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Southern Africa Regional Program

Southern Africa remains the global epicenter of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. The World Bank has stated that the “hyper” epidemic in the countries at the epicenter is a continental – and global – exception, unlikely to occur elsewhere. In 2007, the region accounted for 35 percent of all people living with HIV worldwide and 32 percent of the world’s new HIV infections and AIDS deaths. According to UNAIDS, in 2005, eight countries in southern Africa (Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, and Zimbabwe) had a national adult HIV prevalence higher than 15 percent. Prevalence rates in the region have for the most part leveled off. Although Swaziland, Zambia, and Zimbabwe appear to have had significant declines in prevalence, UNAIDS cautions that the extent of these declines is not clear due to inconsistencies in the data.

The USAID Regional HIV/AIDS Program (RHAP), based in Pretoria, South Africa, supports five PEPFAR focus countries, three bilateral programs, and three non-USAID presence countries (Botswana, Lesotho, and Swaziland). RHAP responds to regional priorities on HIV/AIDS, focusing on prevention, human capacity development and capacity building, and partnering with African institutions; promoting knowledge management and the sharing of best practices; and ensuring donor coordination and harmonization. In addition, RHAP provides quality technical assistance through five regional advisors and coordinates additional technical assistance for regional programs as needed.

View the USAID HIV/AIDS Regional Health Profile for Southern Africa - September 2008 [PDF, 174KB].

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