from IEEE dumps).
           NOAA-16 SBUV-2 data from IEEE dumps now assimilated by GBL-SSI.
           NOAA-17 SBUV-2 data are now included in the various network "osbuv" dump files (they are not yet assimilated by any analyses).  The NOAA-17 data will NOT be included in the operational IEEE dumps. 
           IEEE dumps are no longer generated in AVN or FNL networks.    
           NESDIS stopped making NOAA-11 SBUV-2 ozone data.

           NOAA-17 SBUV-2 ozone data now assimilated by GFS/GDAS SSI.

           NESDIS stopped making NOAA-14 SBUV-2 ozone data.  NOAA-14 SBUV-2 data no longer ingested into /dcom database or part of "osbuv" dump files.  These data have not been assimilated by SSI for several years.
          NESDIS Version 8 BUFR SBUV-2 data from NOAA-16, -17 and -18 now dumped into "osbuv8" files in GFS and GDAS networks.  These data replace NESDIS Version 6 BUFR SBUV-2 data (in existing "osbuv" dump) in GFS/GDAS GSI assimilation (NOAA-18 still not assimilated).
          NESDIS stops producing Version 6 BUFR SBUV-2 data (both orbital and daily files).  The "osbuv" dumps are no longer generated in the GFS and GDAS networks.  Daily Version 8 BUFR SBUV-2 files from NOAA-16, -17 and -18 are now copied into daily /dcom database mobsbfr subdirectory, replacing daily Version 6 BUFR SBUV-2 files.
          METOP-2 GOME-2 data now ingested into /dcom database (tank b008/xx012) (not yet dumped or assimilated).
          METOP-2 GOME-2 data are now dumped ("gome") in the GFS, GDAS and CDAS networks.  No  GOME data are yet assimilated or even monitored by any NCEP analysis.
          N-16/17 SBUV-2 data with profile ozone quality flag 7 (upper level profile anomaly or stray light anomaly) are now assimilated in the GFS and GDAS networks by the GBL-GSI (improves coverage in S.H.).
          NOAA-16 SBUV-2 data began to exhibit a high bias along with a large increase in error codes.  The problem was traced to a calculated interrange ratio.

          NOAA-16 SBUV/2 ozone observations are turned off (w.r.t. assimilation) in the GFS/GDAS GSI in order to prevent degradation of GDAS analyses, GFS forecasts of ozone, and stratospheric temperature.
          NESDIS has deemed the NOAA-16 SBUV-2 data to again be of good quality.  However, the equator crossing time for N-16 is now past 1700 local, so about 1/3 of the data are flagged for high solar zenith angle and global coverage is very lopsided.  These have not been turned back on in the GFS/GDAS GSI.
          METOP-2 GOME-2 data are now monitored by the GFS/GDAS GSI.


          NAVY SST now includes METOP-2 data (in addition to existing NOAA-17 and -18 data).  (NESDIS SST continues to include NOAA-16, -17, -18 and METOP-2.)


     Form for eight-character "Report Identifier" (BUFR Table B mnemonic RPID with local descriptor 0-01-198) in NCEP observation database (data dump reports only) or "Station Identification" (BUFR Table B mnemonic SID with local descriptor 0-01-192) in NCEP PREPBUFR files:

          Character 1    - Satellite indicator as follows:
               Odd GOES satellite with every fourth BUFR satellite identifier
                (code Table 0-01-007) 249, 253, 257, etc. .. C
               Odd GOES satellite with every fourth BUFR satellite identifier
                (code Table 0-01-007) 247, 251, 255, etc. .. A
               Even GOES satellite with every fourth BUFR satellite identifier
                (code Table 0-01-007) 250, 254, 258, etc. .. D
               Even GOES satellite with every fourth BUFR satellite identifier
                (code Table 0-01-007) 248, 252, 256, etc. .. B
               Even GMS satellite with every fourth BUFR satellite identifier
                (code Table 0-01-007) 152, 156, etc. ....... P
               Odd GMS satellite with every fourth BUFR satellite identifier
                (code Table 0-01-007) 153, 157, etc. ....... Q
               Even GMS satellite with every fourth BUFR satellite identifier
                (code Table 0-01-007) 150, 154, 158, etc. .. R
               Odd GMS satellite with every fourth BUFR satellite identifier
                (code Table 0-01-007) 151, 155, 159, etc. .. O
               Unknown GMS satellite ....................... P
          Character 2    - Producer ............. 1 (NESDIS) 
                         Characters 3-7 - Unique report index count
          Character 8    - Product indicator as follows:
               Water vapor imager from GOES ..... W
               Visible cloud drift .............. Z
               Infrared cloud drift from GOES ... I
               Picture triplet .................. P
               Water vapor sounder, channel 10 .. T
               Water vapor sounder, channel 11 .. L
               Infrared cloud drift from GMS .... C
               Water vapor imager from GMS ...... V

Satellite Number/Usage History:

     From BUFR Code Figure 0-01-007 (Satellite Identifier):
          GMS-5   - 152
          GOES-06 - 250
          GOES-07 - 251
          GOES-08 - 252
          GOES-09 - 253
          GOES-10 - 254
          GOES-11 - 255
          GOES-12 - 256
          GOES-13 - 257

     before 01/22/1989:
           GOES-6 (West satellite) -- Prefix character “B”); GOES-7 (East satellite) -- Prefix character “A”).
           GOES-6 (West) turned off operationally (satellite died).
     after 01/22/1989:
           GOES-7 moved from East to West, then back to East.
           CO2 slicing now used to determine level of satwinds.
           VAS gradient winds turned on in AVN and FNL analyses.
           GOES-8 launched.
           GOES-9 launched.

           GOES-7 (East) turned off operationally (winds no longer produced by NESDIS).
           GOES-8 (East) and GOES-9 (West) both become operational.
           GOES-10 launched.

           Six-hourly low density IR winds replaced by 3-hourly IR high-density winds in ETA and EDAS “satwnd” dumps, and are assimilated by Eta-OI and 3DVAR.  3DVAR also assimilates high-density water-vapor imager cloud-top winds.  SSI still assimilates low-density winds.
           Six-hourly low density IR winds replaced by 3-hourly IR high-density winds in AVN and FNL “satwnd” dumps, and are assimilated by SSI.  SSI also assimilates high-density water-vapor imager cloud-top winds.
           GOES-9 (West) turned off operationally (satellite died).
           GOES-10 (West) became operational in all networks.
           GOES-11 launched.

           Now ingests high-density IR, water vapor imager and visible winds from NESDIS BUFR format into /dcom database (not yet dumped or assimilated - still dump and assimilate from OPARCH high density winds).
           IR and water vapor winds in “satwnd” data dump files now originate from NESDIS high-density BUFR-format files rather than from high-density OPARCH files (these are now assimilated). Now include NESDIS visible high-density winds in “satdmp” file rather than CIMMS visible winds (these are flagged in PREPBUFR file and not assimilated.
           Turned off the ingest of IR and water vapor winds from NESDIS OPARCH format (these were no longer dumped or assimilated).
           Turned off the ingest of CIMMS visible winds in /dcom database.  Picture triplet winds from NESDIS BUFR format now ingested into /dcom database (not yet dumped or assimilated).  Water vapor sounder winds from NESDIS BUFR (high-density) now ingested into /dcom database (not dumped or assimilated.  NESDIS -produced GMS IR and water vapor imager winds from NESDIS BUFR now ingested into /dcom database (not dumped or assimilated).
           Turned off ingest of OPARCH picture triplet winds in /dcom database.  The “satwnd” dump is now (today)produced from NESDIS BUFR format picture triplet winds, and these will be assimilated.
           GOES-12 launched.

