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How to Submit a FOIA Request

[Note: Before submitting a FOIA request, check Frequently Requested Information to see if the information you need is available online.]

You have several ways to submit your FOIA request for records in the possession of EPA's Region 2 office (for NJ, NY, PR and USVI):

Option 1: Online: Complete Region 2's Online FOIA Form and submit it electronically.

Option 2: E-Mail: Send your FOIA request to Region 2 electronically at foia.region2@epamail.epa.gov

Option 3: Facsimile: Fax your FOIA request to Region 2 at (212) 637-5046, Att: Wanda Calderon.

Option 4: Mail via Postal Service to:
Freedom of Information Officer
U.S. EPA Region 2
290 Broadway, 26th Fl. New York Y 10007-1866

If you elect to use the Online FOIA form, e-mail or facsimile, please do not mail a follow-up letter. Please direct any questions to the Freedom of Information hotline at (212) 637-3668.

To save time and money, please be as specific in your FOIA request as possible. Provide the full and complete name(s) of the facility(ies) you are inquiring about, the complete address(es), and a specific statement regarding which documents you wish to receive. Since many facilities are regulated under more than one Federal environmental law, please indicate the program or programs from which you desire to request records. If you need database lists for a ZIP code area, please include the state and the needed databases. Please also indicate which form or formats you would like to recieve the infomation in.

Your request should also include a statement regarding your willingness to pay statutory fees for the information requested.


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