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GreenTruck Provides Environmental Info

Welcome to GreenTruck, a service provided by American Trucking Associations in cooperation with the Transportation Environmental Resource Center. This site provides timely and reliable information about environmental compliance requirements at trucking and vehicle maintenance facilities. From underground storage tanks to diesel smoke testing, we've got your answers.

Air & Fuel

Partnership Aims To Reduce Pollution, Greenhouse Gases

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's SmartWay Transport is a voluntary partnership with leading members of America's truck and rail transport sector which aims to reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from ground freight carriers such as trucks and locomotives.

Reducing Idling Emissions

Anyone who has driven on interstate highways knows big rigs idle overnight while their drivers sleep. The trucks are kept running to heat and cool the cab and sleeper, mask noises, keep the fuel warm in winter and avoid cold starting, as well as for personal safety. Instead of letting their engines idle, operators may want to consider using separate devices for cab heating and cooling and engine block warming.

Retrofit Program: A Resource For Reducing Emissions

The EPA's Voluntary Diesel Retrofit Program provides a variety of information to assist with the deployment of low-emission diesel technologies.

Information On Alternative Fuels, Vehicles

The U.S. Department of Energy's Alternative Fuels Data Center is a one-stop shop for alternative fuel and vehicle information. DOE's Clean Cities Program supports public-private partnerships that deploy alternative fuel vehicles and build supporting alternative fuel infrastructure. These sites contain information on alternative fuels, alternative fueled vehicles (including heavy-duty vehicles), refueling sites and more.


Fuel For Thought ... How to Reduce Wastes at Your Shop

Waste reduction and pollution prevention (P2) options to help you save money while protecting the environment.

EPA Rewards Businesses Going Extra Mile

EPA's National Environmental Performance Track program rewards companies that exceed minimum regulatory requirements and take extra steps to reduce and prevent pollution.

Energy Star Promotes Energy-Efficiency

Learn how you can save money by reducing energy usage at your facility.


Oil Spill Prevention, Preparation And Response

To address the potential environmental threat posed by petroleum and non-petroleum oils, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has established a program designed to prevent, prepare for and respond to any oil spill affecting the inland waters of the United States.

Requirements For HazMat Incident Reporting

When are Hazardous Materials most hazardous? When they're released! The scene of an incident can be chaotic, so the right actions may not always be obvious. Find out whom you should inform if your involved in an incident where a release or a suspected release of a hazardous material has taken place in transportation.


Underground Storage Tank System Upkeep

An underground storage tank system (UST) is a tank and any underground piping connected to the tank that has at least 10 percent of its combined volume underground. The federal UST regulations are designed to reduce the chance of releases from USTs, detect leaks and spills when they do occur, and secure a prompt cleanup. Read more about these regulations and the responsiblities of owners and operators here.

Safe Fuel Handling Practices

Safe handling of fuel is everyone's responsibility. You can take steps to ensure that your own safety and health, as well as that of those around you, and the environment, are protected.

Detecting Releases

All regulated tanks and piping must have release detection so that leaks are discovered quickly before contamination spreads from the UST site.



Updated NPDES Compliance Inspection Manual Available

The recently updated National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Compliance Inspection Manual is now on the public EPA website.

Wash Discharges Covered Under Act

Section 301 of the Clean Water Act prohibits a point source discharge of pollutants into waters of the United States without an NPDES permit. To legally discharge it's wash water, a Pressure Washer must obtain an NPDES permit for each discharge location.

Certain Motor Vehicle Waste Disposal Wells Banned

During normal vehicle repair and maintenance activities, vehicle fluids may drip or spill or otherwise enter floor drains or sinks in service areas. These fluids may include: engine oil, transmission fluid, power steering fluid, brake fluid, hydraulic fluid, antifreeze, chlorinated or non-chlorinated parts-cleaning solvents and degreasers. If your facility has an onsite disposal system (e.g., a dry well or septic system), these fluids can introduce various toxic chemicals into sources of drinking water.

Storm Water Permit Program For Transportation Facilities

To limit pollutants in storm water discharges from transportation facilities with vehicle maintenance shops and equipment cleaning, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Phase I Storm Water Program includes an industrial storm water permitting component.

On the Road to Clean Air
10 Tips for Truckers and the Environment

Bush Signs Small Business Liability Relief Legislation

President Bush amended Superfund by signing the Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act.

Which States Test Heavy-Duty Diesel Emissions?

As more states plan to test heavy duty diesel trucks, Greentruck's map illustrates the how, what, where, and when of state smoke testing programs.

Reporting Guidelines For Chemical Releases

The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act ensure all emergency responders have vital information to help protect the public by managing chemical risks.

Click a State, Get Water-Protection Info

Need to know who to call for water-protection and wellhead information in your state? We've got a point-and-click map to get you the facts fast. Try it out!

Got a Spill?
Click to go to the National Response Center

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