           GOES-12 replaced GOES-08 as the eastern North American NESDIS geostationary satellite.

           GOES winds from the GTS are now being ingested into /dcom database by the NCO decoder system (the winds from NESDIS server gp12 are still written into the various network PREPBUFR files and assimilated by the operational analyses).

           GOES-N launched and became GOES-13 on 6/4/2006.
           GOES-11 replaces GOES-10 as the operational West satellite.  GOES-11 winds are being assimilated in place of GOES-10.  GOES-12 remains the operational East satellite.
           GOES-12 (GOES-E) data are temporarily not available.  The satellite experienced an anomaly in its attitude due to an oxidizer leak in an attitude thruster following a scheduled North-South station keeping maneuver.  The estimated return to service date for GOES-12 is 12/17/2007. Until then, GOES-10 is being utilized with the GOES-E schedule.
           NCEP began to receive GOES-10 IR, visible, water vapor winds in the GOES-E BUFR files from NESDIS' GP12 server.  The NAM/NDAS and GFS/GDAS GSI are assimilating GOES-11 and  now GOES-10 IR and imager water vapor (cloud top) winds and are monitoring GOES-11 and now GOES-10 visible winds.  The RUC is assimilating GOES-11 and now GOES-10 IR and imager water vapor (cloud top and deep layer) winds.
           GOES-12 data once again available, replacing GOES-10 in the GOES-E BUFR files from NESDIS' GP12 server.
 The NAM/NDAS and GFS/GDAS GSI are again assimilating GOES-11 and GOES-12 IR and imager water vapor (cloud top) winds and are monitoring GOES-11 and GOES-12 visible winds.  The RUC is assimilating GOES-11 and GOES-12 IR and imager water vapor (cloud top and deep layer) winds.
           GOES-12 (GOES-E) data are not available due to a thruster anomaly.  The estimated return to service date for GOES-12 is uncertain. Until then, GOES-13 is being utilized with the GOES-E schedule.  All NCEP analysis that had been using GOES-12 winds are now using GOES-13 winds.
           GOES-12 returned to service and replaced GOES-13 as GOES-E.
All applicable NCEP analysis are again using GOES-12 winds.  (The last GOES-13 winds were processed on 1/06/2009/1600 UTC.)


     Form for eight-character "Report Identifier" (BUFR Table B mnemonic RPID with local descriptor 0-01-198) in NCEP observation database (data dump reports only) or "Station Identification" (BUFR Table B mnemonic SID with local descriptor 0-01-192) in NCEP PREPBUFR files:

     After 1200 UTC 16 July 1998 ....

          Character 1    - Field-of-view (resolution) indicator as follows:
               5x5 FOV (low resolution) ............... 0-9 (any number)
               1x1 FOV (single FOV, high resolution) .. H
          Characters 2-7 - Unique report index count
          Character 8    - Satellite indicator as follows:
               Odd GOES satellite with every fourth BUFR satellite identifier (code Table 0-01-007) 253, 257, etc. :
                    Clear path ............ L
                    Cloud corrected path .. M
                    Unknown path .......... N 
               Odd GOES satellite with every fourth BUFR satellite identifier (code Table 0-01-007) 251, 255, etc. :
                    Clear path ............ Q
                    Cloud corrected path .. R
                    Unknown path .......... T
               Even GOES satellite with every fourth BUFR satellite identifier (code Table 0-01-007) 250, 254, etc. :
                    Clear path ............ O
                    Cloud corrected path .. P
                    Unknown path .......... S
               Even GOES satellite with every fourth BUFR satellite identifier (code Table 0-01-007) 252, 256, etc. :
                    Clear path ............ I
                    Cloud corrected path .. J
                    Unknown path .......... K

Satellite Number/Usage History:

     From BUFR Code Figure 0-01-007 (Satellite Identifier):
          GOES-06 - 250
          GOES-07 - 251
          GOES-08 - 252
          GOES-09 - 253
          GOES-10 - 254
          GOES-11 - 255 (GOES-11 1x1 field-of-view soundings/retrievals/radiances and experimental ("new-science") cloud top
                         data were mislabeled  as 254 from 07/19/2006 until 08/23/2006 and then again starting from sometime
                         between 12/01/2006 and 02/28/2007 until 03/20/2007
          GOES-12 - 256
          GOES-13 - 257

           GOES-8 launched.
           GOES-9 launched.
           GOES-10 launched.

     November 1997:
           GOES-8 (East) and GOES-9 (West) 5x5 field-of-view layer precipitable water retrievals became operational in ETA network.
           GOES-8 (East) and GOES-9 (West) 5x5 field-of-view sounder radiances became operational in GBL networks (over water only).
           GOES-9 (West) turned off operationally (satellite died).
           GOES-10 (West) 5x5 field-of-view layer precipitable water retrievals became operational in Eta network.
           GOES-11 launched.

           GOES-8 and GOES-10 5x5 field-of-view sounder radiances replace layer PW retrievals over water in Eta/EDAS 3DVAR.  GOES-8 and GOES-10 5x5 field-of-view layer PW retrievals still used over land.
           GOES-10 5x5 sounder field-of-view radiances assimilated by SSI (over water only).
           GOES-08 and GOES-10 1x1 field-of-view cloud top data ingested into /dcom database (into tank b003/xx002) (not yet dumped or assimilated).
           GOES-08 and GOES-10 1x1 field-of-view cloud top data dumped in CDAS, EDAS, Eta, RUC2A and RUC2B networks and written into EDAS, Eta and RUC2A and RUC2B PREPBUFR files (not yet assimilated).
           GOES-12 launched.

