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Ames Laboratory
111 TASF
Ames, IA 50011-3020
(515) 294-9557

Updated May 7, 2009

Iron-Arsenide Superconductors
in a Class of Their Own

Physicists at Ames Laboratory have experimentally demonstrated that the superconductivity mechanism in the recently-discovered iron-arsenide superconductors is unique compared to all other known classes of superconductors. These findings – combined with iron-arsenide’s potential good ability to carry current due to their low anisotropy – may open a door to exciting possible applications in zero-resistance power transmission. (Read more)

Tunnel Diode Resonator
A unique tunnel diode resonator was used to measure London penetration depths of iron-arsenide crystals.  A tunnel diode resonator precisely measures magnetic responses at very low temperatures, and Ames Laboratory is one of the few research facilities in the world with TDR instrumentation.

May 9-15 is Bike to Work Week
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