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ID L-6-82-SP
Also Known As L6VU82
Tripartite 1982
Abstract United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California. Chief Scientists: Dave Falvey, Gary Greene. Geological and Geophysical data (3dot5khz, 12khz, gravity, uniboom, sonobuoy, 24channel, airgun, gravitycore, chaindredge, courserecorder, integratednavigation, LoranC, transitsatellite, airgunmonitor) of field activity L-6-82-SP in Southern Pacific from 04/27/1982 to 05/16/1982
Organization United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California
Chief Scientist Dave Falvey
Gary Greene
Activity Type Geological and Geophysical
Platform Samuel Phillips Lee
Area of Operation
Southern Pacific
Location map L-6-82-SP location map of where navigation equipment operated
Bounding Coordinates -9.21947
159.95068     168.30856
Ports leave Port Vila, Vanuatu
arrive Honiara, Guadalcanal
Dates 04/27/1982 (JD 117) to 05/16/1982 (JD 136)
Analog Materials list
Index map

L-6-82-SP map of where navigation equipment operated

Aaron Dunwald Chief Engineer
Carol Hirozawa Navigator
Dan Hurlbert Mechanical Technician
Dave Falvey Chief Scientist
David Johnson Geologist
Dave Melendrez Chief Mate
Donna Blackman Navigator
Gary Greene Chief Scientist
Greg Lewis Watchstander
Greg Smith Watchstander
Guy Cochrane Watchstander
Jaque Daniel Geophysicist
Jon Erickson Mechanical Technician
Kaye Kinoshita Navigator
Mark Holmes Oceanographer
Mike Fisher Geophysicist
Rick Viall Electronics Technician
Roy Fields Electronics Technician
Rudy Katz Geophysicist
Sandy McFarlane Geophysicist
Vern Pilgrim Ship Captain
Equipment Used
Information to be Derived
Seismic reflection profiles, bathymetry, lithology, gravity.
Approximately 2400 km of 24-fold multichannel seismic reflection
data were collected along 40 lines. The seismic source consisted of a tuned, 5
airgun array totaling 1311 cubic inches, pressurized to 2000 psi, towed at a
depth of approximately 10.5 meters. Individual gun volumes were usually 148,
194, 194, 309, and 466 cubic inches. The receiver consisted of a 24 channel
hydrophone in each group. The near channel offset from the airguns was 297 m
and far channel offset 2611 m. The data were recorded with a GUS model
HDDR-4200 recording system. Shots were fired every 50 meters and records were
sampled in the field at a 2 millisecond rate but resampled to a 4 millisecond
rate prior to processing. Primary navigation was by satellite. 2375 nautical
miles of bathymetry data, 2216 nautical miles of magnetic data, and 2302
nautical miles of gravity data.
NGDC Overview
! Converted to time format with year at start.
MCG Data Collection ID --- L682SP
Institution Data Collection ID --- L682SP
NGDC ID --- 06050103
Funding --- (unspecified)
Project, Cruise & Leg --- Dave Falvey
Study region --- -9.00000,-18.00000,+159.00000,+169.00000
Chief Scientist(s) --- Gary Greene
Name of vessel --- Lee (surface ship)
Date field data collection started --- 04/27/82 LV PORT VILA,VANUATU
Date field data collection ended --- 05/16/82 AR HONIARA, GUADALCANAL,
Parameters surveyed ---
Bathymetry: surveyed, contained in data file
Magnetics: surveyed, contained in data file
Gravity: surveyed, contained in data file
High-resolution seismics: (unspecified)
Deep penetration seismics: (unspecified)
Format --- (I1,A8,F5.2,4I2,F5.3,F8.5,F9.5,I1,F6.4,F6.1,I2,i1,3F6.1,I1,F5.1,F6.0,F7.1,F6.1,F5.1,A8,4I1)
Date of data input to NGDC --- 06/24/87
Contributing institution --- USGS Branch of Pacific Marine Geology
Country --- United States
Navigation instrumentation --- WITH COURSE RECORDER
Position determination method --- (unspecified)
Bathymetry instrumentation --- (unspecified)
Additional forms of bathymetric data --- (unspecified)
General rate of bathymetry in file --- 1.2 minutes
General collection rate of bathymetry --- (unspecified)
Assumed sound velocity --- (unspecified)
Bathymetric datum code --- No correction applied (sea level)
Bathmetry interpolation scheme --- (unspecified)
Magnetics instrumentation --- (unspecified)
Additional forms of magnetics data --- (unspecified)
General rate of magnetics in file --- 1.1 minutes
General collection rate of magnetics --- (unspecified)
Magnetic sensor tow distance --- (unspecified)
Magnetic sensor depth --- (unspecified)
Two sensor horizontal separation --- (unspecified)
Residual magnetics reference field --- (unspecified)
Method of applying residual field --- (unspecified)
Gravity instrumentation --- (unspecified)
Additional forms of gravity data --- (unspecified)
General rate of gravity in file --- 1.1 minutes
General collection rate of gravity --- (unspecified)
Theoretical gravity formula --- (unspecified)
Reference system --- (unspecified)
Corrections applied --- (unspecified)
Starting land tie --- (unspecified)
Ending land tie --- (unspecified)
Seismic instrumentation --- (unspecified)
Formats of seismic data --- (unspecified)
Greene, H.G., and Wong, F.L., 1983, Hydrocarbon resource studies in the Southwest Pacific:
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 83-0293, 27 p.