           GOES-08 and GOES-10 11x17 field-of-view clear imager radiance data are now ingested into the /dcom database (into tank b021/xx041).  They do not contain an RPID value.  They are being dumped in the AVN and FNL networks (separate from the other GOES sounding/radiance data here) (not yet assimilated).
           GOES-12 replaced GOES-08 as the eastern North American NESDIS geostationary satellite.
           GOES-10 and GOES-12
1x1 field-of-view cloud top data, generated hourly in dump and mini-PREPBUFR files, is now nudged each-hour by the forecast component of EDAS.
           GFS/GDAS SSI analysis began using GOES-12 
5x5 field-of-view sounder radiances over water.
           EDAS/ETA 3DVAR analysis began using GOES-12
5x5 sounder field-of-view radiances over water.
           GOES-N launched and became GOES-13 on 6/4/2006.
           Implementation of NAM/NDAS GSI discontinues use of GOES 5x5 field-of-view layer precipitable water retrievals (although they are still monitored).  GOES 5x5 field-of-view sounder radiances still read from PREPBUFR file and still used over water only.  The NDAS forecast component no longer (for now) uses the GOES 1x1 field-of-view cloud top data (it is still generated hourly in dump and mini-PREPBUFR files).
           GOES-11 replaces GOES-10 as the operational West satellite.  GOES-11 5x5 field-of-view sounder radiance data, layer PW retrievals and 1x1 field-of-view cloud top data are not yet being assimilated in any NCEP network.  GOES-12 remains the operational East satellite - its 5x5 field-of-view sounder radiance data are being assimilated (over water only) at NCEP.
           GOES-11 5x5 field-of-view clear layer PW retrievals and 1x1 field-of-view cloud top data are now assimilated by RUC.
           GOES-11 and -12 1x1 field-of-view soundings/retrievals/radiances now ingested in /dcom database (into tank b003/xx003) and dumped in GFS, GDAS, NAM and NDAS networks (dump file "goesfv") [these will never be written into PREPBUFR files, not yet assimilated, 5x5 field-of-view data (originally in dump file "goesnd") are still assimilated from PREPBUFR files].  GOES-11 1x1 field-of-view soundings/retrievals/radiances and experimental ("new-science") cloud top data were mislabeled as satellite id 254 instead of the correct value of 255 from 07/19/2006 until 08/23/2006 and then again starting from sometime between 12/01/2006 and 02/28/2007 until 03/20/2007.
           GOES-11 and -12 1x1 field-of-view sounder radiances over water now assimilated by GFS/GDAS GSI directly from dump file "goesfv" (not yet assimilated by NAM/NDAS GSI). GOES-12 5x5 field-of-view sounder radiances are no longer assimilated over water by GFS/GDAS GSI (GOES-11 5x5 field-of-view sounder radiances were never assimilated by GFS/GDAS GSI, nor were any over land sounder radiances; the NAM/NDAS GSI continues to assimilate GOES-12 5x5 sounder radiances over water).
          GOES-11 and -12 5x5 field-of-view sounder radiances (dump file "goesnd") are no longer dumped or written into PREPBUFR file GFS and GDAS networks.  [These were replaced in GFS/GDAS GSI assimilation by 1x1 field of view sounder radiances (in dump file "goesfv") on 5/29/2007 (see above).]
           GOES-12 (GOES-E) data are temporarily not available.  The satellite experienced an anomaly in its attitude due to an oxidizer leak in an attitude thruster following a scheduled North-South station keeping maneuver.  The estimated return to service date for GOES-12 is 12/17/2007. Until then, GOES-10 is being utilized with the GOES-E schedule.
           NCEP began to receive GOES-10 sounding/retrieval/radiance data in the GOES-E BUFR files from NESDIS' GP12 server.
                In the 1x1 field-of-view files (non-cloud), GOES-10 was incorrectly assigned BUFR satellite id 255 (that of GOES-11) instead of the correct value 254.  Thus, data from both GOES-E and GOES-W was processed as GOES-11 by NCEP.  This caused major problems in the GFS/GDAS GSI resulting in the eventual switching off of the assimilation of all GOES 1x1 field-of-view sounder radiances in the GFS/GDAS GSI effective 12/10/2007/1800UTC.  In the meantime, NESDIS corrected GOES-10 BUFR files to use the proper satellite id 254 effective 12/10/2007/1800 UTC.  The GFS/GDAS GSI will continue to monitor GOES-11 1x1 field-of-view sounder radiances (it does not monitor these data from GOES-10).  Once GOES-12 returns to service, the GOES-11 and GOES-12 radiances will be evaluated carefully before any decision is made to re-introduce them into the GFS/GDAS GSI assimilation.
                In the 5x5 field-of-view files, GOES-10 was correctly assigned BUFR satellite id 254. The NAM/NDAS GSI is now assimilating GOES-10 5x5 field-of-view sounder radiances in place of GOES-12 (it does not assimilate these data from GOES-11).  The RUC is now assimilating only GOES-11 5x5 field-of-view layer PW retrievals (normally it also assimilates these data from GOES-12; it does not assimilate these data from GOES-10).
                In the 1x1 field-of-view cloud top data files, GOES-10 was correctly assigned BUFR satellite id 254. The RUC is now assimilating only GOES-11 1x1 field-of-view cloud top data (normally it also assimilates these data from GOES-12; it does not assimilate these data from GOES-10).
           GOES-12 data once again available, replacing GOES-10 
in the GOES-E BUFR files from NESDIS' GP12 server.
                In the 1x1 field-of-view files (non-cloud), GOES-11 and GOES-12 sounder radiances are again being assimilated in the GFS/GDAS GSI effective 12/18/2007/1800UTC.
                In the 5x5 field-of-view files, the NAM/NDAS GSI is now again assimilating GOES-12 sounder radiances (it does not assimilate these data from GOES-11).  The RUC is now again assimilating GOES-11 and GOES-12 5x5 field-of-view layer PW retrievals.
                In the 1x1 field-of-view cloud top data files, the RUC is now again assimilating GOES-11 and GOES-12 cloud top data.
           GOES-11 and -12 1x1 field-of-view sounder radiances over water now assimilated by NAM/NDAS GSI directly from dump file "goesfv". GOES-12 5x5 field-of-view sounder radiances are no longer assimilated over water by NAM/NDAS GSI (GOES-11 5x5 field-of-view sounder radiances were never assimilated by NAM/NDAS GSI, nor were any over land sounder radiances).
           GOES-11 and -12 "new-science" 1x1 field-of-view cloud top data (based on GOES 1x1 imagery) replaces previous GOES-11 and -12 1x1 field-of-view cloud top data (based on GOES 5x5 imagery).  Ingested into /dcom database (into tank b003/xx002), dumped in RUC and hourly networks, written into the RUC PREPBUFR files and the hourly mini-PREPBUFR files, and assimilated by the RUC.
           GOES-11 and -12 5x5 field-of-view clear and cloudy layer PW retrievals and radiances are no longer dumped {"goesnd") in the NAM and NDAS networks and are no longer written into the NAM and NDAS PREPBUFR files (layer PW has not been assimilated since 2006, 5x5 f-o-v radiances have not been assimilated since early 2008 as 1x1 f-o-v radiances have, since that time, been assimilated directly from the "goesfv" dump file).
           GOES-11 and -12 1x1 field-of-view clear layer PW retrievals and radiances replace previous GOES-11 and -12 5x5 clear layer PW retrievals and radiances in the "goesnd" dump files in the RUC network.  The layer PW data are written into the RUC PREPBUFR files (report types 156/158) and assimilated by the RUC (replacing the 1x1 layer PW data here).  The 1x1 GOES radiance data are also written into the RUC PREPBUFR files (report types 164/174) (the 5x5 radiances were not written in the PREPBUFR file) but are not assimilated by the RUC analysis.  They will be used by the future (2009) RapidRefresh system.  This ends NCEP's use of GOES 5x5 field-of-view data in all networks.
           Hourly dump and mini-PREPBUFR files containing GOES 1x1 field-of-view cloud top data (only) are no longer generated.  The NDAS forecast component has not used these data since 06 June 2006.
           GOES-11 and -12 5x5 field-of-view layer PW retrievals, soundings, and sounder radiances are no longer ingested into the BUFR /dcom database on the NCEP CCS machines.  The RUC (the last network to use any of these data) switched from 5x5 to 1x1 field-of-view layer PW on 9/15/2008.  This ends NCEP's association with GOES 5x5 field-of-view data.
           GOES-12 (GOES-E) data are not available due to a thruster anomaly.  The estimated return to service date for GOES-12 is uncertain. Until then, GOES-13 is being utilized with the GOES-E schedule.  Both the NAM/NDAS and the GFS/GDAS GSI are set to monitor GOES-13 sounder radiances.  The RUC PREPDATA parm cards are set to flag GOES-13 layer PW and cloud data for non-use by the RUC analysis.  GOES-13 imager radiances are not being processed (no NCEP analysis considers GOES imager radiance data).
           GOES-12 returned to service and replaced GOES-13 as GOES-E.  The NAM/NDAS and the GFS/GDAS GSI are again assimilating GOES-12 sounder radiances. The RUC analysis is again assimilating GOES-12 layer PW and cloud data.  GOES-12 imager radiances are again being processed (no NCEP analysis considers GOES imager radiance data)  (The last GOES-13 sounder radiances/layer PW were processed on 1/06/2009/1500 UTC.)



