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USAID/East Africa

The USAID/East Africa Mission focuses on enhancing regional capacity to improve health systems, through strengthening regional institutions, enhancing policy dialogue, and supporting training institutions to improve technical capacity. USAID/East Africa is funding the Commonwealth Regional Community Health Secretariat, representing 14 African Ministries of Health, to develop a 5-year HIV/AIDS regional strategy and resource mobilization plan. In 2001, USAID/East Africa supported training needs assessment in nine African countries, carried out by the Centre for African Family Studies, and funded additional training courses in HIV/AIDS prevention and care based on the findings of that study. USAID/East Africa also expanded its current work to strengthen financial health systems in the region by including HIV/AIDS in National Health Accounts.

Access more information on USAID's HIV/AIDS Program in East Africa, May 2005 [PDF, 930KB].

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