Wong, Florence L., and Greene, H. Gary, 1984, Hydrocarbon- and mineral-resource investigations
in the Southwest Pacific, in Clarke, Samuel H., ed., U.S. Geological Survey highlights in
marine research: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 0938, p. 37-48.

Greene, H.G., Wong, F.L., Blubaugh, B., Carter, A., Collot, J.Y., Crawford, A., Dadisman, S.,
Exon, N.F., Fisher, M., Goodfellow, G., Golan-Bac, Margaret, Harrison, W.D., Hirozawa, C.A.,
Holmes, M., Johnson, D., Macfarlane, A., McKelvey, B., Mertens, T., Petit, C., Reiss, T.,
Smith, G., Thrasher, G., and Torresan, M., 1986, Hydrocarbon potential of an island arc summit
basin, New Hebrides Arc, Southwest Pacific: Offshore Technology Conference Proceedings, v. 18,
no. 2, p. 261-266.

Greene, H. Gary., Wong, F.L., Falvey, D.A., and Macfarlane, A., 1986, Basin development and
petroleum prospects of central New Hebrides Arc: American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Bulletin, v. 70, no. 7, p. 923-924.

Greene, H. Gary, and Wong, Florence L., 1986, Sedimentary analysis of seismic-reflection profiles
for hydrocarbon evaluation, intra-arc basins, central New Hebrides Arc, in Sediments down-under;
12th international sedimentological congress: Canberra, Australia, Bureau of Mineral Resources,
Geology and Geophysics.

Greene, H. Gary, and Wong, Florence L., 1988, Geology and offshore resources of Pacific island
arcs; Vanuatu region: Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series,
v. 8, 442 p.

Greene, H. Gary, Macfarlane, Alexander, and Wong, Florence L., 1988, Geology and offshore resources
of Vanuatu; introduction and summary, in Greene, H. Gary, and Wong, Florence L., eds., Geology and
offshore resources of Pacific island arcs; Vanuatu region: Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and
Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series, v. 8, p. 1-25.

Alpha, Tau Rho, 1988, Perspective physiographic diagram of Vanuatu, in Greene, H. Gary, and Wong,
Florence L., eds., Geology and offshore resources of Pacific island arcs; Vanuatu region:
Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series, v. 8, p. 29-33.

Chase, Thomas E., and Seekins, Barbara A., 1988, Submarine topography of the Vanuatu and southeastern
Solomon Islands region, in Greene, H. Gary, and Wong, Florence L., eds., Geology and
offshore resources of Pacific island arcs; Vanuatu region: Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and
Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series, v. 8, p. 35-36.