     Form for eight-character "Report Identifier" (BUFR Table B mnemonic RPID with local descriptor 0-01-198) in NCEP observation database [reprocessed data dump (SPSSMI) reports only] or "Station Identification" (BUFR Table B mnemonic SID with local descriptor 0-01-192) in NCEP PREPBUFR files:

     After 1200 UTC 16 March 2000 ....

          Character 1    - Satellite indicator as follows:
               Odd DMSP satellite with every fourth BUFR satellite identifier
                (code Table 0-01-007) 240, 244, 248, etc. .. A
               Odd DMSP satellite with every fourth BUFR satellite identifier
                (code Table 0-01-007) 242, 246, etc. ....... C
               Even DMSP satellite with every fourth BUFR satellite identifier
                (code Table 0-01-007) 241, 245, etc. ....... B
               Even DMSP satellite with every fourth BUFR satellite identifier
                (code Table 0-01-007) 243, 247, etc. ....... D
               Superob report .............................. S
          Characters 2-7 - Unique report index count
          Character 8    - Product indicator as follows:
               Wind speed ......................... A
               Precipitable water ................. E
               Rainfall rate ...................... I
               Surface temperature ................ M
               Cloud water ........................ Q
               Soil moisture ...................... S
               Snow depth ......................... U
               5 additional products .............. W
               7-channel brightness temperatures .. Y

     Prior to 1200 UTC 16 March 2000 ....

          Characters 1-5 - Unique report index count
          Character 6    - Satellite/Product indicator as follows:
               Even DMSP satellite with number 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, etc. :
                    Wind speed .............................. A
               Even DMSP satellite with number 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, etc. :
                    Precipitable water ...................... E
               Odd  DMSP satellite with number 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, etc. :
                    Wind speed .............................. C
               Odd  DMSP satellite with number 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, etc. :
                    Precipitable water ...................... G
               Superob wind speed (all satellites) .......... A
               Superob precipitable water (all satellites) .. E
          Characters 7-8 - Blank

Satellite Number/Usage History:

     From BUFR Code Figure 0-01-007 (Satellite Identifier):
          DMSP-07 (F-7)  - 240
          DMSP-08 (F-8)  - 241
          DMSP-09 (F-9)  - 242
          DMSP-10 (F-10) - 243
          DMSP-11 (F-11) - 244
          DMSP-12 (F-12) - 245
          DMSP-13 (F-13) - 246
          DMSP-14 (F-14) - 247
          DMSP-15 (F-15) - 248
          DMSP-16 (F-16) - 249
          DMSP-17 (F-17) - 285

     before 01/09/1992:
           F-8 (Sat. no. 2 - even) and F-9 (Sat. no. 3 - odd) are operational.
           F-10 (Sat. no. 4 - even) replaces F-8 in operations.
           F-11 (Sat. no. 5 - odd) replaces F-9 in operations.
           Global analyses begin using FNOC wind speed retrievals from F-10, superobed to 1 degree lat/lon.
           Global analyses use both F-10 and F-11 retrievals.
           EDAS/ETA analyses begin using FNOC SSM/I total precipitable water retrievals, superobed to 1 degree lat/lon.
           Global analyses begin using FNOC total precipitable water retrievals, superobed to 1 degree lat/lon. These are later discontinued at a date unknown.
           F-13 (Sat. no. 7 - odd) replaces F-11 in operations.
           SSM/I scan data ingested into /dcom database (BUFR), dumped and reprocessed into ON29 form of “spssmi” file, with conversion of data processing to Cray.
           F-10 no longer operational (died).
           SSM/I wind speed retrievals (operational Goodberlet algorithm), superobed to 1 degree lat/lon, now assimilated by new Eta/EDAS 3DVAR analysis.
           SSM/I wind speed and total precipitable water in Global PREPBUFR files are now generated by the NN3 algorithm.  Only the wind speed is currently assimilated by the SSI.
           F-14 (Sat. no. 8 - even) becomes operational.
           Reprocessed “spssmi” dump file now in BUFR rather than ON29 format.
           F-15 (BUFR Sat. no. 248) replaces F-14 (Sat. no. 247) in operations.
           SSM/I rain rate (superobed) now included in the AVN, FNL and CDAS “spssmi” reprocessed data dump file.  These will eventually be included in the PREPBUFR file and assimilated by the SSI.
           SSM/I rain rate (superobed) assimilated by SSI directly from “spssmi” dump file (not yet included in PREPBUFR file - not yet ready).
           SSM/I rain rate (superobed) now encoded into AVN and FNL PREPBUFR files (these data are still assimilated by SSI directly from “spssmi” data dump file).
           F-16 (BUFR Sat. no. 249) successfully launched.

           Implementation of NAM/NDAS GSI discontinues use of SSM/I total precipitable water retrievals.
           F-15 (BUFR Sat. no. 248) products (wind speed, rainfall rate, wind speed) no longer reprocessed into "spssmi" dump file in ANY network, thus no longer encoded in PREPBUFR file or available for assimilation in ANY network.  Product quality severely degraded due to activation of "RADCAL" by DMSP Satellite Operations Control Center.  Does not affect F-13 satellite.
          F-14 (Sat. no. 247) failed due to an electrical malfunction.  The spacecraft recorder is inoperable and will remain so until further notice.  F-14 data was not being used by any NCEP network anyway (only F-13 data are used).  It was being ingested into /dcom and dumped.
           New dump files "ssmipn" (SSM/I NN3 products) and "ssmit" (SSM/I brightness temps) now generated in the RUC network.  These data are not written into PREPBUFR nor are they assimilated by the RUC analysis.  They will be used by the future (2009) RapidRefresh system.
           The /dcom ingest is no longer attempting to process F-14 (Sat. no 247) files.  These files have not been available since 08/24/2008 (see above).


