1998 Cruise Schedule: FOCI Field Operations
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1998 Eco-FOCI Cruise Schedule


Revised: 10/20/2005 
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1998 Mooring Plans (not available)

1998 Cruise Schedule Summary (not available)

Cruise instructions or reports are linked under Platform. For other information, see the Codes below.

Program Platform Dates Ports Days Activities Personnel
Shakedown MF98-00 Feb 4 to Feb 5 Seattle to Seattle 2 Systems tests To be named
Bering (I) MF98-01 Feb 11 to Feb 16; Feb 17 to Feb 27 Seattle to Kodiak; Kodiak to Dutch Harbor (6), 11 (A, B, N) Moorings; NPZ samples, transect, Unimak stations PARKER, Dewitt, Smith, Kachel, Jorgensen, Delich
Bering (II) MF98-05A Apr 6 to Apr 12 Kodiak or Dutch Harbor, to Dutch Harbor 7 (N) Pollock eggs KENDALL, Blood, Clark, Rugen, Schabetsberger, Jorgensen
Bering (III) MF98-05B Apr 14 to Apr 29 Dutch Harbor to Dutch Harbor 16 (A, B, C, D, M, Q) Moorings, NPZ samples, transect, Unimak stations PARKER, Dewitt, Napp, Baier, Britt, Rugen, Smith, Rho, Whitledge, Neely, Rees
Bering (IV) (W9804C) and W9804D Apr 24 to Apr 30 to May 5 Newport to Dutch Harbor to Dutch Harbor (6), 5 (A, B, C, D, Q) Mooring or CTD / Unimak / nutrients DEWITT, Parker, Rees, Dowgiallo, Whitledge, Tinnin, UAF(1), Rugen, Wion
GOA (I) MF98-06 May 1 to May 10 Dutch Harbor to Kodiak 10 (J, G) Shelikof Strait process study CANINO, Dobbins, Macklin, Jorgensen, Brown, Britt, Blood, O'Reilley
Bering (V) W9805A May 6 to May 22 Dutch Harbor to Dutch Harbor 17 (C, D) NPZ samples and transects COKELET, Henrichs, Smith, Rho, Whitledge, Tinnin, Kachel, PMEL(1), Wion
Tsunami MF98-07 May 12 to May 19 Kodiak to Kodiak 8 (P, R) Tsunami moorings, ADCP, drifters, CTD HADDEN, Delich, Blood
Bering (VI) W9805B May 25 to Jun 14 Dutch Harbor to Dutch Harbor 21 (P) B.S. Basin, ADCP, CTD(bottom), nutrients REED, Dewitt, Zegowitz, Kachel, Rees, Wisegarver, UT(1)
GOA (II) MF98-08 May 21 to May 30 to Jun 5 Kodiak to Kodiak TNG to Seattle 10, (6) (I) Larval index survey, drifters BAILEY, Jorgensen, Porter, Mier, Picquelle
Bering (VII) HX209 May 22 to Jun 24 Seward to Seward 34 (Q) Inner front Salo
GOA(III) W9806B Jun 17 to Jun 30 Dutch Harbor to Alitak Bay TNG 14 Juvenile (Shelikof St.) M. WILSON, Britt, Clark, Porter, Rugen, Rees
Bering (VIIA) LA-98-00 DCI, cruise rpt. July 2 to 28 Kodiak to Nome 26 Mooring Deployment, CTD Parker, Dewitt, PMEL(1)
Bering (VIII) OM98-87 (10M98) Jul 18 to Aug 1 Seattle to Dutch Harbor 15 (A, K, M) Ecology, biophysical control Napp, Baier, Cianelli, Clark
Bering (IX) HX213 Aug 15 to Sep 6 Seward to Dutch Harbor 22 (Q) Inner front WHITLEDGE, N.Kachel, S.Zeeman,K.Coyle
Bering (X) PK-98-01 Sep 6 to Sep 18 Dutch Harbor to Dutch Harbor 13 (A, E, K) Habitat survey, indices BRODEUR, Brown, Busby, Floering, M. Wilson, Baier, Zegowitz, Jorgensen, Morado, Speckman, Kurle, Stepanenko, Lapko, Nikolayev, Kuznetsov
Bering (XI) LA-98-02 Approx:
Oct 1 to Oct 11
Nome to Kodiak 11 (A, B, Q) Moorings, transects PARKER, DeWitt, Parker, Floering, Jorgensen, Bigham, Smith


-MF  Miller Freeman (NOAA)
-W   Wecoma (UNOLS)
-HX  Alpha Helix (UNOLS)
-OM  Oshoro Maru (Japan)
-PK  Professor Kaganovsky (Russia)
-LA  CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier (Canada)
-TNG  Touch and go

Code Project Component (PI) Code Project Component (PI)
A SEBSCC Monitoring (Schumacher) J FOCI SS Process Studies (Bailey)
B SEBSCC Sinking Organic Matter (Henrichs) K FOCI BS Age-0 Ecology (Brodeur)
C SEBSCC Rates of Photosynthesis (Henrichs) L FOCI SS Age-0 Ecology (Brodeur)
D SEBSCC Origin and Dynamics of Nutrients (Whitledge) M FOCI Biophysical Control of Secondary Production (Napp)
E SEBSCC Habitat Differences (Brodeur) N FOCI Egg Density (Kendall)
F SEBSCC Scales of Variability from Cores (Francis) O ARI Greenbelt (Schumacher)
G FOCI SS Line 8 (Napp) P FOCI/ GLOBEC NPac Observations (Schumacher)
H FOCI BS Larval Feeding (Bailey) Q NSF BS Inner Front (Schumacher) 
I FOCI SS Late Larval Index (Kendall) R Tsunami Mooring Maintenance (Wendland)

EcoFOCI Project Office
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, Washington 98115
Comments and information:
  EcoFOCI Coordinator

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