Smith, Gregory L., Falvey, David A., and Shaw, Raymond, 1988, Multichannel data acquisition and
processing, in Greene, H. Gary, and Wong, Florence L., eds., Geology and
offshore resources of Pacific island arcs; Vanuatu region: Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and
Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series, v. 8, p. 39-42.

Macfarlane, Alexander, Carney, John N., Crawford, Anthony J., and Greene, H. Gary, 1988, Vanuatu;
a review of the onshore geology, in Greene, H. Gary, and Wong, Florence L., eds., Geology and
offshore resources of Pacific island arcs; Vanuatu region: Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and
Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series, v. 8, p. 45-91.

Katz, H.R., 1988, Offshore geology of Vanuatu; previous work, in Greene, H. Gary, and
Wong, Florence L., eds., Geology and offshore resources of Pacific island arcs; Vanuatu
region: Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series,
v. 8, p. 93-122.

Collot, Jean-Yves, and Fisher, Michael A., 1988, Crustal structure, from gravity data, of a
collision zone in the central New Hebrides island arc, in Greene, H. Gary, and Wong, Florence
L., eds., Geology and offshore resources of Pacific island arcs; Vanuatu region: Circum-Pacific
Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series, v. 8, p. 125-139.

Johnson, David P., Belford, Denis J., Carter, Alan N., and Crawford, Anthony J., 1988, Geology
and offshore resources of Pacific island arcs; Vanuatu region, in Greene, H. Gary, and Wong,
Florence L., eds., Geology and offshore resources of Pacific island arcs; Vanuatu region:
Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series, v. 8, p. 141-161.

Holmes, Mark L., 1988, Seismic refraction measurements in the summit basins of the New
Hebrides arc, in Greene, H. Gary, and Wong, Florence L., eds., Geology and offshore resources
of Pacific island arcs; Vanuatu region: Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral
Resources, Earth Science Series, v. 8, p. 163-176.

Greene, H. Gary, and Johnson, David P., 1988, Geology of the central basin region of the New
Hebrides arc inferred from single-channel seismic-refraction data, in Greene, H. Gary, and
Wong, Florence L., eds., Geology and offshore resources of Pacific island arcs; Vanuatu
region: Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series,
v. 8, p. 117-199.

Fisher, Michael A., Falvey, David A., and Smith, Gregory L., 1988, Seismic stratigraphy of
the summit basins of the New Hebrides island arc, in Greene, H. Gary, and Wong, Florence
L., eds., Geology and offshore resources of Pacific island arcs; Vanuatu region: Circum-
Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series, v. 8, p. 201-223.

Wong, Florence L., and Greene, H Gary., 1988, Geologic hazards in the central basin
region, Vanuatu, in Greene, H. Gary, and Wong, Florence L., eds., Geology and
offshore resources of Pacific island arcs; Vanuatu region: Circum-Pacific Council
for Energy and Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series, v. 8, p. 225-251.

Buchbinder, Binyamin, and Halley, Robert B., 1988, Source-rock evaluation of outcrop samples
from Vanuatu; Malakula, Espiritu Santo, Maewo, and Pentecost, in Greene, H. Gary, and Wong,
Florence L., eds., Geology and offshore resources of Pacific island arcs; Vanuatu region:
Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series, v. 8, p. 255-265.

Glikson, Miryam, 1988, Miocene algal reef-derived deposits in Vanuatu possible petroleum
source rocks, in Greene, H. Gary, and Wong, Florence L., eds., Geology and offshore resources
of Pacific island arcs; Vanuatu region: Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources,
Earth Science Series, v. 8, p. 267-274.

Golan-Bac, Margaret, and Kvenvolden, Keith A., 1988, Hydrocarbon gases in surface sediments
of the South Aoba Basin, Vanuatu, in Greene, H. Gary, and Wong, Florence L., eds., Geology and
offshore resources of Pacific island arcs; Vanuatu region: Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and
Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series, v. 8, p. 275-278.