     Form for eight-character "Report Identifier" (BUFR Table B mnemonic RPID with local descriptor 0-01-198) in NCEP observation database (data dump reports only) or "Station Identification" (BUFR Table B mnemonic SID with local descriptor 0-01-192) in NCEP PREPBUFR files:

          Character 1    - Satellite indicator as follows:
               Even METEOSAT satellite with every fourth BUFR satellite identifier
                (code Table 0-01-007) 52, 56, etc. ...... X
               Odd METEOSAT satellite with every fourth BUFR satellite identifier
                (code Table 0-01-007) 53, 57, etc. ...... Y
               Even METEOSAT satellite with every fourth BUFR satellite identifier
                (code Table 0-01-007) 50, 54, 58, etc. .. Z
               Odd METEOSAT satellite with every fourth BUFR satellite identifier
                (code Table 0-01-007) 51, 55, 59, etc. .. W
               Unknown METEOSAT satellite ............... X
          Character 2    - Producer ............. C (ESA)                        
                         Characters 3-7 - Unique report index count
          Character 8    - Product indicator as follows:
               Water vapor imager .... V
               Visible cloud drift ... B
               Infrared cloud drift .. C

Satellite Number/Usage History:

     From BUFR Code Figure 0-01-007 (Satellite Identifier):
          METEOSAT-5                 - 52
          METEOSAT-7 (east)          - 54
          METEOSAT-8 (MSG-1)         - 55
          METEOSAT-9 (MSG-2) (west)  - 56

     ?????????????????? (prior to 1986):
           We receive 6-hour SATOB format IR and visible winds (they are assimilated).
           IR and visible wind data ingested into /dcom database (BUFR) and dumped with conversion of data processing to Cray.
     early 2000:
           Began ingesting and dumping 6-hour SATOB format water vapor winds (not assimilated).
           Began ingesting 90-minute ELW IR, visible and water vapor winds into /dcom database (not dumped or assimilated).
           90-minute ELW IR, visible and water vapor winds replace 6-hour SATOB winds in EDAS, ETA, AVN, FNL and CDAS dump networks.  The IR and visible winds are now assimilated by the 3DVAR and SSI in place on the SATOB winds.
           The 6-hour SATOB winds (all types) are no longer decoded into the /dcom database.
           90-minute ELW IR, visible and water vapor wind generation moved ahead 1-hour by EUMETSAT.  Winds are now produced at 0000, 0130, 0300, 0430, 0600, 0730, 0900, 1030, 1200, 1330, 1500, 1630, 1800, 1930, 2100 and 2230 UTC.
           The time window for processing into PREPBUFR file is changed from -1.75 to -0.25 hours about cycle time to -0.75 to +0.75 hours about cycle time in response to EUMETSAT's change on 07/01/2002/1200UTC.
           MSG-1 (METEOSAT-8) launched.
           High-resolution visible and water vapor winds are ingested into /dcom database (not yet dumped or assimilated).
           METEOSAT-7 winds (all types) no longer available from EUMETSAT.  METEOSAT-8 winds are about to be tested from /dcomdev - not in /dcom database yet.
           METEOSAT-5 high-resolution visible and water vapor winds are now dumped.  The visible winds are assimilated, the water vapor winds are flagged so as to not be assimilated.  METEOSAT-8 winds continue to be ingested into /dcomdev (they are not yet dumped or assimilated but are being tested in the GSI).
           METEOSAT-7 replaces METEOSAT-5 as the east satellite.
           METEOSAT-8 winds are now ingested in /dcom database and dumped and encoded into NAM and GBL PREPBUFR (they are monitored but not used by the NAM/NDAS GSI, they are not used by the GBL-SSI).
           METEOSAT-9 replaces METEOSAT-8 as the west satellite.  NCEP data processing is set up to not yet use MSG winds (see 02/15/2007 above), but METEOSAT-9 IR and visible winds were inadvertently being used in the NAM/NDAS GSI and GBL-SSI after the switch from METEOSAT-8.  A CRISIS change to the dump processing on 0000UTC 13 April now fools the data processing codes into thinking METEOSAT-9 is METEOSAT-8, so the MSG winds are again not being used by these assimilation systems.
           NCEP data processing codes can now handle METEOSAT-9, thus codes are no longer fooled into thinking METEOSAT-9 is METEOSAT-8.  METEOSAT-9 is now dumped and encoded into PREPBUFR (like METEOSAT-8, 
they are monitored but not used by the NAM/NDAS GSI, and they are not used by the GBL-SSI).
           EUMETSAT stops sending METEOSAT-9 data (temporarily) while METEOSAT-9 undergoes routine spacecraft decontamination.  EUMETSAT swapped METEOSAT-9 with METEOSAT-8 during this time, but the METEOSAT-8 data are not getting into the /dcom database for reasons unknown.  (Later it was discovered that NCO dataflow was not looking for the METEOSAT-8 bulletins - this was corrected on 06/17/2008.) MSG is monitored by the GFS/GDAS and NAM/NDAS GSI so this is not critical.
           EUMETSAT begins sending METEOSAT-9 data again as spacecraft decontamination is complete. It is being received in the /dcom database.  We never did receive METEOSAT-8 data during the swap period (see
12/03/2007/1800UTC above).
           EUMETSAT stops sending METEOSAT-9 data (temporarily) do to an anomaly in the spacecraft.  EUMETSAT swapped METEOSAT-9 with METEOSAT-8 during this time, but the METEOSAT-8 data are not getting into the /dcom database for reasons unknown.  
 (Later it was discovered that NCO dataflow was not looking for the METEOSAT-8 bulletins - this was corrected on 06/17/2008.) MSG is monitored by the GFS/GDAS and NAM/NDAS GSI so this is not critical.
           EUMETSAT begins sending METEOSAT-9 data again as spacecraft anomaly issue is corrected. It is being received in the /dcom database.  We never did receive METEOSAT-8 data during the swap period (see 05/13/2008/2045UTC above).
           NCO dataflow made a change such that we will now receive METEOSAT-8 data and it should be tanked in the /dcom BUFR database if it ever again replaces METEOSAT-9.  Recall the last two times this happened (12/03/2007 through 12/11/2007 and 05/13/2008 through 05/19/2008) we did not receive METEOSAT-8 data.
          IR, visible and water vapor winds from METEOSAT-7 and -9 are now included in the "satwnd" dump file and the PREPBUFR file in the RUC network (report type 243/253/254).  These data are not assimilated by the RUC analysis.  They will be used by the future (2009) RapidRefresh system.

          EUMETSAT stops sending METEOSAT-9 data (temporarily) while METEOSAT-9 undergoes routine spacecraft decontamination.  EUMETSAT swapped METEOSAT-9 with METEOSAT-8 during this time, but the METEOSAT-8 data are not getting into the /dcom database for reasons unknown.  (Later it was discovered that NCO dataflow was not looking for the METEOSAT-8 bulletins - this was corrected on 12/16/2008.) MSG is monitored by the GFS/GDAS and NAM/NDAS GSI so this is not critical.

