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African Burial Ground National Monument2003 Baltimore Coach
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African Burial Ground National Monument
For Kids
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Click on the flashing NPS arrowhead to view the Junior Ranger Gazette newsletter and to learn about the Junior Ranger Program.
The National Park Junior Ranger Motto is "Explore, Learn, Protect." Now children can be Junior Rangers and learn about the program even if they are not able to visit a national park.

Do you like to dig in the dirt? Find things that are lost? Put pieces together? Figure out stories from clues? Learn about the past? These are all things archeologists do—maybe you're one, too! Learn about the NPS Archeology Program: Archeology for Kids.

The French warship Magnifique  

Did You Know?
Lovells Island in Boston Harbor National Recreation Area is the site of the park's most notorious shipwreck. On August 15, 1782 a historic French seventy-four gun warship, Magnifique, crashed along the rocky shore rumored to be carrying long-lost treasure.

Last Updated: January 07, 2009 at 10:26 EST