Fisher, Michael A., 1988, Petroleum geology of the central New Hebrides arc, in Greene, H.
Gary, and Wong, Florence L., eds., Geology and offshore resources of Pacific island arcs;
Vanuatu region: Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Earth Science
Series, v. 8, p. 279-283.

Johnson, David P., and Greene, H. Gary, 1988, Modern depositional regimes, offshore Vanuatu,
in Greene, H. Gary, and Wong, Florence L., eds., Geology and offshore resources of Pacific
island arcs; Vanuatu region: Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Earth
Science Series, v. 8, p. 287-299.

Crawford, Anthony J., Greene, H. Gary., and Exon, Neville F., 1988, Geology, petrology and
geochemistry of submarine volcanoes around Epi Island, New Hebrides island arc, in Greene,
H. Gary, and Wong, Florence L., eds., Geology and offshore resources of Pacific island arcs;
Vanuatu region: Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series,
v. 8, p. 301-327.

Louat, Remy, Hamburger, Michael W., and Monzier, Michel, 1988, Shallow and intermediate-depth
seismicity in the New Hebrides arc; constraints on the subduction process, in Greene, H. Gary,
and Wong, Florence L., eds., Geology and offshore resources of Pacific island arcs; Vanuatu
region: Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series, v. 8,
p. 329-356.

Burne, Robert V., Collot, Jean-Yves, and Daniel, Jacques, 1988, Superficial structures and
stress regimes of the downgoing plate associated with subduction-collision in the Central
New Hebrides arc, Vanuatu, in Greene, H. Gary, and Wong, Florence L., eds., Geology and
offshore resources of Pacific island arcs; Vanuatu region: Circum-Pacific Council for Energy
and Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series, v. 8, p. 357-379.

Greene, H. Gary, Macfarlane, Alexander, Johnson, David P., and Crawford, Anthony J., 1988,
Structure and tectonics of the central New Hebrides arc, in Greene, H. Gary, and Wong,
Florence L., eds., Geology and offshore resources of Pacific island arcs; Vanuatu region:
Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series, v. 8, p. 377-412.

Falvey, David A., and Greene, H. Gary, 1988, Origin and evolution of the sedimentary basins
of the New Hebrides arc, in Greene, H. Gary, and Wong, Florence L., eds., Geology and
offshore resources of Pacific island arcs; Vanuatu region: Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and
Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series, v. 8, p. 413-442.

Steele, W Clinton, and Kinoshita, Kaye L., 1988, Navigation data collection, processing,
and display, in Greene, H. Gary, and Wong, Florence L., eds., Geology and offshore resources
of Pacific island arcs; Vanuatu region: Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and
Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series, v. 8, p. 37-38.

Wong, Florence L., Richmond, B.A., Greene, H.G., Dingler, John R., Hein, James R.,
Kvenvolden, Keith A., Marlow, M.S., Morton, Janet L., Rubin, D.M., Scholl, D.W., and
Vedder, J.G., 1991, SOPAC; a decade of research on mineral and hydrocarbon resources in
the South Pacific, in Good, Elizabeth E., Slack, John F, and Kotra, Rama K., eds.,
USGS research on mineral resources, 1991; program and abstracts: U.S. Geological Survey
Circular 1062, p. 78-79.

Greene, H. Gary, and Wong, Florence L., 1990, Ridge collisions along the plate margins
of South America compared with those in the Southwest Pacific, in Ericksen, George E.,
Pinochet, Maria Teresa Canas, and Reinemund, John A, eds., Geology of the Andes and its
relation to hydrocarbon and mineral resources: Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and
Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series, p. 39-57.

Greene, H. Gary., Scholl, David W., Vedder, John G., and Wong, Florence L., 1988,
Oil and gas potential of island arcs in the Southwest Pacific; a new frontier,
in Wagner, Holly C., Wagner, Leslie C., Wang, Frank F.H., and Wong, Florence L.,
eds., Petroleum resources of China and related subject: Circum-Pacific Council
for Energy and Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series, v. 10, p. 671-691.
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