          EUMETSAT begins sending METEOSAT-9 data again as spacecraft decontamination is complete. It is being received in the /dcom database.  We never did receive METEOSAT-8 data during the swap period (see
12/01/2008/1200UTC above).                    04/17/2009/0900UTC:
          EUMETSAT stops sending METEOSAT-9 data (temporarily) due to a spurrious event onboard METEOSAT-9.  EUMETSAT swapped METEOSAT-9 with METEOSAT-8 at this time and METEOSAT-8 data are getting into the /dcom database. MSG (both METEOSAT-8 and -9) is monitored by the GFS/GDAS and NAM/NDAS GSI.  The swap back to METEOSAT-9 occurred 04/23/2009/0900UTC.



     Form for eight-character "Report Identifier" (BUFR Table B mnemonic RPID with local descriptor 0-01-198) in NCEP observation database (data dump reports only) or "Station Identification" (BUFR Table B mnemonic SID with local descriptor 0-01-192) in NCEP PREPBUFR files:

          Character 1    - Satellite indicator as follows:
               Even GMS satellite with every fourth BUFR satellite identifier
                (code Table 0-01-007) 152, 156, etc. ....... P
                GOES-9 satellite
                (code Table 0-01-007) 253 .................. P
               Odd GMS satellite with every fourth BUFR satellite identifier

                (code Table 0-01-007) 153, 157, etc. ....... Q
               Even GMS satellite with every fourth BUFR satellite identifier
                (code Table 0-01-007) 150, 154, 158, etc. .. R
               Odd GMS satellite with every fourth BUFR satellite identifier
                (code Table 0-01-007) 151, 155, 159, etc. .. O
               MTSAT satellite
                (code Table 0-01-007) 171 .................. Q
               Unknown GMS/MTSAT satellite ................. P

          Character 2    - Producer ............. D (GMS)                        
                         Characters 3-7 - Unique report index count
          Character 8    - Product indicator as follows:
               Water vapor imager .... V
               Visible cloud drift ... B
               Infrared cloud drift .. C

Satellite Number/Usage History:

     From BUFR Code Figure 0-01-007 (Satellite Identifier):
          GMS-5    - 152
          GOES-9   - 253
          MTSAT-1R - 171

     ?????????????????? (prior to 1986):
          We receive 6-hour SATOB format IR and visible winds (they are assimilated).
           IR and visible wind data ingested into /dcom database (BUFR) and dumped with conversion of data processing to Cray.
     early 2000:
           Began ingesting and dumping 6-hour SATOB format water vapor winds (not assimilated).
           High-density winds coming in GTS-BUFR now ingested in /dcom database (will eventually replace low-density SATOB winds which are still dumped and assimilated).
     07/15/2005/0600 UTC:
           MTSAT-1R replaces GOES-9.
           High-density winds coming in GTS-BUFR are now dumped in "satwnd" file and are assimilated. These replace the low-density winds coming in SATOB format which are expected to be discontinued soon by JMA.  (They are still being ingested in /dcom database for the time being.)
           IR, visible and water vapor winds are now included in the "satwnd" dump file and the PREPBUFR file in the RUC network (report type 242/252/250).  These data are not assimilated by the RUC analysis.  They will be used by the future (2009) RapidRefresh system. 


     Form for eight-character "Report Identifier" (BUFR Table B mnemonic RPID with local descriptor 0-01-198) in NCEP observation database (data dump reports only) or "Station Identification" (BUFR Table B mnemonic SID with local descriptor 0-01-192) in NCEP PREPBUFR files:

          Character 1    - Satellite indicator as follows:
               All INSAT satellites .... V
               All Kalpana satellites .. K
          Character 2    - Producer ..... E (India) 
                         Characters 3-7 - Unique report index count
          Character 8    - Product indicator as follows:
               Water vapor imager .... V
               Visible cloud drift ... B
               Infrared cloud drift .. C

Satellite Number/Usage History:

     From BUFR Code Figure 0-01-007 (Satellite Identifier):
          INSAT-2E  - [should be 452 but encoded in BUFR as 499 (unknown)]
          INSAT-3A  - 470
          KALPANA-1 - 440

     ?????????????????? (prior to 1986):
          We receive 6-hour SATOB format IR and visible winds (do not assimilate as data are bad).
           IR and visible wind data ingested into /dcom database (BUFR) and dumped with conversion of data processing to Cray.
          Winds no longer being received at NCEP.  Appears to be a problem with INSAT's coding of the date group.
          NCEP began receiving IR winds from INSAT-3A and from KALPANA-1 (these are dumped and written into PREPBUFR but are not assimilated by any analyses.
          At some point NCEP stopped receiving IR winds from both INSAT-3A and from KALPANA-1.  Not sure when or why.


     Form for eight-character "Report Identifier" (BUFR Table B mnemonic RPID with local descriptor 0-01-198) in NCEP observation database [reprocessed data dump (ERSCAT) reports only] or "Station Identification" (BUFR Table B mnemonic SID with local descriptor 0-01-192) in NCEP PREPBUFR files:

          Characters 1-7 - Unique report index count
          Character 8    - Product indicator as follows:
               ERS scatterometer winds .. E

Satellite Number/Usage History:

     From BUFR Code Figure 0-01-007 (Satellite Identifier):
          ERS-1 - 001
          ERS-2 - 002

     ?????????????????? (early 1990's -?):
           ERS-1 scatterometer wind data assimilated directly into global analysis (bypassing PREPDA files).
           ERS-1 scatterometer wind data now merged into PREPBUFR file, still not processed by PREPDATA.  Global analysis reads PREPDA file.
           ERS-1 scatterometer wind data now processed into PREPBUFR file by PREPDATA.
           ERS-1 dies and is replaced by ERS-2.
           ERS-2 scatterometer wind data ingested into /dcom database (BUFR) and dumped with conversion of data processing to Cray.
           ERS-2 scatterometer wind data no longer assimilated by SSI (still ingested, dumped, and written to PREPBUFR file - observation error set to missing)
           ERS-2 scatterometer wind data no longer received.
           ERS-2 scatterometer wind data no longer attempted to be ingested in /dcom database and no longer attempted to be dumped in AVN, FNL and CDAS networks.
           ERS-2 scatterometer wind data are again being received and ingested into the BUFR /dcom database.  It is not yet being dumped in any networks.


