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National Dredging Policy

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In 1993, the Secretary of Transportation convened an Interagency Workgroup on the Dredging Process. The Interagency Workgroup was charged with investigating and recommending actions to improve the dredging project review process. In 1994, the Interagency Workgroup released its report, The Dredging Process in the United States: An Action Plan for Improvement (1994 Interagency Workgroup Report). The 1994 Interagency Workgroup Report (PDF) (41 pp, 184K, About PDF) contained 18 recommendations and a proposed National Dredging Policy.

On June 22, 1995, the President endorsed the National Dredging Policy and directed Federal agencies to implement the Report's recommendations. In response to Recommendation 9 of the Report, the National Dredging Team (NDT) was established. The NDT serves as a forum for implementation of the National Dredging Policy and the Report's recommendations. NDT members and participating agencies:

Although major progress was made in carrying out the 18 recommendations, many challenges remained. In 2001, the NDT sponsored a workshop, Dredged Material Management: Issues and Needed Actions for the Next Decade. The workshop provided an opportunity to conduct a fresh assessment of dredged material management issues and needed actions for the first decade of the new millennium. Workshop participants developed the Action Agenda for the Next Decade (2003 Action Agenda). The 2003 Action Agenda succeeds the 1994 Interagency Report and contains 22 recommendations to help address issues that impact:

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