     Form for eight-character "Report Identifier" (BUFR Table B mnemonic RPID with local descriptor 0-01-198) in NCEP observation database [reprocessed data dump (QKSWND) reports only] or "Station Identification" (BUFR Table B mnemonic SID with local descriptor 0-01-192) in NCEP PREPBUFR files:

          For non-superob reports:
               Character 1    - Dump index number (Range: 0-9)
               Characters 2-7 - Unique report index count
               Character 8    - Product indicator as follows:
                    QuikSCAT scatterometer winds .. Q
          For superob reports:
               Character 1    - Dump index number (Range: 0-9)
               Character 2    - Superob indicator
                    Superob report ................ S (always)
               Characters 3-7 - Unique report index count
               Character 8    - Product indicator as follows:
                    QuikSCAT scatterometer winds .. Q

Satellite Number/Usage History:

     From BUFR Code Figure 0-01-007 (Satellite Identifier):
          QUIKSCAT - 281

    ~06/01/2000 (????):
           Now ingested into /dcom database (not yet dumped or assimilated).
           Now dumped in FNL and CDAS networks (not written to PREPBUFR file or assimilated).
           Now superobed onto 1 degree lat/lon grids by reprocessing program WAVE_DCODQUIKSCAT in FNL and CDAS networks (not yet written to PREPBUFR file or assimilated).
           Now dumped in AVN network, written to AVN and FNL PREPBUFR files and assimilated by AVN and FNL SSI analyses.
           Now superobed into 0.5 degree lat/lon grids by reprocessing program WAVE_DCODQUIKSCAT in GFS, GDAS and CDAS networks (assimilated by GFS/GDAS SSI analysis).
     12/04/2007/1200 UTC:
Now dumped in NAM and NDAS networks and superobed to 0.5 degree lat/lon grids by reprocessing program WAVE_DCODQUIKSCAT. Superobs now written into PREPBUFR files in NAM and NDAS networks and monitored (but not yet used) by the NAM/NDAS GSI.
          Now dumped in RUC network ("qkscat") and superobed to 0.5 degree lat/lon grids ("qkswnd") by reprocessing program WAVE_DCODQUIKSCAT.  Superobs now written into PREPBUFR files in RUC network (report type 285).  These data are not assimilated by the RUC analysis.  They will be used by the future (2009) RapidRefresh system.


     Form for eight-character "Report Identifier" (BUFR Table B mnemonic RPID with local descriptor 0-01-198) in NCEP observation database [reprocessed data dump (SPTRMM) reports only]:

          Character 1    - Superob indicator
               Superob report ....... S (always)
          Characters 2-7 - Unique report index count
          Character 8    - Product indicator as follows:
               TRMM rainfall rates .. T

Satellite Number/Usage History:

     From BUFR Code Figure 0-01-007 (Satellite Identifier):
          TRMM - 282

           Now ingested into /dcom database and dumped in AVN and FNL networks (not yet assimilated).
           Now assimilated by AVN and FNL SSI analyses.
           The AVN, FNL and CDAS dump jobs now reprocess these data into q.c.’d, superobed reports.  The AVN and FNL analysis are not yet reading these data (they are still assimilating data in the original dump file and thinning the data).
           The AVN and FNL SSI analysis are now assimilating the reprocessed, superobed, reports.


Satellite Number/Usage History:

     From BUFR Code Figure 0-01-007 (Satellite Identifier):
          AQUA - 784

           Aqua launched.

           Center field-of-view IR and AMSU-A NCEP-processed brightness temperatures now ingested into operational /dcom database (into tank b021/xx250) (not yet dumped or assimilated).

                Center field-of-view IR and AMSU-A NCEP-processed brightness temperatures now dumped in the GFS and GDAS networks (not yet assimilated).

           Center field-of-view IR and AMSU-A NCEP-processed brightness temperatures now assimilated by GFS/GDAS SSI.
           Warmest/clearest field-of-view
IR and AMSU-A NCEP-processed brightness temperatures now ingested into operational /dcom database (into tank b021/xx255) (not yet dumped or assimilated).
           Warmest/clearest field-of-view IR and AMSU-A NCEP-processed brightness temperatures now are now dumped ("airswm") in the GFS, GDAS and CDAS networks (not yet monitored or assimilated).

           Every field-of-view
IR and AMSU-A NCEP-processed brightness temperatures now ingested into operational /dcom database (into tank b021/xx249) and dumped in GFS, GDAS, NAM and NDAS networks (not yet assimilated).
           Center field-of-view AIRS channel 453 turned off in GFS/GDAS SSI assimilation due to a significant degradation in its quality over past 24-hours (this channel is still monitored by SSI).
           Every field-of-view
IR and AMSU-A NCEP-processed brightness temperatures replaced center field-of-view AIRS in GFS and GDAS networks (Global-GSI became operational today).
           Center field-of-view and warmest field-of-view IR and AMSU-A NCEP-processed brightness temperatures no longer dumped in GFS or GDAS networks.
           Center field-of-view and warmest field-of-view IR and AMSU-A NCEP-processed brightness temperatures no longer ingested into operational /dcom database.
           AQUA AMSU-A channel 4 went bad.  Since this channel is used to QC all of the AQUA AMSU-A channel data, this essentially meant that beginning at this point the GBL-GSI was not using any AQUA AMSU-A data.
           Every field-of-view IR and AMSU-A NCEP-processed brightness temperatures now assimilated by NAM/NDAS GSI (but latter actually not assimilated due to issue just above).
          Every field-of-view IR and AMSU-A NCEP-processed brightness temperatures ("airsev") now dumped in RUC network.  These data are not assimilated by the RUC analysis.  They will be used by the future (2009) RapidRefresh system.
          Reintroduce assimilation of (good) AQUA AMSU-A channels 6 and 8-13 in the GFS and GDAS networks by the GBL-GSI.  (AQUA AMSU-A has not been assimilated since AMSU-A channel 4 went bad in April of 2008, see above.)  AQUA AMSU-A data still not assimilated in NAM-GSI.
          AQUA AMSU-A data are set to be monitored in NAM-GSI.  These had not been assimilated anyway due to issue noted  on 04/18/2008).
          The GFS/GDAS GSI now assimilates a reduced number of AIRS water vapor channels.


           U.S. GPS-IPW data (from NOAA/FSL) now dumped in the CDAS, RUC2A, EDAS and ETA networks (not yet written into PREPBUFR files or assimilated by the EDAS/ETA 3DVAR or the RUC OI analyses).
           RUC2A 3DVAR analysis begins assimilating the U.S. GPS-IPW data.
           NAM/NDAS GSI analysis begins assimilating the U.S. GPS-IPW data.

           U.S. GPS-IPW data are dumped in the GFS and GDAS networks (not yet written into PREPBUFR files or assimilated in these networks).
          Now written into PREPBUFR files in GFS and GDAS networks and monitored (but not yet used) by the GFS/GDAS GSI.


     Form for eight-character "Report Identifier" (BUFR Table B mnemonic RPID with local descriptor 0-01-198) in NCEP observation database (data dump reports only) or "Station Identification" (BUFR Table B mnemonic SID with local descriptor 0-01-192) in NCEP PREPBUFR files:

          Character 1    - Satellite indicator as follows:
               TERRA ................. T
AQUA  ................. U
          Character 2    - Producer .. 9 (NASA)                        
                         Characters 3-7 - Unique report index count
          Character 8    - Product indicator as follows:
               Water vapor imager .... W
               Infrared cloud drift .. I

Satellite Number/Usage History:

     From BUFR Code Figure 0-01-007 (Satellite Identifier):
                    TERRA - 783
          AQUA  - 784

           Terra launched.
           Aqua launched.
           MODIS IR and WV winds now ingested into
operational /dcom database (into tanks b005/xx070 and b005/xx071, respectively).  In GFS and GDAS networks only: dumped into the "satwnd" files and included in the PREPBUFR files.  Not yet assimilated by the SSI. 
           MODIS IR and WV (cloud-top and deep-layer) winds
now assimilated by GFS/GDAS SSI.
           MODIS IR and WV (cloud-top and deep-layer) winds are now quality controlled according to the NESDIS Recursive Filter Function (RFF) value read in (as with the GOES winds) (RFF < 50 bad, RFF 50-55 suspect, RFF 56-84 neutral, RFF > 84 good). Prior to this, all MODIS winds received a neutral quality mark.
           MODIS IR and WV (cloud-top and deep-layer) winds are now dumped into "satwnd" files in the NAM and NDAS networks (as previously done in the GFS and GDAS networks) (not yet included in the NAM or NDAS PREPBUFR files and not yet assimilated in the NAM or NDAS networks).
           MODIS IR and WV (cloud-top and deep layer) winds are now 
written into PREPBUFR files in NAM and NDAS networks.   MODIS IR and WV (cloud-top) winds now monitored (but not yet used) by the NAM/NDAS GSI.  MODIS WV (deep-layer) winds are still not monitored (let alone used) by the NAM/NDAS GSI.
           MODIS IR and WV (cloud-top and deep-layer) winds now assimilated by NAM/NDAS GSI.
           MODIS IR and WV (cloud-top and deep-layer) winds are now included in the "satwnd" dump file and the PREPBUFR file in the RUC network (report type 257/258/259).  These data are not assimilated by the RUC analysis.  They will be used by the future (2009) RapidRefresh system.


GPS-RO refractivity and bending-angle from CHAMP satellite series (received from NCAR) ingested into operational /dcom database (into tank b003/xx010).  No GPS-RO data are yet dumped or assimilated.
refractivity and bending-angle from COSMIC satellite series ingested into operational /dcom database (into tank b003/xx010 along with existing NCAR CHAMP satellite series GPS-RO data).  No GPS-RO data are yet dumped or assimilated.
refractivity and bending-angle from CHAMP satellite series (received from NCAR) and from COSMIC satellite series now dumped in GFS and GDAS networks (not yet assimilated).
GPS-RO refractivity from COSMIC satellite series now assimilated in GFS and GDAS networks (Global-GSI became operational today).  GPS-RO bending angle is not yet assimilated.  The CHAMP data (received from NCAR) arrive very late and little if any are available at the GFS and GDAS cutoff times - these are not assimilated anyway.
     Summer-Fall 2008:
           At some point during this time the CHAMP RO instrument "died".
          GPS-RO data are now decoded by NCO via a feed from GTS rather than from the NESDIS DDS server.  This results a more robust system, less data latency and the addition of refractivity and bending-angle data from the METOP-2 (GRAS instrument) and GRACE-A satellites.  Only COSMIC refractivity data continue to be assimilated by the GFS/GDAS GSI. 


     Form for eight-character "Report Identifier" (BUFR Table B mnemonic RPID with local descriptor 0-01-198) in NCEP observation database [reprocessed data dump (WDSATR) reports only] or "Station Identification" (BUFR Table B mnemonic SID with local descriptor 0-01-192) in NCEP PREPBUFR files:

          For non-superob reports:
               Characters 1-7 - Unique report index count
               Character 8    - Product indicator as follows:
                    WindSat scatterometer winds .. W
          For superob reports:
               Character 1    - Superob indicator
                    Superob report ................ S (always)
               Characters 2-7 - Unique report index count
               Character 8    - Product indicator as follows:
                    WindSat scatterometer winds .. W

Satellite Number/Usage History:

     From BUFR Code Figure 0-01-007 (Satellite Identifier):
          CORIOLIS - 283

           Data from Navy now ingested into /dcom database (into tank b012/xx138) and dumped in GFS and GDAS networks (not yet written into PREPBUFR file or assimilated).  In the dump processing, data are superobed onto 1 degree lat/lon grids by the reprocessing program BUFR_DCODWINDSAT.
          Superobs (1.0 degree lat/lon) now written into PREPBUFR files in GFS and GDAS networks and 
monitored (but not yet used) by the GFS/GDAS GSI.

          Superobs (1.0 degree lat/lon) now assimilated in GFS and GDAS networks by the GFS/GDAS GSI.


Satellite Number/Usage History:

     From BUFR Code Figure 0-01-007 (Satellite Identifier):
          METOP-2 -   4

           METOP-2 launched into morning orbit.
           NESDIS deems IASI to be operational.  Data are being ingested and dumped into checkout areas for testing.
           Brightness temperature data for 616 channels at every field-of-view now ingested into /dcom database
(into tank b021/xx241).  No IASI data are yet dumped or assimilated.
           Brightness temperature data for 616 channels at every field-of-view are now dumped ("mtiasi") in the GFS, GDAS and CDAS networks.  No IASI data are yet assimilated or even monitored by any NCEP analysis.
           Brightness temperature data for selected subset of 616 channels at every field-of-view are now assimilated by the GFS/GDAS GSI.


Satellite Number/Usage History:

     From BUFR Code Figure 0-01-007 (Satellite Identifier):
          NOAA-17 - 208
          NOAA-18 - 209

           Brightness temperature data for clear air and over ocean from NOAA-17, cloudy air or over land from NOAA-17, 
clear air and over ocean from NOAA-18, and cloudy air or over land from NOAA-18 now ingested into /dcom database (into tanks b021/xx051, b021/xx052, b021/xx053 and b021/xx054, respectively).  No AVHRR/GAC data are yet dumped or assimilated.
           Brightness temperature data for clear air and over ocean from NOAA-17 and NOAA-18 are now dumped ("avcs17" and "avcs18") in the GFS, GDAS and CDAS networks.  No AVHRR/GAC data are yet assimilated or even monitored by any NCEP analysis.


     Form for eight-character "Report Identifier" (BUFR Table B mnemonic RPID with local descriptor 0-01-198) in NCEP observation database [reprocessed data dump (ASCATW) reports only] or "Station Identification" (BUFR Table B mnemonic SID with local descriptor 0-01-192) in NCEP PREPBUFR files:

          For non-superob reports:
               Characters 1-7 - Unique report index count
               Character 8    - Product indicator as follows:
                    WindSat scatterometer winds .. A
          For superob reports:
               Character 1    - Superob indicator
                    Superob report ................ S (always)
               Characters 2-7 - Unique report index count
               Character 8    - Product indicator as follows:
                    WindSat scatterometer winds .. A

Satellite Number/Usage History:

     From BUFR Code Figure 0-01-007 (Satellite Identifier):           
          METOP-2 -   4

Data now ingested into /dcom database (into tank b012/xx122).  No ASCAT data are yet dumped or assimilated.
           Data now dumped in the GFS, GDAS and CDAS networks
("ascatt") and q.c.'d (but NOT superobed) ("ascatw") by reprocessing program WAVE_DCODQUIKSCAT.  These reprocessed data are not yet encoded into the PREPBUFR file nor are they assimilated or even monitored by any NCEP analysis.
           Reprocessed q.c.'d (but NOT superobed) data from "ascatw" dump are now encoded into GFS and GDAS network PREPBUFR files under report type 290.  These are now monitored (but not yet used) by the GFS/GDAS GSI.